Why have women throughout history been denied the right to fight in wars despite proving themselves quite capable? Besides, is there anything more wonderful than this?
Why have women throughout history been denied the right to fight in wars despite proving themselves quite capable...
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First off, no they across the board can't pass the physical standards, so that's already a misstatement. And the main reason is unit cohesion. It's psychologically jarring to be within death's grasp, getting microlesions of the brain from explosions going everywhere, having another human trying to slit your throat, and seeing the utter carnage of blown apart hunks of meat that used to be a human without the added psychological shock of someone who reminds you of your mother or the intrinsic biological instinct of having to protect the female to add a cherry on top of that cluster fuck. Not to mention logistical support and, again, unit cohesion. Like down time where you're all sitting in the oven of desert heat in an MRAP, pissing in water bottles, and now she has to whip out her pussy to do the same thing. Or the literal rape that happens in the mainly 18-20 year old infested fraternity that is the enlistedman's military.
Basically, just stop and think fucknuts.
there were often whole squads of women fighting in the mexican revolution, some even became CO's. they are well known as adelitas. they were basically revolutionary housewives because they also cooked and cleaned.
Biologically, women are valuable baby factories and men are expendable tools used to keep the baby output steady. A culture which loses 50% of its women is fucked for generations, but one that loses 50% of its men can replace its losses relatively easily
This. See Serbia during & after WW1.
I dunno. It isn't like the military is 90% of the population to have a real impact (except when it is like a total fucking war where women would be into gorilla warfare and shit anyway).
In a settled persons' society (not nomads etc.), warriors don't get free training - being a warrior is a career and there is an established tradition for the army. So you have stuff like where the woman would be surrounded by a bunch of men she doesn't know, and it can be an issue.
In guerrilla warfare, or historically amongst various steppe nomads, women did fight. In the former case, they did because there was no other option. In the latter, because they ended up being good horsemen and archers anyways, and were used to a rough life not any different from the life of warriors on the steppe.
Until guns came about, strength and endurance was everything in soldier. Your whole society raised men to value these qualities, while no such was happening for women, so in addition to the biological differences (~50% less muscle mass), women just were not prepared for it in anyway (and all that remains true today, if to a lesser degree). Plus, the armies of old were often paid in part by plunder - and that often included rape.
After guns, everything mentioned comes up, even if it's less of an issue in a modern trained army. Most of those problems, however, go away entirely if the forces are sexually segregated. All female units can be fairly effective, though yes, generally it's guerrilla tactics born out of desperation.
Still, the VC women were often cooed had a kill count on par with their male counterparts. A few of which went on to become prime ministers and other leaders in the Vietnam government, bragging about their kill counts the whole way. Lotta freaky stories behind that (even if yes, a lot of VC women also got raeped, but so did a lot of non-VC and non-combatants, so you were probably better off with a gun.)
> no such was happening for women
How female peasant requires less endurance than male?
>Why have women throughout history been denied the right to fight in wars despite proving themselves quite capable?
Name any war in which women serve a non-token role in war
>All sports have a strict distinction between male and female because otherwise the later one would be obliterated
Men and women are physically equal until the age of 12.
But what about female only chess???
>implying women have the arm muscle strength to move a men's regulation chess piece
Women are not white
Will we ever get pregnant hentai of this commie-killing Jewfu?
because the men are more expendable.
In total war women would be working in factories, not fighting a guerilla war.
I was beating girls up easily when I was 10.
How can you miss the most central part of the historic male-female social divide - That women were far too valuable to throw away in wars? Add to that the fact that many places saw warfare as a duty that only certain portions of the society had and it's easy to see why woman weren't warriors historically without us even needing to go into biology and psychology.
Nice moving of the goalpost.
Girls were still allowed in my judo competitions until 12. Then the sex classes were mandatory.
Because they did less physically demanding work.
You got beaten up by a girl before 12?
lads think about it, girls like dick... Doesn't that make them faggots?
>muh equality t.manlet
Why the fuck do you think no civilizations but some fantasybook ones had women in military? Do you brainlets think society runs on itself? Do you faggots think that men and women are actually equal? Women are one of the most important resource people have when it comes to preserving their people. Men are the expendable ones, yet stronger. Only a idiotic coward would put their women to die in front of them.
You only need 1 man to start the lives of hundreds (in a very wierd scenario) but you need hundreds of women to do it. War is about eliminating the other people. Like dj khaled would say never ever play yourself.
No, but at that age the skill and technique can still allow a weaker individual, like a girl, to win a judo match. However, once puberty occurs strength difference becomes a more decisive factor. Hence the division is made.
Wrong an average healthy boy is still more stronger than an average healthy girl. I knew some skinny guys age 10 or 11 in my class who death gripped girls that practiced judo.
That is not the point I am making here brainlet. The strength difference increases as puberty occurs, before that skill and technique COULD still make up for lack of strength, but afterwards it becomes futile, that is why they still competed in a mixed group.
Spotted the flaw there soyknight
What makes you think I am a soyknight dumb ass, you realize that judo was developed by a scrawny manlet to fight off bigger guys right? The fact is that when I did competitve judo, up until the participants were 12 the groups were mixed gender.
isn't this a Hungarian girl who fought during the '56 Revolution
>father died in death camp
>communist mother
>got memed into anti-communism and nationalism by degenerate friends
>ended up getting shot by a random bullet during revolution
>Filename: WWII
>Pic is from 1956
Come on now
>In guerrilla warfare, or historically amongst various steppe nomads, women did fight. In the former case, they did because there was no other option. In the latter, because they ended up being good horsemen and archers anyways, and were used to a rough life not any different from the life of warriors on the steppe.
>tfw no west saharan gf
>got memed into anti-communism
there's no such board on Veeky Forums you goofball
Underrated post
Đéo nhá
A lot of Nam women have to go and fight your sad little city boiz who always complains about food, weather,...but they don't know even a woman can overcome those difficulties.
Gotta check again, cuz your troop suck, and that is the reason why you lose the war.
Face it.
>denied the right
Imagine being spared from being conscripted against your will, sitting in wet trenches for weeks on end, with rats and lice crawling all over you, dead bodies and pieces of bodies all around you, with machine gun fire annihilating your friends and being driven insane by constant shelling until you too die, is treated as a bad thing.
Fuck women are eternal whiners. You should be fucking grateful.
Maybe because they are necessary for repopulating? Letting them die is a stupid thing to do
women fought in plenty of wars
Not actually serving in the war, but yes they're aiding in the war effort. Does that mean boy scouts collecting scrap metal were child soldiers?
women have fought in plenty wars. It has become more common since the XXth century but even before you have many somewhat folkish war heroes being women leading defenses of cities and so.
It’s very rare. The two World Wars for example, only Russia fielded female soldiers and only in the Soviet Union particularly was it even close to being a parity with male soldiers.
Germany was using 13-year old boys during the Battle of Berlin instead of female soldiers.
White knights in squadrons would mindlessly kill themselves trying to save a female ally.
Germany didn't because of ideological reasons, not because they were somehow unable to
>let's topple the technocratic dictatorship and establish a constitution, user
how do you respond?
well funny that the only time people can point to women doing actual fighting in war time are in times of desperation when they also deploy 12 year old boys and their grandfathers to fight.
Almost like it's less than an ideal situation.
Women are laughably weak. Go work out a gym with a woman of similar height and weight to see you will dumbfounded once you realize just how weak they actually are. The average emaciated neckbeard basement dweller with a crt tan can easily subdue even the type of girl that goes to the gym who does squats and deadlifts.
>but one that loses 50% of its men can replace its losses relatively easily
Not so sure, seeing how Europe is still lagging behind after the world wars clusterfuck
Again, wrong. People tended not to before recent times, but since then many armies, even winning armies, have accepted women in their ranks. The germans didnt, even if it would have benefited them, because it was contrary to their beliefs. Same reason why they wasted so many resources trying to put perfectly able (until they got a hold of them) workers down in concentration camps while they seriously needed the industrial force
They’ve done it in more recent times because it’s less physically strenuous to drive a tank or lay prone with a sniper or fly a plane than it is to ride a horse in full armour and swing a steel blade around.
hang yourself
reminder that she was a Jew which implies that any attempts to overthrow Soviet-friendly government or Soviet union itself is Jewish