Sell the news, sell the conf. Dump your bags now, or get dumped on


Shits already been dumped tho. When's conf, today?

in a few hours, massive dump coming.

nice fud conference is in 12h

lmao piece of shit pajeet cannot afford RLC and he's trying FUD the price down to the gutter where he lives. not gonna work, it has barely had any growth, it still has to moon. jump in or keep shitting in the street

Pajeet, you didn't even post properly.

No, I wont sell. Moon next, phaggot.

RLC shitcoin holders bout to be BTFO such a rubbish coin amzaing they even have the $$$$$ to keep developing RIPPP RLCfags

fucking kek, deluded niggers, show me one conference where the coin was not dumped just before the conf. This shit aint gonna be different bois.

dump now, dont post pink wojaks later

Blockchain computing is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

it's not just a vaporware conference you fucking retard, they're showing their product. want to know which coins mooned after their product has been showed? tenx, stellar, and even sonm. and if sonm - which is rlc's inferior competitor- mooned, then i'll let it to your imagination the growth in value that rlc is gonna have

RLC is such a comfy hold

"blockchain computing". it's called distributed cloud computing, and the blockchain serves the purpose of optimizing the "distributed" side of it, you illiterate nigger. ever heard of amazon's cloud service? rlc's CEO worked there too

True, but alts had a terrible last few days. Rlc is cheap as fuck right now, keep holding this shits gonna at least 20% gain today

Lol deluded Veeky Forumsfags think they know about computers.... ALT COINS ARE DESD

Sounds like somebody ran out of FIAT. What's to dump? It's literally the same price it's been since August. With a partnership announcement looming in the next few weeks, V1 released, and V2 in early 2018...indeed, such a comfy hold.

they are to far behind in the market Golem has already won mate sorry

>True, but alts had a terrible last few days. Rlc is cheap as fuck right now, keep holding this shits gonna at least 20% gain today
Chutiya hai kya?

t. absolute state of pajeet FUDDING. please neck yourself you professional street shitter

nahi, chutiyapa kar raha hun bhai