ATT Veeky Forums
I put in this address:
>0.1 ETH
First one to roll quads gets hint
ATT Veeky Forums
I put in this address:
>0.1 ETH
First one to roll quads gets hint
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you
found it, thanks OP!
u mad bro
prove it with tx hash
thx bruh
Shit the wallet is empty.
you left 10k ELTCOIN behind :')
>0.1 ETH
2 missing characters of pvtkey
2 characters exponentially increases the bruteforce time.
gib me a muhfuggin hint
Pls more hint user. theres over 10000 possible combos
Make it 1 character again and I'll have a go at it.
4172248 ----- next quads is ---- > 4173333
This, I am not cliggen 10000000000000000000000000000000 combos for useless coins
second missing char begins with s
Any treasure hunters left?
Missed it with seconds again. Fuck.
thx again bruh
u can keep ur eltcoins
Fuck you, let others have a go at it faggot. You have 4 fucking eth.
post solved key?
son of a bitch I was close, actually. thanks
I found both wallets, literally missed by being a slow clicker to generating transactions.
bring on number 3
u can still grab all the eltcoin but u will need to send enough eth to cover the gas and be the first to send it
thx OP it was fun
I can't even cover my own gas, I've been trying to solve some puzzles all week.
>0.25 ETH
3 missing characters of pvtkey
any hints?
Still not solved...
This would literally take days. You need to give a hint OP.
Is a shill thread?
Yeaaaah boy
consider this a trade signal
How do I start cracking these on a mac?
Wow this getting people to send eth to account scam really works doesnt it?
So you can just use your bot to pull it out?
Unless you can program, you don't.
Also >mac
Lol tried a random numbers and letters actually got a wallet but its empty... took 2 tries.
Nice, just got it! Thanks!
here I tried this ''785'' for the ''???''
You'll find a wallet whichever number you try there. Finding OP's wallet is the deal.
I literally just got the 10k ELT out of the first one so dont even waste your time on it.
ah yeah figured so.. I can't code so this is useless to me...
I don't care about the ELTs user, take them.
A hint, OP?
>Leaves behind 20 dollars cause he's more interested in trying to get 27 dollars.
just pulled the 25k out of the other one. thanks OP!
>20 dollars
>Max bid is 0.000003003 ETH
Holy shit where do I buy this>
This coin so promising
I just got 25k of it which is currently about 20 dollars worth.
Hey, I wouldn't know what to do with the hint even when i get these 2's
better to sweep the address ASAP then wait to manually add the token beforehand
got it!! thanks OP!
someone found the 3rd one, whats the fourth???