Let's have an educated discussion for once,
What exactly causes Communism / Socialism to fail every time?
Let's have an educated discussion for once,
What exactly causes Communism / Socialism to fail every time?
Go on...
human nature.
The impossibility to determine value objectively.
pricing in production, expansive welfare state no incentive to innovate. Authoritarianism is the only way to preserve communism dictatorship of the proletariat. political class become the new elites fuck everyone in the ass while they live comfy
People get bored of strict authoritarianism after a while. Also dictatorships need to invest hugely and exponentially in their militaries by nature, making their economy weak in other areas.
And the lack of motivation to be creative and diligent.
gay people
humans don't want to work if they don't need to, so nobody works and assumes someone else will work to keep the industry alive
mods, please.
>"Does every communist/socialist state has to be an authoritarian one-party dictatorship?"
It's an economic question on a business related board retard
>hurr durr why isn't every thread about shitcoins
Economic calculation problem, corruption and starvation.
socialism fails because the businesses move out to other countries where there is no socialism.
The inherent greed of man is incompatible with communism. Our greatest motivator is to outdo our neighbours/friends/enemies, and so motivation and productivity crumbles under the red iron yoke instead of flourishing.
Communist are hypocrites. They lied about rewarding people who work. They only want free stuffs.
Communist argue for pirating, they don't think content creators deserve to be rich, they'll shame and attack content creators as money sucking greedy piece of shit if they want to get paid good money if their works become popular.
Tetris creator was paid nothing in communist USSR, Doom was popular and it made the creators rich.
Nobody want to work in communist countries, because working is not rewarded.
there are a fuckton of factors to include, but mainly
Read Culture of Critique
Evolution of technology occurs due to competition. Without (corporate) competition, the status quo sticks around for much longer.
We all had flip phones until blackberry decided to add internet accessibility sales went crazy so Apple said “yeah but look at this.”
Now we have the phones we see on the shelves after about 15 years of companies trying to outdo each other
>all communism fails
Not Posaidism.
To sustain a modern economy you need complex coordination in the allocation of resources. In communism, the pricing mechanism is all fucked up and resources are controlled by the state, i.e. politicians, which is always going to be a disaster because politicians don’t know how to innovate and create wealth, they can only redistribute, hence you end up with a zero sum economy and society in that sort of system, which is hostile and inhumane and fuck, and reveals the essence of human nature (not pretty) which people in the west aren’t even aware exists.
It takes away the rights of the individual if you are not with the majority. Provides no incentive to work harder, why woudl I bother bustign my ass so I cna share my profits with dole living scum.
No thanks
>It takes away the rights of the individual if you are not with the majority.
That's not actually communism, if it's not posadism.
you can't fix communism. you autistic little shit. now go back to pol with your off topic garbage.
>Let's have an educated discussion for once,
>What exactly causes Communism / Socialism to fail every time?
Every single problem that humanity has, including economical and political, can be traced back to one thing: humans keep breeding
>stupid murderous crap
please kill yourself, you'll be a hero.