Is racism, materialism and nationalism just a crutch for those who seek to justify their failures in life?
Is racism, materialism and nationalism just a crutch for those who seek to justify their failures in life?
Then why are all you anti white leftists all failures in life?
No its natural in everyone nationalism a little less but the other 2 are normal.
they are collectivism and pro-balkanization/decentralization
Yes. Just look at this spammer @4174694
>"""refuting""" viewpoints through psychologisms
It doesn't even have any substance. It doesn't explain why said viewpoints would be false. It just explains that you're an annoying piece of shit.
>the leftpol subhuman literally can't refute that they are abject failures in life
>being too brain-dead to even read the post you're replying to
If it was correct that every nationalist of the 19th century took nationalism as a crutch for his own deficiencies, that still wouldn't say anything about the validity of the right to national self-determination. The same goes for all viewpoints. They can't be explained through psychologisms, because psychologisms don't touch on their validity, but simply on why people might be inclined to support them.
>refuting irrational beliefs
>Wonderful relationship with girlfriend, living together in appartment
>About to graduate in a STEM field
>Read history and classics in free time
>Strong body from years of doing martial arts and lifting
>Play multiple instruments
Right wingers are certainly miserable failures
>left wing
It fits.
>Right wing
Third position lads
They are literally left wing retard, center at best.
Why does leftypol call me a porky shill when corporationism is discussed then.
>social/political/economic control
Left wing.
>Authoritarism is leftwing
>Corporations with profits, fairly distributed for the workers is "left wing"
>Private property
By your logic many multinationals today are leftists because they have progressive racemixing and homosexual advertisements. Despite it having nothing to do with worker relations.
>corporations is authoritarism
That's stupid. Corporations were made as a protection for the enterpreneurs themselves so they could compete against bigger influence companies.
>distribution policies in a corporation=authoritarism
Are you completely stupid?
Fascism is left wing, lad.
>Everyone is a failure like me
not him but fascism is socially far right though
>/pol/ fascists state that races have the same average IQ even if there are individuals within who are outliers
>/pol/ fascists refute that fascists are on average overweight, unwashed mutts BECAUSE there are individuals within who are outliers
The absolute state of the alt-right
That's an excuse. Economics makes the world keep moving, that's the unique thing right Marx said.
Wrong, you cuck fetishist leftists are all overweight mutts
That's the "nordic" "race" for you.
But materialism is the most logical philosophy.
>implying I'm a leftist
Nice buzzwords, but they won't change the fact you're a fag.
>if you're a fag if you're not an anti white cuck
this is an English speaking board. Come back with a comprehensible reply, Tyrone
>the guy who thinks wakanda is real is calling others Tyrone
Pretty much
>"alt left"
>implying leftypol is a significant part of left wing movements in the west at all
& humanities was a mistake
"Left" and "Right" don't refer to authoritarianism. That's a sperglord meme unique to American libertarians. In reality, they refer to acceptance of social stratification. So Marxism and Anarchism and both far left because they advocate (in theory) a total abolition of class and state, through different methods. Whereas anarcho-capitalism and fascism are both far right because they accept hierarchies based on class or race/nation to fairly extreme conclusions. Liberals and conservatives mostly advocate representative democracies so they're classed as center-left or center-right depending on the finer details, but technically speaking progressives, Hank Hill conservatives and small government libertarians are all "liberals".
No, all of above are natural evolutionary instincts.
>concepts don't change and adequate to the contenporary era
Look at this faggot and his left wing ideology lol
Leftypol is directly allied with reddit and revleft
Yes that goes for pretty much any form of far-left or far-right collectivism, and it always leads to mass genocides or totalitarianism. True alphas are individualists.
So this is the power of le fascist movement...
Okay Tyrese Al Mahul DeSanchezberg my fellow white Nordic Fascist American, you got me really good. See you in the next /sig/ thread :DDDDD
no, but you are
ahahahahahahahhhhhh OH NO NO NO NO
yes. having a well-reasoned dislike for a specific culture isn't, but the average sape will gnash their teeth and call that racism anyway.
perfectly normal
collective pride is a good thing, it's what enables civilization in the first place. the scope doesn't necessarily have to be the nation state, though.
Any Rand and her followers were total losers lmao
>websites are allied
holy shit dude, leave the basement once in awhile
>True alphas are individualists
Pretty sure alphas are the top dog in a collective you dumb fucking queer
t. unaware beta
No dick muncher I'm an individualist
But man can do very little individually.
Even in society like America has massive socialist government in it, it is just called Department of Defence.
so by your logic, you're still a beta.