If paganism was so great, why did it get completely subsumed and replaced by Christianity?
If paganism was so great, why did it get completely subsumed and replaced by Christianity?
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It wasn't. Christians just pretend that pagan rituals somehow relate to Christ.
If Christianity is so great, why did it get completely subsumed and replaced by atheism?
The Romans were Christian and they brough civilization with them wherever they want, thus people associated Christianity with progress and stability over backwards pagans
>If paganism was so great, why did it get completely subsumed and replaced by Christianity?
Because the gods never have and never will stop murderers from murdering, liars from lying, traitors from betraying, and/or idiots from idioting...
Humans are animals, bound by natural law. Their souls are bound by divine law.
(Real) paganism recognizes that gods don't serve mortals - mortals worship gods. Abrahamics expect gods to do things for them which is like bacteria expecting you to rearrange your kitchen for the benefit of the bacteria.
>Their souls are bound by divine law.
prove the existence of a soul
People lost some weight when they die, this weight is their soul leaving the body.
Stop replying to him
If christianity is so great how come it's a completely hollowed out religion in todays world?
If the Roman empire was so great why did it fall?
Christianity is about numbers and quantities so it obviously overwhelmed anything qualitative.
All Abrahamic faiths are characterized by the hunger to dominate the entire earth in order to think themselves above nature.
They think that if they build churches on top of Pagan temples this somehow is a victory over nature and that they no longer need to worry about death and decay or can reframe it in a positive light.
Christianity's victory has been purely physical but it has failed to domesticate the spirit for war.
A spirit which they conveniently channel into the enforcers of their law.
Christianity wants it both ways, it wants to indulge in the animalistic impulses of war and sex, but pretend it's some paragon of piety and virtue after being bathed in blood.
They want it all, literally.
>Christians smugly say “Vae Victis” to the pagans complaining about Christianity essentially destroying their religion
>Meanwhile these same Christians cry about people saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because in their eyes that is the destruction of their religion in the same way they did to pagans
Because the Western church converted the Franks and the Eastern Church the Russians, promising the local lords to consolidate their power and increase their wealth. Every land between them then got fucked by genocide and forced conversion.
This is why the killing of monks in Japan was justified, they preach nothing but an ever growing cancer.
Or they will say...
>Thats not real Christianity
How convenient, that *your* version of Christianity after having benefited from the atrocities of the "fake" Christians of the past can inherit the same culture that violence created.
It's easy to denounce other Christian sects, something I don't usually see with Pagans unless it's disavowing Wicca which lacks the ancestral connection needed to be a Pagan faith.
Because Christianity is highly subversive.
Doesn't mean Paganism was bad.
>I'm not fat, I just have a lot of soul
Most people never stopped being pagans. They claim to practice the Christian values and than do the opposite.
whignats and pagans talking about how the strong need to rule and how they are victims at the same time is the most pathetic shit.
Because Christianity had a superior organizational structure and used that in a concerted effort to convert.
Paganism, meanwhile, was a series of loosely organized cults and general beliefs, and practitioners generally didn't go to great lengths to convert others.
Also, the Constantinian dynasty.
>le ironybro xD
>le whignat xD
Same reason Islam completely replaced Christianity until Judaism subsumed it
>prove the existence of a soul
All the proof you need in that screenshot showing a fulfilled premonition, but here's a video with a huge amount of corroborating evidence - don't say you weren't warned, you were:
>real Christians
Yes in Americans trust
>completely subsumed and replaced by Christianity
>subsumed and replaced by ch*istianity
>most revered and appreciated treasure in the Vatican is statues of pagans gods
oh shit
Should muslims come into power, would they attempt to destroy all this beautiful art because statues and pictures offend them?
Destroying any piece of art and literature is justification for genociding you and anyone who shares your disgusting belief IMO. I don't give a shit about your religion, any attempt against this beautiful pagan-subject painting warrants getting killed you and your family whole, useless cancer on earth.
Considering they fucked up the Hagia Sophia, probably.
No wonder even the buddhists are genociding them
Reminder that hellenic, roman and ancient middle east "paganism" is miles different from nordic and celtic paganism. In fact, christianity is a spin-off of the hellenic, roman and ancient middle east religions.
Or they will say...
>That’s not real colonialism
How convenient, that *your* version of colonialism after having benefited from the atrocities of the “fake” Colonists of the past can inherit the same culture that violence created.
It's easy to denounce other Forms of colonialism, something I don't usually see with Monarchism unless it's disavowing anarcho-monarchism which lacks the ancestral connection needed to be a Legitimate form of monoarxhy
paganism was never truly defeated.
paganism has erupted in the renaissance and modern popular culture.
>when you get one of the greatest buildings in the world for free but you don't have the civilizational ability to even maintain it
>why did it get completely subsumed and replaced by Christianity?
Interestingly, a few centuries of extermination camps, death penalties, closure of public temples, and erasure of texts will do that to a set of religions.
No joke that is exactly what would happen.
I may be a faggot /pol/lack and a larper to boot, who pretty much agrees with the Muslims about almost everything concerning the degeneracy of modern Western Civilization, but I would still never make common cause with those bastards almost solely for the reason that they would just destroy all the beautiful creations of the Historical West and the Modern Decadent West will at least preserve them at present (although I wonder how long that will last considering the American trend of destroying/removing any offensive statues).
could you please explain your reasoning for me please. genuinely curious about both of your claims:
>the differences between roman/hellenic paganism and Celtic/Germanic/Nordic Paganism
>Christianity is a spin off of Hellenic and Roman Religions
I would say 'devoured'.
I bet you're from a protestant country, or your IQ is thwarted by stubbornness.
this. the Christians systematically destroyed Paganism in the North.
I grant that the Christians peacefully replaced Roman and Hellenic Paganism, but they only replaced Germanic and Celtic paganism by force.
>a few centuries of extermination camps
>the differences between roman/hellenic paganism and Celtic/Germanic/Nordic Paganism
Celts practiced human sacrifice, all of their teachings got destroyed by the Romans as they killed the druids. Yeah, the druids were a thing, not so much elsewhere.
Nordic paganism is mostly a cheap copy of mediterranean paganism, but inherently depressive and hopeless. Ragnarök is not won by anybody good. Valhalla is hell in every other (including pagan) religion.
Hellenic paganism valued reason, wisdom and philosophy. Logos, in other words. This notion was not present north of civilization.
>Christianity is a spin off of Hellenic and Roman Religions
Heavy influences from pre-pharisee Judaism, Christ's teachings (Roman friendly, close to Socrates in some ways) and Greek philosophy. Circumcision and law worship of Judaism were replaced with ideals and individual, church structure was molded after Roman empire. This goes on into Science as well.
>this. the Christians systematically destroyed Paganism in the North.
Romans did this to Gauls and Carthaginians, Aztecs didn't really bother salvaging the lower religions etc.
It's universal. If we had history going back further, we'd find the European pagans replacing shamanism of the Sami much the same way.
Christianity didn't change the Italians' love for greek mythology since Roman times one bit.
In fact the Italians restored expressing love and interest for pagan subjects with the Renaissance.
It has quite a bit to do with the fall of Byzantine Empire as well. Italians took in a large number of Greeks.
I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Protestantism is mostly a cheap copy of Roman Catholicism, but inherently depressive and hopeless. Roman Catholics valued reason, wisdom and philosophy. Logos, in other words. This notion is not present north of civilization. Could it be something inherent in Germanics?
Yeah. They could have marked it a bunch of heresy and rejected their knowledge, instead they went all greekaboo over them like Greek teachers for your kids are the super cool thing to have again.
>Could it be something inherent in Germanics?
I've been thinking about it, but quite a large swathe of Germanics remained in the Catholic realm. It has to do with opportunism, and I think with certain level of gullible naivete; synonymous with blue eyes.
Tbh, the Greeks were never hated in Christendom. Paper was very expensive, Muslims conquered all of the land where papyrus grew... Whenever Christians got their hands on Greek philosophers, they copied and preserved them.
I have never heard something this dumb on Veeky Forums. No way your IQ is above 80. Leave.
Gantz reference. Such a shitty story.
Technological advancement and knowledge of psychology entrapped entire generations of Europeans. The entirety of information traverse is in the hands of a hostile foreign religion, and it spreads a very negative image of Christianity, promoting stubbornness and rebellion wherever it can.
No, not intentionally at least. Many Greek manuscripts were not preserved by monasteries. Due to the expense and dearth of writing materials however, monastic scribes could recycle old parchments. The parchments could be reused after scraping off the ink of the old texts, and writing new books on the previously used. Fortunately the old writing could be still be retrieved, and that's how many extremely valuable works have been preserved.
t. Buttblasted Pagan who saw this image.
>hostile foreign religion
But that's what christianity is, unless you change its nature completely and make it completely irrelevant to you to the point just being irreligious is better.
Daily reminder the first christians were
you guessed it
I love christianity, I wish all of Nigeria would come to Europe since they are based Christians and wash away the sins of modern atheist degenerates here. Feels good to have a based universalist religion and a pope who kisses their feet, based Jesus does not make a distinction between his flock.
I knew one of you But that's what christianity is, unless you change its nature completely
Basic theology 101 would prove you wrong. Just take an elementary study on the nature of God, and you'll find that God can't be 'foreign'.
> and make it completely irrelevant to you to the point just being irreligious is better.
On the contrary.
>Daily reminder the first christians were JEWS
Not kikes, though, and that's all that matters. If you read Acts, you'll find that every time they went to a Greek / Roman city, they would convert the local jews first. Sometimes the jews would be infuriated and instigate violence (use their goytoys) on the Christians.
According to Talmud, emperor Nero the neckbeard converted to Judaism.
>I want foreigners in my country because of one good aspect I like
Why? I watch anime, and I don't want all Japanese in my country. I don't hate them. In fact, I view them as a beloved neighbor.
Because their countries are poor and as good christians it is our duty to welcome these BASED christians into our homes and wives for the guilt and sin our fathers have commited. Jesus said it was as easy for a rich man to enter heaven as for a camel to pass a needle, sell your belonging and give it to the poor. That fancy computer? You don't need that, sell it and feed Mgube and you may enter heaven.
Where have you seen such a movement? As Christians, we are not meant to be naive and gullible; in fact, we are to go beyond our racial traits such as those. We should do good, and we should be in truth. (Something you can only say about yourself, but that'd be a lie).
The reality is that taking in millions of Nigerians will only lead to worse off Europe, Africa and the world. Take a good long look at how Christians treated Africa once they went there.
Contemporary mass migration is 95% muslim, and the rest are mostly African pagans/fetishists.
>Using a propaganda image made by Jews
The tree worshipper cries out as he strikes you.
>If Christianity is so great why was it initially so persecuted?
Almost like the the greatness of religions have little to do with themselves and more with the empires that sponsor them.
Back to the levant with your abrah*Mic religion
Not really, many of the migrants who arrive on the Southern European shores are West-African christians :), it is important for us to allow them in and give them a warm welcome into our houses and churches.
We Europeans have experienced plenty of wealth, but there are many poor in the world who are currently in miserable existence. Is it not the duty of our religion to help these people in need and share the wealth our ancestors have wrongfully taken from theirs? Sure the continent of Europe might not be as wealthy as before, but all of God's children will be more equally provided in care and love, and that is far more important, as we all share the same afterlife.
Furthermore, even if the migrants are also muslim, it does not mean that they can't convert to christianity, as long as we show them the true path through love and care they will eventually see flaws in their ways and come to christ :)
I love paganism, I wish all of based Congo would come to Europe since they are based paganists and cull the weak christian degenerates in based Congo. Feels good to have a based universal spirit-worshipping religion and based pantheon of gods, based nature spirits don't care who worship them.
>Hurr Christians mindlessly love foreigners
Yes, because Europeans and Christianity loved foreign invaders, sure.
Quality post.
Paganism is corrupted Christianity.
So, like.....
>God sent these Oracles to test your faith you guys
>You should murder them for telling you to worship other gods.
I just.... this is the kind of shit that got me out of Christianity in the first place man...
>. Feels good to have a based universal spirit-worshipping religion
That's Christianity. Pagan religions are tribal and anti-globalist.
Those filthy pagans do not have the same universalist ideals as we do. They see pagans as foreigners who have their own customs but we Christians know that Mbute from the jungle is the same in the eyes of our lord and saviour Yeshuah bar Yosef and must be considered as one of our own.
As long as the people who enter are christians or willing to convert they are more than welcome, I don't understand why you post a picture of a pagan when I am a christian myself :)
>yeah it is a foreign religion that has been extremely hostile in its beginnings to pagans and only became acceptable when it got purged of all middle eastern shit but muh theology says it's good :D:D:D
All monotheistic religions belong with Israel and Israel only.
>Not really, many of the migrants who arrive on the Southern European shores are West-African christians :),
They are still muslims, not Christians. In fact, if some Christians do decide to go along, they get thrown off the boats by the Muslims.
> it is important for us to allow them in and give them a warm welcome into our houses and churches.
Less than 1% of migrants get any refuge from the churches. The churches have 0% input on a secular government's border control. Try shifting the blame where it belongs for once. That'd mean you should speak truth for once in your life, though.
>We Europeans have experienced plenty of wealth
I disagree. Democracies are reliant on usury, and debt is never wealth.
> but there are many poor in the world who are currently in miserable existence
The poor will always be with us t. Jesus, in response to Judas whining about Christ spending money on expensive oils rather than helping out the poor. Grow some balls you brainwashed heretic hippie.
>but all of God's children will be more equally provided in care and love
Ahahaha. Even if you believed that, you'd have to be a reformed Christian - in which case you'd believe in predestination. Their poverty would be their own fault and a showcase of their inner hell.
>as we all share the same afterlife.
See above. In addition, we do not share the same afterlife. It's nonsense. Equality is the first and greatest sin.
>Furthermore, even if the migrants are also muslim, it does not mean that they can't convert to christianity, as long as we show them the true path through love and care they will eventually see flaws in their ways and come to christ :)
You have constructed the weirdest straw man I've seen. Go grab some meds.
More reason to be a pagan to be honest. Globalism is the cancer that is letting millions of shitskins into Europe.
Christianity is Israel. Renamed Judea full of satanists is not, despite the name. Yeah, it confuses people who think in mere hyperlinks and those who fall for the simplest of false flags.
Same shit; stealing names for gains. If whites weren't so gullible...
Cut all your ties with society if you wish. That won't have you change any single thing. You'll just be watching from the sidelines. - As opposed to either the fray or along your brothers.
>Pagan religions are tribal and anti-globalist.
Vikings practiced multi-ethnic slave trade with Muslims.
if the non-christians throw away the ones of our flock it is our responsibility to help them. Perhaps we could set up a volunteering shipping that guarantees safe travel from their conflict zone into safer areas like Europe. Also, the point is not that the church houses them but also that the christians will show kindness and keep people in need for shelter under their own roof.
To your other statements, a lot of wealth in the west was made on exploitation of others, it is outright stealing and that is a sin. Furthermore, even if there are poor, should the dramatic difference we have nowadays be combated? You can say what you want about any sort of christian protestant but the good Pope shows a similar attitude to mine. We share the afterlife together, all good christian souls will go to heaven :)
And there is nothing wrong with believing in the good faith of people, they will convert as long as you try.
So? Vikings weren't the ones who encouraged unity of all those who decided to practice their religion.
Vatican II, read about it. Understand history or reject knowledge.
>ancient rome is tribal
>ancient greece is tribal
>both these are anti-globalist
Were you thinking while posting that? Holy shit revisionist-kun, your IQ can't be above 80.
Even vikings were the least anti-globalist imaginable, as if antiglobalism wasn't silly enough a modern concept for pagans of hundreds of years ago in the first place.
I leave you a reminder : this website is for people above the age of 18.
Yeah, and they lost to a single king who had the will to unify them under a religion. For some reason, kings moved along national lines, too...
>we forbid jews
How do jews manage to get forbidden from everything everywhere? Damn.
>kings moved along national lines
And we have the most retarded post of the thread
whats a vatican II??? sounds pretty based.
Danish vikang conquered and unified Denmark, Swedish one did the same in Sweden. Sure, later on they expanded - England, Norway, Finland, Baltics... The unification did occur along national lines, and they were the distinct core areas.
Vatican II is the post-WW2 scam.
>ancient rome is tribal >ancient greece is tribal
Yes, imperialism does not equal anti-tribalism
And the absence of anti-tribalism equals tribalism? What do you mean by this?
user, you're... you're... you're retarded desu
>And the absence of anti-tribalism equals tribalism?
fake news and misquotations
>fake news and misquotations
Is it, or do you just want it to be?
>literally a "lalala can't hear you"
It's much easier to control people with.
After christianity got it's act together, yes.
www askwhy co uk/christianity/0780Bookburning.php
> Theodosius, Emperor from 379-395 AD, took it on himself to suppress Paganism for good by persecuting the few remaining Pagan leaders of Rome and making Pagan worship punishable by death. He banned the Olympic games and stopped all Pagan worship. Mobs of Christians looted Pagan temples and destroyed temple libraries. Many fine Pagan buildings were also destroyed.
>The Pagan countryside was dotted over with shrines to the gods, some large but mainly small. The murals on the walls of the villas of wealthy Greeks and Romans were scenes of the “divine landscape”, where these shrines of rustic peoples and noble country families hid in groves and glades, by springs and wells. Mostly these groves and shrines were looked after by slaves and eunuchs who tended the trees, replaced dead ones and kept the surrounding gardens neat. Tame animals wandered in the grounds as they do in India, unmolested because they were sacred. The fashionable landscapes of large eighteenth century country house parks in England like Stourhead House and Gardens are Renaissance imitations of this sacred landscape. Classic temples surrounded by deer and peacocks by the carefully sculpted lakes were modelled on the Pagan shrines of the Greeks and Romans.
>Where did the originals go? Barbarians destroyed them, Christian say, and they are right! Ignorant and bigoted Christians took their axes to assault the sacred trees, groves and gardens. Graceful arboreta that were centuries old were chopped up for firewood. Christian monks set about destroying the rural shrines impelled by a manic fervour, but it still took them a century to complete. The orator, Libanius, impotently complained to the emperor Theodosius that “shrines are the very soul of the countryside”.
But it was too late, too little.
It wasn't an oraganised religion like Christianity, it's just what the locals of a given area practiced.