Were the Irish slaves?

Were the Irish slaves?

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1. Yes, the Irish much like every other populace have been enslaved at some point in their history

2. No the indentured servants of the modern period were not slaves, though their treatment was oftentimes just as bad, unlike slaves their service was expected to come to an end and their position was not hereditary

Yes.All irish and irish descendants are ginger niggers

>a meme has a Wikipedia page
It’s false equivalence but partly true
It was only the English which indentured them, many English serfs and peasants were taken to the new world willingly as they had always served their master, these Irishmen were made serfs then taken to the new world
Funnily enough indentured servants being given a bit of land at the end of their service is why the Caribbean became full of black slaves, as you don’t need to give them land at the end of their life

Anyone know what happened to slaves in their 60’s were they allowed to become cooks and the likes or did just so many die from overexertion we have too few examples of what old slaves did to draw a conclusion

>Le ginger Irish meme

There were Irish indentured servants in Barbados, I'm not sure if they were actually slaves though.
I'm Irish and yeah we were treated pretty badly but I think too much of a grudge is held against the British.

There were definitely some Irish slaves taken from the south by Moor pirates.

Yes, many Irish were taken as slaves... by the Barbary pirates. They were never enslaved by the British, tho.

>Barbary pirates
>caring about Ireland
They only went to England to ransom

you don't have to feed indentured servants

Why nobody hasn't bombed the Barbary coast into oblivion to make them pay for their crimes?

you must not understanding the concept of raiding too good.

Please stop saying "slave". You should rather use "enslaved people", as the S word shifts the blame on the victim.

>>a meme has a Wikipedia page


Nope they took an entire village full of people from near Cork.

The barbary slave trade only ended after europeans invaded and colonized north africa

Not the only such raid by any means.

They aren't white enough and therefore it is impossible for them to do any wrong. Never mind the fact that white people ended the slave trade, or that 400,000 white people died to end slavery in America, or that white people pay taxes to support the descendants of slaves in America. That is irrelevant, all white people are to blame for slavery and must feel bad for it.

Or even the fact that more white Europeans were taken as slaves by Muslims than where blacks taken by white Europeans. Hell, more blacks were taken by Muslims than by whites, but that doesn't seem to matter either.

irish slavery never happened but it should have

Do you have a source on that? Looking for something new to read

All ethnic groups have been enslaved at some point. The Irish, Anglos, Scandinavians, Germans, Slavs, Greeks, Italians, etc.
Only in America there are people dumb enough to think that niggers have a monopoly on getting enslaved.

>It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States).
>However, at least 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. As at least 80% of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from the 14 centuries of Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been over 112 million. When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the Trans Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 million people.

Yes, Montserrat and Jamaica saw them used as slaves. Carribbean was mostly where it took place, but this was prior to the transatlantic slave trade involving blacks, so you don't really hear much about it. Once black slavery was a thing, the Irish were dealt with using indentured servitude.

This is of course ignoring the Barbary slave trade, roman shit etc.

Yes, they were indentured servants, though in many cases they were pressured into becoming them

>Why nobody hasn't bombed the Barbary coast into oblivion to make them pay for their crimes?

What is the Barbary Wars for $200, Alex?

No but they should have been