Has any major civilization ever not committed at least one great act of evil?
Has any major civilization ever not committed at least one great act of evil?
All of them, since we're all just bags of wet carbon on a mote of dust orbiting a point of light and therefore nothing is absolutely good or evil.
user, easy on the Rick and Morty...
Bye reddit
France has done nothing wrong
New Zealand
Your ignorance is impressive.
Haiti was pretty fucked up under French rule.
Does Slavery count? If yes, then basically everyone has commited a great act of evil.
If not, then I'd say ancient greece.
All wh*tetoids need to die. You are an evil degeneration of the Human race, living on stolen land after raping and pillaging half of the world.
A big black TURAN cock will take over all the white countries and you will dissapear by action of the TÜRK man.
Island countries are pure good
What's with up with Turk larpers pretending to be black?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Do not mention H*iti on this board
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Biggest Empire, responsible for death of many.
The whole minotaur myth was probably true that Knossos demanded tribute from other islands
Rape of Nanking
Carib Cannibalism or Communism, take your pick.
>New Zealand
Maori Cannabilism
Aboriginal society does not protect against incestuous rape.
Any other Island you want to defend?
What about Sri Lanka?
>Whites are cowards for using rifles.
>Ottomans are brave for using muskets
>Mongols & Turks are brave for using recurve bows
>Blacks are brave for using throwing spears.
Your bait amuses me.
This one is recent also.
>ancient greece
I meant New Zealand proper now. If we held the tribals to count we'd be here all day
poor south african whites being totally left off there lol
also... that many blacks in russia??
Tonga, Madagascar, Greenland, New Caledonia, Isle of Man, Vancouver Island, Bermuda, Bahrain, Aland, Soqotra, St Pierre et Miquelon, Galapagos, Rapa Nui, any of the Marshall Islands
Turks got so heavily bantz'd about their mystery meat race they started larping as the one race they probably aren't: niggers.
Name 1 bad thing America did
Don't you know anything about the Delian League
Considering humanity is a violent species I'd be very surprised if any nation has not done something evil at one point
What's this map about
Not because it’s morally wrong necessarily, but it completely fucked up the southern economy by making it dépendant on this specific source of labor and resulted in a large, unskilled, and uneducated working class addition to the population.
>Rapa Nui
They buried people leaving only the head exposed for hundreds of years
India in the 90s
USA in the 90s
Really most countries in the 90s, then it's back to savagery after Barry Hussein
Slavery wasn’t evil but the abolition of it was
>Greenland and Vancouver Island
The Inuits practiced Infanticide.
Forced Labor by Manuel Cobos
>Isle of Man
Vikings, Irish and obviously Slavery
You don't need to look at history to see the the bad things happening in bahrain.
They're Swedish/Finnish and they share in the crimes of the Swedish Empire.
You could either condemn Socotra for it's help in creating the british empires(freely offering an outpost for brittain) or you could condemn the muslims for forcing the christians into the interior of the island.
>St. Pierre et Miquelon
honestly too small to be of consequence
>Tonga,Marshall Islands,New Caledonia,Rapa Nui
Polynesian societies had strict infanticide and a weird two child policy.
I didn't say athens, surely corinth or thebes are better candidates to be chosen.
Slavery, Genocide, torture, etc.
The U.S. has done some fucked up shit
>90s america
Gulf War, Haiti Coup
>90s india
India practices horrible things every day, 90s included.
of whom?
Or maybe he doesn't know about Ancient Greece in general. The Ancient Greeks waged war with an almost genocidal intent. In battle they chased their opponents with ferocious bloodlust, in victory they dedicated trophies to the massacre of their enemies. There's also the fact that they casually murdered both prisoners and civilians. In the aftermath of siege this was a common occurrence:
>Straightway Dionysius' entire army burst into the city (...) nowevery spot was a scene of mass slaughter; for the Sicilian Greeks, eager to return cruelty for cruelty, slew everyone they encountered, sparing without distinction not a child, not a woman, not an elder. [2] Dionysius, wishing to sell the inhabitants into slavery for the money he could gather, at first attempted to restrain the soldiers from murdering the captives, but when no one paid any attention to him and he saw that the fury of the Sicilian Greeks was not to be controlled, he stationed heralds to cry aloud and tell the Motyans to take refuge in the temples which were revered by the Greeks. [3] When this was done, the soldiers ceased their slaughter and turned to looting the property Diod. 14.53
There's also the fact that the Greeks tended to murder all adult males and sell women and children into slavery.
Little school children.
Native Americans since you know we killed like 90% of their population through a mix of diseases and wars
no user, that doesn't count because /pol/ told me injuns are are shit tier race
Now you're just being ridiculous.
There was one instance where whites used smallpox blankets, but most of the indians died before most of the whites even came to america.
All it took was a couple of frenchman to be captured by Indians for their disease to spread and wipeout whole villages by the time the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth rock.
>he literally can't name anything
Don't apply 21st century morals to the past. Many "evil" acts were probably justifiable and made sense at the time. Just because they upset your fees fees doesn't make them evil
The word evil is loaded. The question is bit too broad as a result.
How about a more concrete and simpler question?
>Has any major civilization (cities/governments) ever not committed at least one great (substantial enough) unjustifiable(in relevant context) action?
Countries and stuff
Rape of Nanking is unjustifiable.
Nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki is justifiable.
Sri Lanka's civil war killing the terrorists was justifiable.
Iraq War was unjustifiable.
British leaving their former colonies to fend for themselves was justifiable.
Myanmar buddhist pushing back muslims is justifiable.
Germany instigating a WWII is unjustifiable.
Nice feigned fedora tip, but while morals maybe man made, man made things are no less real and have no less impact, than things made by nature.
And in every case, each of the major nations has commited one or more great evil acts by their own definitions, even if they often write them off as "necessary evils", when they come out on top.
You don't get to the top by being nice - which is why, these days, we go so far as to call traditionally evil things, such as greed, "good". When crooks rise to power, it isn't long before what was once crime becomes normalized. Though it's not as if there isn't always some folks left from the old order to point fingers, even generations after the fact.
The Anglo. Everything they have done was for the greater good, seen here liberating capital hoarded by an ethnic so that it can be invested wisely.
>t. Bong
No, it started way before that. As spanish arrived, diseases wiped out most agrarian settlements.
If we use justifiable as a metric then I think many empires will fit the bill. Brit empire mostly justified in the shitty stuff it did, likewise with France, USA, probably not Germany or Belgium
This was even worse back then.
Surinam is slavic?
Why is Kerala so civilized?
RIP entire race of Savages
rephrase it however you like its still going to be a moral question
Best post
The US
Come on, user. There a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.
Because the dirty westerners or north indians haven't influenced us.
Now stop coming here to hike, smoke and shit up our little paradise.
t. Keralite
>All of them, since we're all just bags of wet carbon
but we're not, otherwise you wouldn't need to say it.
>filipino concentration camps
>indochinese wars (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia)
>native American genocide (to be fair most of them had been wiped out)
>middle eastern wars
>supporting feudal theocracies and polluted corporatist shitholes because of cheap labor and/or resources
Brazil. The only evil we done is for ourselves.
>le everything is le spook XD
You underage faggots realize Rick and Morty didn't invent nihlism?
Spotted the redditfag
It was even more fucked up under hatian rule, so not much of point there