Time to go all in

less than 12 hours before the devcon3 talk.
the first version of the product will be shown.
a partnership with fortune 500 company will be disclosed.

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I seriously am baffled that this coin is not at 200mill+. With all that's to be released and the all star team I can't believe this coin is barely above what it traded for back in May. Like seriously, is this the most obvious moon mission to me or am I seeing things? If golem can hit 600mill back in June why can't rlc at least hit 100 on merit. Seriously wtf.

No hype you retardo, crypto love hype and this coin doesn't have any marketing

>With all that's to be released
That's why

All the more reason to invest in it right now. They have actually real created a nice brand are just starting to market it now. But still it's crazy undervalued in my eyes.

It's not like golem released anything and it's still at 200mill. Hopefully all the hodlers get compensated nicely

"a partnership with fortune 500 company will be disclosed." how do you know this lol, sounds like pure shill



Yeah just used up my last btc gains on this Shiller

Yo wtf is up with those sell walls