Where do I go and why?
Crisis of faith
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What were your parents / grandparents?
Modern religion is about tradition and culture. You won't get fulfillment if you simple choose a new religion. You will never be a part of its community like a person born into it. You will always be more fit for the dominant religion in your environment.
Some vague deism.
Op here: no religious background. I've been Anglican for years now however
tell god to fuck off
Go to a Catholic church
Catholics aren't Christian
This isn't an answer you'll find here my friend. Visit your local Orthodox Church and talk with the priest, attend the Divine Liturgy and other services. Pray most importantly, it is the backbone of a Christian life. Best of luck user.
in the 60's they had a spiritual quest. they wanted to discover the cosmic consciousness. the hippies used lsd to falsely achieve this c.c. and it ended up pickling their brain.
i believe the cosmic consciousness is achieved by studying all the major world religions. ALL of them. They all have huge amounts of human knowledge to pull from.
This and checked. Personal prayer is extremely important.
What feels right to you?
Just don't be a contrarian and go LARP like some fat wiccan goth chick
What is that painting?
radical atheism
Ilya Glazunov, butthurt christcuck who wanted USSR to perish and then when it actually did he got butthurt even more
Orthodox Christians being confronted by Bolsheviks
>then when it actually did he got butthurt even more
because of capitalism and coca cola
In what way? They profess belief in the One True God and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
Orthodoxy cuz less dead ritualism, much less dull service and more fulfilling than Catholicism
They are more christian than any bullshit protestant sect.
I tried looking for faith; then found one of my own.
atheism is a spook
>Where do I go and why?
Abrahamics are hell-bound devil worshipers - so not there.
>Where do I go and why?
Islam, or one of the few denominations of Christianity that doesn't worship Jesus as a God or believe in Trinitarianism, like the Gospel Assembly.
Why got a church or mosque near you and talk with the priest and imam about it?
Also why do you have a crisis?
I'm gonna get memed hard for this but what about Islam?
It's a religion that provokes interest due to it's background and vastness (qur'anic tafsir and hadith collections). You may or may not find truth in in it but go to a mosque and/or talk to some actual believing muslims, or better yet listen to some scholars who know what they're actually talking about.
I hope you find what you're looking for, OP
watch some jordan peterson kid.
Islam is theologically bankrupt, it's why so many well-educated muslims convert to catholicism when they move to Europe.
>converting to a warmongering shit religion
Nice try Muhammad
True for mainstream sects, but Sufisim has depth.
[citation(s) needed]
Seriously you can't just say that without backing it up. You have provided no evidence or argument as to why Islam is "theologically bankrupt" or a "warmongering shit religion" or any figures citing people leaving it for Catholicism.
Can you people even try to be impartial? Memes and shit are funny and all but they have a way of deluding your thinking because you categorize things disproportionately or out of context and next thing you know your depth of knowledge doesn't go further than funny images with captions or one dimensional satire that doesn't express any true knowledge of the subject matter but because it's funny, you identify with it. Fuck off.
spooky post