Explain the Council of Florence to me please
Explain the Council of Florence to me please
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I wish the schism had mended then we could have gotten some Russian reinforcements to help fight the Prautists
Well whoever made that meme is a filthy papist.
fucking catholicucks
I'm so happy right now.
Yeah, I'm the guy who made it and I'm a papist.
Basically, the Catholics and the Orthodox came together and reunited at the Council of Florence. The Orthodox ended up backing out of the agreement made at the council because of the pressure from the Muslims (Turks) that were basically decimating their empires and they became schismatic... again. If you ask a modern Eastern Orthodox about the council, they will try to weasel out of it saying that even though their church's hierarchy accepted it, the masses of the Eastern Orthodox didn't. In that case, what's the point of clergy? Is the Church a democracy?
>The expression "from the Father through the Son" is accepted by many Eastern Orthodox. This, in fact, led to a reunion of the Eastern Orthodox with the Catholic Church in 1439 at the Council of Florence: "The Greek prelates believed that every saint, precisely as a saint, was inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore could not err in faith. If they expressed themselves differently, their meanings must substantially agree. . . . Once the Greeks accepted that the Latin Fathers had really written Filioque (they could not understand Latin), the issue was settled (May 29). The Greek Fathers necessarily meant the same; the faiths of the two churches were identical; union was not only possible but obligatory (June 3); and on June 8 the Latin cedula [statements of belief] on the procession [of the Spirit] was accepted by the Greek synod" (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 5:972–3).
>Unfortunately, the union did not last. In the 1450s (just decades before the Protestant Reformation), the Eastern Orthodox left the Church again under pressure from the Muslims, who had just conquered them and who insisted they renounce their union with the Western Church (lest Western Christians come to their aid militarily).
Also, this is the other meme I made. :D
Catholics are the ones who must submit to the Eastern church but before that they must learn to stop molesting children.
Lmao at you, I haven't seen such butthurt person in a long time
Great stuff Man, keep it coming
How do you justify your heresy catholic user?
>became schismatic twice
>calls other heretics
What heresy
>the catholic colonists
Every time
Except the orthodox patriarch broke with Rome not the other way around
The pope was one of the patriarchs. Over time the position accumulated too much power and wealth. Pope Leo tried to take control over all the other churches and was rightfully rejected. His greed knew no bounds though, he favored splitting off from the main branch of Christianity and leading billions of souls astray for his own personal ambitions. This is what catholics unironically defend.
>What heresy
Don't forget partim-partim
Tf is pornocracy, porn is a sin in Catholic church
Also I see you are a prostestcuck because
This fb Answers it better than anything. I don't need to comment the rest since it's a sin in Catholic Church and Catholic Cathecism teaches against it
faith and faith alone
cathcucks will burn
The point I find most important, in any proposed Christian religion is that it is a rational one. When the atheists ask for proofs, we should be giving them. People who promote ignorant, blind faith, and muddy understandings of the oracles of God are my sworn enemies. Anyone who puts a line around our understanding and says "You can go no further" I view it as holy duty to cross immediately.
The word "Faith" originally didn't mean blind belief in the unknown, it meant belief in the unperceived, on the basis of evidence, argument, or a reliable testimony. The very way we use the word harkens back to this original meaning. We use "Faithfulness" as a synonym for loyalty, we use the phrase "have faith" to indicate that we should continue holding to a known truth despite the current circumstances. Telling someone to "have faith" when they just figured out the object of their faith is a lie isn't a noble sentiment, its a meaningless one, on par with telling someone to extend faithfulness to one who has just shown themselves utterly untrustworthy.
The Orthodox idea is that it through the practice of certain esoteric rites and meditations that one comes to "know God", and this is known through a kind of mystical intuition [which is really to say, muh feelings]. Many of the saints are said to have acquired visions or miracles by these means. This idea is found nowhere in Scripture, where the truth is always revealed or substantiated by esoteric revelation, the testimony of witnesses, and solid argument.
Orthodox are idiots, because they think in a religion based on understanding God, that God is incomprehensible.
It's like they've taken the wilful ignorance of most American protestants, not as incidental stupidity, but as a metaphysical principle.