Any other Billionaires on Veeky Forums?
Any other Billionaires on Veeky Forums?
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bro share some love
Only 2 billion. You peasant.
Fuck off Pajeet, go be poor somewhere else
No not yet, but I am trying.
I hope one day I will be in the position of power. Living large whilst thinking of the small guy.
Instead, I think large and live like the small guy. I'm trying to piece my life together after losing my job at 25 due to a nervous breakdown and a suicide attempt. Just seems as if I make more error whilst trying to correct the ones I have already made.
I'm glad you made it bro. I don't know you or who you are as a person, but I hope you can look inward and be proud of who you are and what you have achieved.
I haven't gotten to that stage yet. I was close, but life has a funny way of pulling the rug under you.
As a billionaire, what are your thoughts on ZEN or ZEC? I'm mining ZEN atm as I like the tech and enjoy the current rise it's on.
If only I had any ZEN to profit off of it.
If you're kind enough, I would appreciate your tips to help me get started.
If you don't wish to share your wisdom, some capital wouldn't hurt.
ETH 0x8B71BC079b986A3B3078a03613FF3Bb3cc981d23
die of cancer pacent
First advice: stop begging
Resize your comment box all the way and maybe you'll stop reddit posting.
second advice: join a signaling group
Didn't beg.
I actually asked for advise rather than asking outright for a donation.
Please read my post rather than assuming money means more than good advice.
Any idiot can have money, but without knowing how to manage it properly, it's merely just a short term fix.
>look at my Blockfolio I totally wouldn’t lie on the internet
Yet pajeets will still fall for this and beg
>using ED for price monitoring
Hahahahaha seeing that only 1000th time haha so funny really man great thread haaaha
I lurk normally. I don't post so you'll have to forgive me for not knowing what the fuck you mean.
Also, I don't post on reddit nor do I even visit the site.
Gib moni pls
fuck tard
if anyone here was 100k-er, he wouldn't be lurking this place nigga
Says the guy who misspells peasant?
holly molly. i didnt even think there would be millionaire on this board. i dont belive you guys are real. like . billion. you are in 1% no way
Dude it seems like you're talking about this stuff in at a surface-level. Like you heard two or three points about crypto/finance and just parrot them back.
Here is some advice: hit the books and read/watch everything you can about finance. Understanding the history of finance is extremely important so go spend a year or two or thirty reading about this shit.
History documentary:
Read the book "The Intelligent Investor"
Blogs/opinion pieces - expose yourself to as many viewpoints as you can. If you ever see someone going "of course the market is doing great" or some other useless platitude but then the counter argument is well reasoned, logical and backed-up by data/proof then don't go with the dumbass fuckwits who talk in platitudes.
Saved the post and the link to watch in the morning when I'm fresher and able to absorb the info better.
More trying to understand what are strong fundamentals for crypto's and the affect of a coin being minable has on price.
Seen soo many strong crypto's, but don't understand why they are tanking when the opposite should be true or vice-a-versa.
ORM was one I picked yesterday and it went well today, but was that just a fluke pick or was the that sound judgement due research?
Furthermore, are you able to explain why soo many crypto's started trading in July 2017? Are these just scam coins?
You sound suicidal.
Tell me more.
Go and read the history and then start to worry about cryptos.
I got around .14 in bitcoin so u can say im a billionaire
Attention seeking on an anonymous image board. Look at me guys, I'm a wizard... go read stuff if you want to be me. I'll just act like a wizard with my passive aggressive bitch wizard attitude because it makes my miserable suicidal soul feel good for a brief moment.
Fucking guy reads "The Intelligent Investor" at Investopedia and now he thinks he's above it all. What are you 22 kid?
> didn't read "The Intelligent Investor"
Lmao at the normies ITT who don't realize this is an ED fatfinger "Blockfolio billionaire".
pic related, the niggers who instantly beg for money without even knowing what it is about.
What's ED? Sorry new to all this. Just started looking in to it a few months ago and decided this is like when the internet got public, and I wanna board the train.
Any advice on what to buy in on?
Got 4k link yesterday on the dip, and some ETH and Neo while it was at the lowest, other than that I'm open for suggestions. Got 20k more to spend on CC.
get out of here normie
>Claims to be a billionaire
>Invests only in literally shitcoins
Thats the joke
Naw, you feeling a bit teritoritorial ? Am such a intimidation to your precious /biz?
Stop being a wanker..
Billionaire checking in. I just come to laugh at the peasants
>buying shitcoins
If you want to get rid of your BTC that badly just send them to me
Well, it's funny how you say I want to get rid of my BTC, yet the numbers are telling me it's good investment.
Care to comment on that?