Take it from a veteran. BTC is the only real option

listen to these newfags and fail. Been doing this since 2011. Please dont think BCH is honestly doing anything of value. Don't be ridiculous. And always remember: FUCK YOUR MOTHER, IF YOU WANT TO FUCK. reckless, stupid and unprofessional. enjoy staying neet

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BCH = bitcoin


if you looked at the code without the names no one in 2012 would believe btc is bitcoin

possibly true

yes, possibly. But do I need to explain to you what a speculative asset is? Do you know nothing about the investment you are either interested in... possibly even trading in?

i for nothing else gents, dont waste your money on this. it is not a sure thing, so don't be shilled. I dont need to shill for BTC....obviously. People spouting on about fundamentals, original BTC and assorted wishful thinking garbage really need to take a step back and stop embarrassing yourselves.

if you base your investment on this advice you deserve to loose your wealth

we have IDs

The people posting theflippening links are fucking over BCH right now, just shows that there is no coordination between miners to prepare for a BCH takeover that they are resorting to open letters now