Is Metatron an actual reliable source, or just another youtuber historian parading his own theroies as undisputable hard fact like Lindybeige?
I find that he cites sources for his claims a lot more than the others.
Is Metatron an actual reliable source, or just another youtuber historian parading his own theroies as undisputable hard fact like Lindybeige?
I find that he cites sources for his claims a lot more than the others.
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Generally speaking a good youtuber on history and I find he isn't as opinionated as other historians in the community.
He's easily the most humble and inoffensive in regards to his own opinions.
10/10 pretty cool guy
Really autistic body language, I specifically can't stand the subdued hand movements
Also, has said in one of his videos he actually wears mail armour at all times making him succesfuly autistic
He's one of the better ones out there, and has an actual degree in history if i'm not mistaken.
he's cringy as fuck but he's not a bad bloke
>can't stand the subdued hand movements
Well he is Italian
Isn't being cringy and autistic a boon of confidence for a historian?
I'm way more inclined to trust a spergs opinion on history
Usually the youtube history autist make me cringe but Metaron spergin is endearing for some reason.
For the most part, he's okay. He does a lot of cringeworthy stuff, but most of his content is sourced relatively well and presented neutrally. For the most part, he only really talks about surface-level stuff, though; outside of the Roman and Japanese stuff he obviously knows well, his knowledge mostly seems like stuff pulled from Wikipedia.
>He's easily the most humbl
Eh, not really. The guy always refers to himself as a "scholar" and "researcher" and acts like he's a serious academic, when he's only a high school English teacher and freelance translator. And that kind of behavior shows up all the time, like when made an entire 20 minute video bragging about his military service and acting like it was impressive, when he served less than a year as a conscript and didn't do anything. He isn't a blowhard like lots of youtubers are, but he clearly has a very high opinion of himself and somewhat of a delusional sense of authority when it comes to historical stuff.
>Also, has said in one of his videos he actually wears mail armour at all times
Not at all times, just when going clubbing at night. People here love to point at that video and make it look like he was being a ridiculous LARPer, but it's actually very sensible video. He lives in a city where stabbing are apparently somewhat common, and wearing mail is a pretty damn good method of self-protection if that's something you have to worry about. Sure, it's a little autistic, but he has a good reason for doing it, and I'm not going to hold that against him. I live in an area where there used to be lots of knife crime, and it was common to see people in leather motorcycle jackets for the same reason; I know more than one person who survived an attack because of it.
>having opinions is bad man
>when he's only a high school English teacher and freelance translator
Nothing wrong with that.
No (and I wasn't trying to act like it was), but that's far from the academic historian he tries to imply he is. There's nothing wrong with being an amateur, but as person who actually worked his ass off hard to be an archaeologist, I don't like it when people try to pretend they have credentials they don't, or when they let surface-level study go to their heads.
>Well he is Italian
I feel like only an Italian would recognize that
He talks about it all the fucking time. He's even made videos about how much pasta he eats and how he likes hanging out with his uncle Mario.
He just parrots officialistic consensus. He has no original thought, and is too embedded into the status quo to be important.
He is charismatic though.
Perhaps more than the average guy, but there are many better sources than him.
He made a video about women not being able to fight on the same grounds as men, totally biased.
He's biased towards Roman (and Greek a bit) and Japanese history; pretty much everything else he talks about is a bit iffy.
That said, he seems like a great guy, a bit autistic but dedicated and works hard to put out decent content. Sure there's better sources, but he's not often totally off the mark, and he explains things simply - a non-academic audience might actually learn plenty of stuff from him. I'd like to see him put more sources in his videos though.
I guess you're never been to italy before
I recommend him if you can manage to stand his horrible cringe. Skip to 2:40. That's when he shows off his
>proper sparring
He's a cool guy and actually provides sources, but very cringy at times since he loves to larp.
Lindybeige doesn't pretend his opinions are facts, when will this meme die.
He pretends he doesn't, but if you call him out on his bullshit he goes full apeshit
>larp around as a Roman legionary
>keep that awful bear because of weeb and laziness