>BTC pumping
>BCH pumping
>no fucking clue what I should bet on
Im pretty much all in on BTC but do have my free BCH as a hedge. now I think maybe I should buy some more cheap BCH if theyre really going for a takeover
wtf is going on??
>BTC pumping
>BCH pumping
>no fucking clue what I should bet on
Im pretty much all in on BTC but do have my free BCH as a hedge. now I think maybe I should buy some more cheap BCH if theyre really going for a takeover
wtf is going on??
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At the point that BCH has more than 51% of the network does BCH get re-labeled to BTC? or is BTC just old and gonna die if that happens
you have to ask yourself why you think the current btc is bitcoin, if the names had switched would that be your only criteria for what you think bitcoin is?
Contentious hard forks were always going to be the way bitcoin protected itself from people trying to change its properties. If you showed someone from 2011 btc's current code they would not believe that was bitcoin but they would identify bchs code as bitcoins
Look, Bitcoin is a open-source project. It was always going to get to a point where rotten people would try to take over Bitcoin, which they have. If you are not convinced just search up censorship on /r/Bitcoin, Blockstream's business plan and the congestion since they became a big player. Bitcoin Cash is staying pure to the whitepaper. It will takeover because why the fuck would miner's support devs who are funneling money away from miners.
But it was called BTC back then right? so at what point was the decision made that it was to start being called BTC and to make it the main-chain
The very fact that Bitconnect took over Dash recently confirms there is an unbelievably amount of dumb money coming through. I would not want to be holding Bitcoin when they learn what is actually going on.
we had btc then on august 1st we had btc and bch both were different from the btc before aug 1st but only 1 resembles the bitcoin described in satoshis white paper (bch).
I'm saying you have made the decision that btc is bitcoin just because it retained the name which is stupid
Yeah but the normies couldn't care less about the code, whitepaper, or satoshi's vision. They see that bitcoin (btc) is what's being shilled in the media and that is what they buy.
yeah I get all that
but it doesnt mean that BCH is gonna win this battle
because most people DONT get it and dont care they just want profits and buy the shiny thing they see hyped on tv
if this was about tech and tech alone I would go all in on BCH right now.
but youd have to be out of your mind to do that. theres no way to tell whats gonna happen. So I think the best play is to hold all the forks and have a close eye on the market.
I actually only hold BCH because I agree we need to stay with Satoshi's Vision, i was just curious how it went down.
That's like saying you can't damage bitcoin by fucking up the code.
normie money has never driven btc, normie money doesn't drive anything they have no disposable income. "Normies" have their production turned into smart money which exists in hedge funds; the good ones are only invested in precious metals, crypto and farming stock
Thanks Bill. That's why when we have a higher mine superiority we are just gonna take the name too.
I haven't sold all my btc because it's going to keep going up till the end of the year. The great thing about bitcoin is that it doesn't need people to act in anything other than their self interest. Some people here think the value of bitcoin is detached from its characteristics they deserve to loose everything when bch is realised as bitcoin
I dont care that Blockstream wants to sell sidechains.
The 1MB segwit+lightning Bitcoin Idea with instant transactions is awesome, everyone on the world can run a node and we have instant transactions
8MB Bitcoin is gradpa-coin
Yeah I've never held bitcoin for very long. I could barely afford a full one if I wanted to anyways so i figure i'll just wait for some others that show more potential and learn useful coding languages like GO and javascript while i hodl those. After reading this:
It kindof sealed the deal for me, and it makes sense too. no one knows about Bitcoinereum but its making me profit without slowing my computer down a dick ton so thats why I choose to use it. And Rig Miners will do the same with BCH
begone shill
this is a thread for serious discussion
bch will have instant 0 confirmation transactions and you can do lighting network without segwit if you wanted. all without blockstreams conflict of interest in making more money the slower on chain transactions are. Block (the) stream
bitcoin is a free market and rewards those who can see true value, you have a second chance at buying bitcoin sub 1000 with bch
Yeah except BCH is showing way bigger percentage increases than BTC right now.
That's what I did.
And i'm using Bitcoinereum to very slowly but surely stack up on more of it as well as ETH, and LINK. And I know everyone acts like linkies are crazy, but at this point I know ill get atleast a 3-4x out of link over the next few months.. hopefully.
BCH is my safe investment.
>0 confirmation transactions
a feature that (((blockstream))) effectively killed in bitcoin legacy!
I wouldnt even entertain these shills because all they do is try to cause confusion and project their own bullshit on BCH
waste of time really
anyone with enough brain power can easily read up themselves whats going on
yeah i'm going to get in on link next week i think this is the bottom
>this is how bcash bagholders look like IRL
proving them wrong is like increasing my investment returns though there's plenty of lurkers trying to figure this shit out. Now I've accumulated bch I want the price to go up as fast as possible so I retain a larger than average percentage of the supply
begone shill
funny how you mention bitcoin cash and they all come crawling out of their holes
anyone who can't see through richard hart deserves to be poor
Go to bed, Roger.
>he called me Roger
>implying Im Roger Ver
>that totally discredits everything I said
this is the braindead shill in his natural habitat
now shoo!
>muh big blocks
>forks bitcoin into bcrash 8mb
>can't even fill 100kb blocks
see this is what I find so tiresome about these goons
they have no arguments... they KNOW they have no arguments... so they just throw a bunch of poop at you like a horde of deranged monkeys
its tiresome and derails threads like this one
now go away shill this is a thread for serious discussions not your meme nonsense
BCH has better devs, it's more mature, better scaling, more market adoption, more decentralized, not controlled by Blockstream. It's the original Satoshis vision. If you want a future where you can buy coffee with the real Bitcoin, then BCH is your choice.
I have literally 1 BTC to my name (no BCH)
Convince me to switch. If 2x succeeds won't BCH be irrelevant? and how can you see BCH as BTC if it is not the most accumulated difficulty chain
it's a new coin man, give it time
I have 4x BCH in relation to BTC
Im not gonna convince you of anything because Im not shilling for either coins. Im interested in facts and making money. I think I made it pretty clear that Im not ready to jump ship even though I do consider BCH the superior tech.
BCH is defacto Bitcoin because its the original code base. Bitcoin Legacy is the original codebase + Segwit.
Segwit doesnt solve the scaling problem but it does allow for offchain transactions, thereby undermining the entire idea of Bitcoin in the first place. Which was to have a decentralized ledger and p2p cash transactions.
HOWEVER superior tech doesnt mean fuck all in this deranged market. Most people dont know, dont care and by the time they figure this out it might be too late for them.
About Segwit2x it might render BCH irrelevant it might also render bitcoin legacy irrelevant. I dont know and thats why Im hodling all the forks at this point. Still BCH is a gamble with huge upside with right now and I wish I wouldve pulled the trigger when it was at below 300...
one things for sure though
at the very least I would hedge my bets with BCH!
youd have to be pretty crazy to go all-in on either BCH or BTC at this point IMO
2x is the only reason i hold btc but you can be sure once the 2mb block becomes congested some nefarious group of nobodies will try to tell people increasing the block size is centralising bitcoin and we'll have 2017 all over again. The argument won't be very convincing when meanwhile bitcoin cash will be growing in adoption in the real world.