/his has to decide where the next assassin's creed will take place.
Your choices are:
- Feudal Japan
- King Arthur and the saxon invasion
- Jeanne d'Arc and the black death
- Genghis Khan and the mongol invasion
- The spanish inquisition
- Peloponnesian War
- The Second Punic War
- The Viking era
Next Assassin's creed
Other urls found in this thread:
You do realise Joan of Arc lived like a century after the Black Death broke out, right?
>King Arthur
But other than that, having it around the time of the inquisition/reconquista might be neat.
Assassins Creed hasn't got its priorities straight. The storyline gets lamer every game. They're fucking with the gameplay mechanics too much and not giving enough attention to the story. I don't really mind where the next game is set, so long as the story is great because that's really what drew me to the games in the first place. Feudal China would be cool.
My mistake my dude.
Then consider them as two separate.
>Genghis Khan and the mongol invasion
How do you even imagine such thing?
Riding horse all over the steppe?
Fuck that.
I want Mughal Empire or the British Raj.
Keep all of the crafting mechanics and hunting mechanics. Give me that area and I'll pre-order now.
The 2016 Election
None of them, Cuckold's Creed needs to die as a franchise.
I watched this yt vid like a good few months before the Egypt setting was announced and IIRC the next one in line is Ancient Grease
>King Arthur and the saxon invasion
Holy shit, not a bad idea
I reject your choices and substitute my own.
Warlord Era China.
Good fucking luck figuring out who is a Templar and who is an Assassin.
Cyberpunk Singapore in 2100, so they can wrap up the franchise and move on to something else
How about WWII.
I'm pretty sure they specified to refrain from WWII because they don't know how avoid having the player mowed down by machine guns
Medieval china during the height of mongol conquest. You are a chinese assasin tasked with killing mongol generals
You guys might want to check these out
>Feudal Japan
Appears in Assassin's Creed: Memories mobile card game
>Jeanne d'Arc
Assassin's Creed: Heresy, a novel
>Genghis Khan and the mongol invasion
Assassin's creed: Memories
>The spanish inquisition
Assassin's Creed movie
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed: Templar, a comic book
Assassin's Creed: Conspiracies, comic book
Assassin's Creed: Chromicles: China
>Assassin's Creed: Templar, a comic book
>they literally already made a Assasin's Creed property set in 1920s China
Russian revolution where the Bolsheviks are portrayed in a morally ambiguous light
AssCreed is a very well developed storyline despite all the pop history included, honestly
They are making one having to do with china. It was revealed like a month back.
They already did that one, actually.
can't they make anything between altair and ezio?
They'll most likely stay in antiquity for their next few games. Next game could easily be Rome or Greece.
Too complicated and challenging for the storyline and gameplay. They did include a WW2 section in Unity where you climb the Eiffel Tower and dodge strafing aircraft.
If you want Assassin's Creed in WW2, go play Saboteur. It's a bit unpolished but strikingly similar to the AC gameplay.
A ubi leaker on /v/ already confirmed the next game is Greece and then rome
It's probably fake but god I wan't this to be true
new zealand
Brazilian Empire
Fattylogos was a gud boi
There were periodic breakouts of plague until the 1700s, though.
There was one in Paris in 1428, for example.
This series was unironically historical kino. To be honest I enjoyed the world building more than the plot itself, lots of that "Truth" puzzle shit from the first few games gave me a massive historical hard-on.
Just look at the themes and ideas they deal with here: youtube.com
They managed to weave history, politics, economics, ancient aliens and all this cool shit into an interesting narrative plot. Then they fucked themselves when they fired the guy who wrote the plot and went to yearly releases.
I believed him because he spoiled a shit ton of stuff from origins before it came out and turned out to be true
He posted a lot in the for honor threads before it came out too, again claiming shit that turned out to be true
These went to absolute shit after Revelations.
I don't even know what fucking happened, it's like they replaced everyone that worked on the previous installments with social studies' freshmen.
Origins was really amazing except for the main story. It really felt… politically motivated, let’s say. Dialogue was often cringy as well. I would vote for a feudal Japan setting. It’s what everyone wants and Origins shows they can handle it.
>tfw no ass creed in Granada or Cordoba
Why not post the actual setting list that ubisoft sent out in the survey 3 months ago
Get ready for autists screaming about the evil jew bolshevik devils who killed one hundred trillion white christian russians
Invasion of the Americas > Fuedal Japan > Russian Revolution > Medieval China > Peloponnesian War/Alexander tthe great > Rise/Fall of Rome > everything else
Where's my fucking Aztec asscreed you fucks, Origins and Black Flag already set the foundations for it thanks to getting the jungle/natural envoirment working with the parkour system for the latter and the former proving that that sort of cityscape and more arid envoirments work with parkour as well
>Get ready for autists screaming about the evil german nazi devils who killed one hundred trillion jews
Don't give a rats ass, origins being an RPG was shite and unity, syndicate was crap.
went downhill rapidly after 3
>ubicuck pink haired devs do ww2
god no.
I hope they're even more sensitive and inclusive in the next one.
Black Flag and Rogue were the last AC games i thoroughly enjoyed. Unity was an unplayable buggy mess and Syndicate was meh-tier. Am yet to play Origins
>went downhill rapidly after 3
That's because they killed Desmond for no fucking reason.
What even happened after 3 anyway? Is there is still a present-day story, or is it all set in the past now. Or is it just nonsense?
You play as an unnamed character working either with Abstergo or Assassins
How about the Spanish Civil War instead?
At least they're honest about it. I'd only get mad if they tried to straight-up rewrite history.
So uh is this a meme because I remember in Black Flag Abstergo was planning on making (((educational))) games to push a Templar message, or is this just them being very blatant about it?
Abstergo is an obvious parody of Ubisoft
Prohibition era New York.
>Genghis Khan and the mongol invasion
That sounds cool. Act I and II the threat of KHUBALAI's invasion hangs in the background, growing more and more imminent with each storyline mission completed. Act III is like Black Flags, with you taking command of a ship trying to repel the invasion, and losing, being saved only by the Divine Wind. Act IV is dealing with the fallout and the leadup to the beginning of the Sengoku Jidai
This shit game was never good.
>bullshit sci-fi parkour arcade
>some fucktard getting Matrix'd into his grandfather's memories
>every single white Christian king, pope, general or other man of power was EVIL and a part of ancient evil conspiracy and of course they gained power not because they were smart and pragmatic, but because they stumbled into a magical alien orb or some shit, so pure luck
>Alexander III, Rasputin, Manuel Palaiologos, Henry Ford, Cesare Borgia were evil
>Lenin, Marx, Toussaint Louverture, various Ottoman Sultans, Caribbean pirates and Jack the Ripper were good guys
>pic related
>Charles Lee who was married to a native woman IRL is portrayed as a proto-Hitler wanting to exterminate "inferior subhuman" Indians
>social justice agenda shoehorned at every possible opportunity
>protagonists range from an Arab muslim assassinating Christians to black women inciting slave revolts
The only historical thing about the series are the maps and even those are completely inaccurate in Brotherhood and Black Fag.
>thread about a videogame
>why do you talk about a videogame????
It was intended to dissaude criticism by bible thumpers
Also, you are fucking stupid: The core theme of the series is that there's no such thing as good or evil and that the assassins and templars aren't good vs bad, but freedom/anarchy vs control/stability, and that there are good and bad people on both sides. Even if you take it to be good vs bad, there's plenty of arab people and the like that were templars/evil and plenty of white/euroepans that were assassins.
Your entire post is absurdly cherrypicked
>Thread about a videogame
>Angry pointless retarded shitposting
>"Kill yourself for saying I should go to /v/ you kike!"
>- Feudal Japan
Sounds boring
>- King Arthur and the saxon invasion
Could work, 9/10 chance that the King Arthur is a templar though but who gives a shit about him anyway
>- Jeanne d'Arc and the black death
Only if Jeanne is a templar/agent of templars and the player gets to help capturing&toching her.
>- Genghis Khan and the mongol invasion
>ride steppe for twenty minutes the game
No thanks
>- The spanish inquisition
Only if the Inquisition is showed in neutral/positive light, otherwise it will be too boring and predictable
>- Peloponnesian War
Could work
>- The Second Punic War
Only if they don't make Hannibal a KANG.
>- The Viking era
Vikings are boring so no.
Fuck off cucks.
Gengis khan, because it has the potential for soo many diverse situations.
start out on the planes of Mongolia assassinating tribal leaders ect, move to china, assassinating government and military officers, infiltrate bejing, move to middle east, infiltrate Samarkand, encounter the Hashinshin's (reall assasins) and kill them. then theres also the Russian invasion in medieval Europe.
2nd choice would be japan cause ninja,
great argument
>Comes into board
>shits everywhere in a spastic fit
>"No, YOU leave!"
You are the total opposite of this board's culture. I bet you don't even have any pregnant Anne Frank artwork stored on your hard drive.
I really like the world in Origins, but the story is so abysmal and the side quests are so dull, that I can't bring myself to finish it. Shame, because some of those side quests do have some nice visuals you'd otherwise miss.
I'll try that tourist mode which is apparently pretty good, but I don't think I'll be playing the story any further.
This and you play as the good guys (Germany)
The troubles
My choices would be:
Mongol invasion of China
England, Normandy, Norway 1066 or King Alfred's time
Inca or Mesoamerica at the time of Spanish conquest
>freedom/anarchy vs control/stability
>Byzantine rebels were templars and Turk ruling class were assassins
Sengoku Jidai period of Japan, and make half of the cast white because of the Jesuits, a quarter black because of that nigger who Nobungawanga liked. Leaves another quarter for the native Japanese.
Yay, Assassins Creed history!