>Christianity isn't actually true
>it's just a personal symbolic narrative
Are atheist post-modern "Christians" the worst heretics?
>Christianity isn't actually true
>it's just a personal symbolic narrative
Are atheist post-modern "Christians" the worst heretics?
>>Christianity isn't actually true
Did he actually say that?
Christianity is based on knowing that Jesus is God, and the Jewish Messiah.
The Jews who do not know that are what Jesus referred to as the Synagogue of Satan.
Why bother following monotheist cancer in the first place if you have to have a religion? I'd sooner join some sort of neo-pagan organization then I would waste any of my time on abrahamic nonsense.
He probably did, and he's correct too.
Might as well. Missing heaven by an inch is as bad as missing it by a trillion light years.
Jesus isn't the Messiah because there is no third temple, and let alone any Messianic age like there was meant to be. Christianity is literally just an extended fanfiction of already established lore that Christians both accept and deny at the same time.
Your heaven is fictional and so is your god.
Jesus is still the messiah
Jesus is alive
The third temple has nothing to do with Jesus
The third temple is ready to be erected today.
Every knee will bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Hey, guess when the Kingdom Age prophecies are going to be ripe?
That's right, boys and girls! In the Kingdom Age!
>I'd sooner join some sort of neo-pagan organization
>they don't have any bad people
>Jews generally care about their faith
>Jesus is still the messiah
He is not of the Davidic line for starters, which is a prerequisite. Him being both God and the Son of God is in direct contradiction as only a mortal man of David's BLOOD can be considered the Messiah. The Messiah cannot be God himself.
>Jesus is alive
Only if you believe the expanded Universe is canon
>The third temple has nothing to do with Jesus
It does as the Messiah is meant to usher in the rebuilding of Solomon's temple before the Messianic Age can take place.
Nope. Jebus got nailed to some wood, died, and had his corpse incinerated in a bonfire. The resurrection is mythology, not fact.
I prefer euro-polytheist aesthetics to abrahamic ones.
He is a cultural Christian.
>taking the Bible literally
No shit Christianity isn’t true.
"He hasn't fufilled any prophecy but he will do it soon! In fact he failed several completly. What's more he completly contradicts the very religion he is supposed to represent."
But he's gonna do it....any day now.
Jesus Himself is the temple my neighbour. The Church is His Kingdom which knows no borders.
Nice maymay
Sometimes JP is guilty of the things he calls out others for. I remember he said at one point that one of the hallmarks of an ideologue is their tendency to reduce the world to one specific principle, such that they can be master of the principle and gain power.
Which is something he is guilty of himself with his psychological worldview.
More like Jordan Peepeepooperson.
>Are atheist post-modern "Christians" the worst heretics?
Yes, I'm an atheist and I fucking hate 'em too, there's nothing more pathetic and cowardly than literally deceiving yourself about the fundamental nature of the universe because you don't want to be sad.
>Jesus refers to his body as a temple
>literally a vessel containing Holy of Holies, God himself
>uh, nuh-uh, because muh human Jewish interpretations
>Talmud itself records a tradition of Yeshuah-ha-Notzri having done miracles and calling himself Messiah
>After Crucifiction Jews got expulsed from their homeland again, just like in OT everytime they turned their backs against Convenant, and didn't came back for 2000 years
>d-doesn't matter
Such a pity you can't see the Truth.
He's way too much of an essentialist (albeit via psychology - which is better than superstition I suppose) and guilty of "muh naturalistic explanations" and "just so" in literally everything that I watch of his. That said, he's a good orator.
Doesn't that mean that literally everybody is saved?