Why is jewish philosophy such shit?
Why is jewish philosophy such shit?
there's only so much Jewish IQ can do to fix German cultural upbringing
No such thing
No such thing
Communism is the opposite of judaism. Marx hated jews.
Jewish philosophy would be Zionism. Religion doesn't really factor into Marx besides being the "opiate of the masses."
Could you give a legitimate critique of Marxism outside of calling everything you don't like Jewish?
anarchy is savagery
Jamal pls
Marx contended that capitalism and the division of labor estranged laborers from their genuine nature He had in intellect the corruption of the manufactory where specialists performed mind-numbing tedious assignments that didn't require the aptitudes of the ancient hand exchanges. And there was a sense in which the working lesson was constrained into the industrial facilities after being confiscated of their rights by the walled-in area development that changed the convention of collective proprietorship of the arrive in person freehold. But it is clear that numerous individuals really select to work for a huge organization. They like the thought of the suggested lifetime work, the benefits, and the meritocratic bureaucratic structure. Is it distance when individuals select to work in the monster advanced office production line over the hurly-burly of the little startup?
No he quite explicitely acknowledged this form of work until technological advancement would make it unnecessary
Communism failed. This is all critic you need.
Communism was never achieved
Well... Socialism failed too.
>socialism failed
>what is denmark
>so we should give up
he was a jew don't beee sheep people
The means of production are publicly owned in Denmark? :o
Here's a pic to look at the next time you feel retarded.
pretty much this. jesus christ. almost as if most retards discussing Marxism have never read any Marx and/or Engels.