>Bitcoin goes up
>Bitcoin Cash Goes up
Why? Will this continue past the fork?
>Bitcoin goes up
>Bitcoin Cash Goes up
Why? Will this continue past the fork?
Other urls found in this thread:
If the fork turns out to be the clusterfuck some claim it will be, then possibly.
Bitcoin Cash is a scam pump and dump being run on Completely false Fork Fud. Segwit2x is mortally wounded, and will have to limp along on Core 14 for 6 months. It is absolutely no threat to Bitcoin Core. Once this deceit is discovered. Bitcoin cash will crash back to $150. Pic VERY related.
Those bags are going to feel like lead shortly.
fuck off retard this isn't an altcoiner street shitter thread
Bitcoin Cash IS an Altcoin, Mong. I am a Bitcoiner. (You) look like a FOOL, DON'T you?
evening sirs, please take my humble advise, cash will achieve status as the longest chain as measured by total PoW and will be seen as the new king, god bless and thank you kind sir
Fuck off, Pajeet.
fuck off segwit shill