Mfw Core gets dumped and we’re left with Segwit2x vs. Cash

>mfw Core gets dumped and we’re left with Segwit2x vs. Cash

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it couldn't be worse than the current shit state of trying to actually use bitcoin

Core is useless. segwit8x is king now

There's no dumping, it's just one coin, there will be no free coin giveaway. S2x will be the new core though yes. Faster transactions is good thing

>trying to get rid of the team of devs that have kept bitcoin alive for years
>trading them for the 1 shitty dev whose running an ICO...whose use case is resisting hardforks
i cant tell if you retards are seriously thinking this is a good thing

you dumb nigger, segwit transactions cost 10cents/block. we're only at fucking 10% adoption
none of you fucking retards even keep up with the network, kys, stop spreading fud and pretending like you know what you're talking about
the only people running full nodes are running CORE nodes, no actual human is running fucking btc1 nodes, they're all fucking zombie nodes

but m8 you're not seeing it
Cash it about to fork into Bitcoin Cash2

segwit8x is better than 2x. Its much much faster. 2 is a pseudo improvement and the scaling issues will be back once more in a few months at best. The 2x folks want you goyim to use their proprietary Lightning network. They are intentionally still nerfing Core and 2X

How can you tell the difference between a real and fake node angry user?

oy vey. The goyim know shut it down