How come Orthodox slavs post-Medieval times were so against writing? Even muslims slavs such as Bosnians had dictionaries before Orthodox slavs such as Russians and Serb.
Not hating on anything, but really just interested, because the argument of Ottoman empire being invader can't be used on Russia too
How come Orthodox slavs post-Medieval times were so against writing...
Eastern europeans were more dominated by the nobility and this much later than western europeans.
The Church disliking peasants being able to read is not completely a meme.
Sorry how does albania even exist
Did the catholic church pass that phase because of Constantinople being taken over, or because of protestants?
Feudalism evolved to include a learned "middle"-class, less serfs and less tyrannical in the west.
Obviously protestants popularized the idea of reading the Bible but catholics didn't actually forbid it.
make this a thread, how the fuck does albania even exist
Yeah, but I mean they did have written East Slavic by Orthodoxes during the11th century. Why did it stop in the mid-1400s?
>The Church disliking peasants being able to read is not completely a meme.
Yes it is. The Orthodox church had a special position called "reader" designed to help the congregation learn how to read since reading materials were scarce. See, what OP didn't tell you is that the Serbians were trying to promulgate and protect Church Slavonic- the lingua franca of Orthodoxy at the time, and it threatened social, political, religious unity as well as exacerbated the issue of teaching the churches flock how to read in the first place.
They were not against writing. They were against validating the "vernaculars" that later came to be recognized as individual national languages by making dictionaries of them.
Church Slavonic was still seen as the real, formal and almost sacred language of the Slavs worthy of preserving. "Russian" or "Serbian" was just folksyspeak.
There isn't much written either since mid 1400
Who's the guy on the left?
Why do Albanians keep on making these?
Are you really so dumb? Since mid 1400, the region was under Ottoman rule and they forbid writings and persecuted the Orthodox church in the region. That's why the Bosniaks, who converted were able to "write". Also, since the Ottomans looked for legitimacy of their rule from the former ERE lands, the Greeks used them to push their language into the Slavic churches.
Pls don't call me dumb, for as I said in the title, you cant use that argument on Russians
What Russia? During that time they were regional duchies fighting against the Golden Horde and other muslim steppe people. You should compare them to the Iberian region writings during Reconquista.
Not sure what you are basing this on. There is a decent corpus of medieval and early modern "Russian" literature.
I thought we were talking about the qualitative aspect, not quantitative. What makes you think that Russian or Serbian literature (whether written in Church Slavonic or "real Russian or Serbian) is lagging behind say Croatian, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish or Norwegian or Finnish or other relative cultural backwaters of those times. Obviously comparisons to Italian or French medieval or early modern literature are going to be unfavorable, but that's true for almost any nation/language/region
Thanks for reply
No problem. I'm really interested what makes you think that though. I don't claim to be an expert on this, so I'm always happy to learn.
Just a late project I had and found out Serbians and Russians had a dictionary wayy later than I expected
Ok fair enough. Yeah they did, but I really think that's just kinda anachronism to see it that way. For them the real language was Church Slavonic, which was still fairly intelligible to common people at that time, especially for Eastern Slavs whose languages are more conservative/archaizing (not a real word?)
As a Western Slav today, another several centuries later, I can still work out the meaning of a CS text relatively easily and I have zero formal training.
The Church had a vested interest in maintaining the "monopoly" of the CS, not unlike the Church in the West stuck it out with Latin, except CS was still comprehensible to Slavs unlike Latin to Germans or the English hence less of a pressure to develop "vernacular" literature.
With Bosniaks it was probably a gesture of distancing themselves from the otherwise Orthodox or Catholic fellow Slavs, but I'm speculating wildly here.
>With Bosniaks it was probably a gesture of distancing themselves from the otherwise Orthodox or Catholic fellow Slavs, but I'm speculating wildly here
I think it was quite the opposite
The man was schooled in an Arabic school, and didn't write any Muslim parts in Bosnian, meaning his intentions regarding writing the language were purely nationalistic I guess, in the sense that being muslim doesn't mean you are Turkish
I'm not sure I would call it "the opposite", but it's an interesting factoid. Who was that?
Ah, the greatest albanian literary achievement of all time, some catholic monk made an albanian dictionary, now Veeky Forums will never hear the end of it
>How come Orthodox slavs post-Medieval times were so against writing?
Why are muslims so illiterate, uneducated and ignorant to have never heard of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky?
If you would like to know some things regarding Albanian literature you can read this
No, no, tell me more about your greatest achievement of all time, the dictionary, that's what this thread is clearly about
hey if you dont wanna get burned stay out of the kitchen
seriously, how do you live with yourself, coming to Veeky Forums and reading about countries and their great history, and then there is you, a fucking Albanian
fucking subhuman, keep responding i can do this all day
Ja sam hrvat bre pedal
shqip in the rubbish tip
>Gypsies collect trash is something surprising
Who that?
Not having a dictionary doesn't mean that the Orthodox church was against writing. Bosnians weren't exclusively Muslim: you meant Bosniaks. Besides all of that, the Serbs had a dictionary before the Croats, the Bosniaks and the Albanians.
because they are genetically inferior. Especially the servians.
Bosniaks are just Bosniakized muslim Albanians.