You will be teleported to 1914 for a week, you can bring one piece of technology with you and can choose to give it to one of the leaders of a major world power and explain how it works to them in hopes of changing the 20th and 21st century, what would you do ?
You will be teleported to 1914 for a week...
I would give a fleshlight to Joseph Stalin.
give Franz Ferdinand's driver a map of Sarajevo
A couple maps of the world that show them they all stand to lose their Empires if they decide war is a good idea. I'll hand them out to all the world leaders.
I would give any of them (probably the Brits or Krauts) a detailed modern history book.
Failing that, I would give Hitler a tamagotchi.
cum in my hand before I shake Churchill's
I bring AIDS and give it to Wilson.
I bring a gun and then shoot them all.
Either give the Kaiser the Bomb for keks or Woodrow Wilson/Trotsky a round of 5.56 to actually change the world for the better.
Give Trotsky a copy of "the age of extremes" and say to him to kill Stalin asap
12 hours a day Herr Hitler.
Why would you give it to a leader of a major world power?
Thats the worst possible thing to do.
A British world atlas with multilingual citations... The sort that exists in college libraries and is only updated every 20 years. I would get an edition from the early 80s or 90s where communist countries exist and send photos of each page to the new York times, LA times, and the newspapers of record once a week until every page has been photographed and mailes out
>Implying you all wouldn't bring a laptop full of anne frank pictures
>not bringing katana
AIDS already existed during that time you faggot
people called it "Germany" back in time
I'd give Willy a nuke. Or failing that, just shoot him.
Cuckold porn
Give anzacs ak 47s
I’d give Ludendorff a history of communism book to show him what sending Lenin to Russia would eventually do to Germany by the end of the Second World War.
I like Ludendorff but I feel like that was his most tragic misstep (and the submarines).
A rifle. I demonstrate it on Woodrow Wilson
Who will teach the republics to elect good men, then, you monster?
Show anime to Emperor Taisho
Wait until 1936 and give nukes to hitler
>Not trap JAV porn
They would probably prefer to take the risk rather than to be gobbled up by their neighbors
Do you want japan to dismantle itself?
>nukes Japan himself and turns it into a radioactive wasteland to stop the future
How do you convince the world leaders that they're actually from the future and not just some random ass alt his fiction?
a smartphone with worldmap.jpeg
Give Stalin a folder full of futa
>not shota Stalin hentai