trying to get ppl on the hypetrain for satancoin at
can /biz deliver?
trying to get ppl on the hypetrain for satancoin at
can /biz deliver?
It's not delivery, it's Diporno.
Lewd buy biblepay to make up for this
the only one here trying is you OP
and you're failing horribly
Finally, fuck that Jesus coin
pajeets like u will always turn your back on real money
you dont think this shit will be worth thousands when the real satanists hop on board?
Am doing this right, yes?
Youre the only pajeet here, cunt
oh look, OP read an ERC20 tutorial and thinks Veeky Forums is going to make him rich
^If she's a Satanist, IM a Satanist. Time to buy the whole supply
LMAO They have a BLACKPAPER, fucking kill me
Wasn't gonna buy till I read that shit. Fucking brilliant.
Wat is ERC-69 I'm Vajeenet? What
Top 5 coins of all time hands down lmao
Consider suicide, pajeet.
Quicker to hell
Roachcoin is going to the moon
Lol satanists... Literally base IQs. Partial mongs. Can't even be creative with fake diety...have to throw snatch in to attract other basic virgin non-coiners basement dwellers
Not stop, I'm getting horny
Am getting a partial mong just thinking about you
Pajeet asks. Pajeet gets. I'll buy
so can we all ugly mods arent doing their jobs?