I nearly dropped a lot of money into ptoy but then I looked at their team and its ran by a bunch of black people. And now my scam alarms are at defcon 5. If there's one thing I know about these blacks it is they do not anything about crypto currency and they will finesse you out your cash.
What in the hell
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>Muh fried chikn
idk but if u look at trevon and craig they seem to be expert at shilling
Fuck off faggot
>growth hacking
kek. Even if they had a top tier team the idea is retarded. The healthcare industry is one of the slowest to adapt new tech. For fucks sake many hospitals and pharmacies till use paper records/faxes. Suckers will be bagholding for at least a decade
I initially bought some PTOY when first starting out in cryptos cos I liked the idea of what they claimed to be doing/hoping to do. Dropped as soon as I saw some vid which ahd this fat black girl as their spokesman looking more like the kind of shit you'd expect from an employee at Mother Jones or HuffPo or whatever.
lol sees black developers and thinks it a scam.
Its not a scam they are just incompetent.
Is this the Melon crypto?
Crypto is funny, it's literally been nothing but white dudes in Eastern Europe making alt coin scamming people left and right for years, Mark Karpeles was white and scammed the whole community, Bitfinex is run by white guys and is printing fake tethers, but the minute a black crew shows up "OMG FUCKING NIGGERS THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!"
That's because of regulations. Pharmafag here, you need to hold on to every single prescription passed through your pharmacy. A literal physical copy, so prescriptions that are electronically sent have to be printed out in some form. Yes, it is retarded but it needs to kept for literal years.
Their CEO studied African studies or something SJW related. I was about to invest in their ICO, untill i read that.
The whole roadmap for this company will be suing people who offend them. Hiring based on identity instead of merit. I'll give them 1 year max
>confirmed nigga
how does it feel to be a minority?
The comments in here...wow. That is no way to live life.
I'm white myself but the raw numbers don't like, most crypto devs are white nerds.
kek... Back to plebbit you go fgt.
"never assume malice where incompetence will suffice"
Watch this autist grill her. She mostly bullshits through the whole interview.
He asks her if it wouldn't be risky to have all patient data on a blockchain because everything would be public. She says it would be encrypted and a patient would need to use their private key to allow anyone to access their data.
6:18 Every patient needs to enter their private key along with their doctor in a multi-sig way EVERY time a doctor wants to access their data. That would never work out for obvious reasons.
12:00 Blockchains aren't very good at storing large amounts of data how do you solve that problem?
>We use the hospital's centralized database.
HUH?!!! Well then that defeats the whole purpose doesn't it.
17:15 What if a person can't provide their private key because they're incapacitated.
>You would need a trusted person who knows your private key
WTF. That could go wrong in so many ways.
19:55 What if a person loses their private key?
>You're fucked. Your records are gone. Don't lose your private key.
22:30 What is the token for?
>You need it to access the network.
So fucking hospitals are going to have to go on coinbase and send to bittrex and buy the tokens so they can store their data.
22:53 Why would you use this instead of another storage coin?
24:00 How is it different than drop box?
>There's gonna be machine learnin' AI that's gonna diagnose patients. Also data aggregation.
WTF how can there be data aggregation when all of it is encrypted gibberish on the network.
also, every black male ive ever met had to read out loud and type with their index fingers, maybe they were just fucking with me but i wouldn't invest in initial nig offerings
Jesus Christ how painful.
Wow what a bullshitter! I'm shocked!
LMao never invest in niggers jews or pajeets
Because even if it's not a scam, niggers are stupid, so they're going to fuck up your investment, retard.
Proof that being racist is beneficial.
Literally one of the most retarded projects out there right now
Yeah she completely needs to GTFO of leadership position. Her unfortunate dialect sounds weird and it doesn't help she can't explain things well or defend her product.
Technically, the product would in fact perform the jobs you describe though. It's not a scam. She shouldn't be the PR person but they keep putting her out front.
The fact you can't understand how it works doesn't mean their product is bad
Black people are good marketers. Other black ppl trust them as well as the people who coddle minority's.
Lmao nigger scam
The same retards that would complain about this shit gladly handle some kike millions of dollars in some bullshit ICO exit scam. Imagine my shock
Bought a bag of this shit when they joined Hyper Ledger but haven't seen shit from them since besides red candles.
>Race realists like jews
>pic related
this. kfc used to be delicious, now it's disgusting. i remember. how did niggers destroy fried chicken? they love fried chicken. i used to love fried chicken. goddamn niggers.
tits or gtfo
It's because when we see a white or asian guy we know he can be honest or not but he is most likely competent.
When we see a black guy we assume he is not competent like most blacks when intellect is involved.
I actually applaud her. She got millions of dollars for an impossible idea.
By the look of her, clearly not a very smart. I'm biased against the N* though
>"Race Realists" hate niggers, because muh higher intelligence and facts.
>"Race Realists" love kikes because muh... ???
Is almost like stupid goyim are too stupid to beware of kikes, only being able to protect themselves from niggers (the least of their problem) while gladly trusting their real enemy in all things, including their money and wealth.
Race realists accepts natural faults and blessings. The only positive trait that kikes have is their magnetism for shekels. There are ways to take advantage of this, but the goyim have to be exceptional chess players to do so. And it takes a little more than calling them out for what they are to get them flustered, unlike niggers who chimp out and lose their cool the moment you bring up KFC or crime rates.
cool , i also collect fedoras for a hobby Rodney
jesus christ you people are fucking ridiculous no wonder biz is complete garbage now
are you black?
>race realists like Jews
I would kill myself if I was this confused about the world as well.
If that is his real name. It sounds like an alias to me.
goddamn your reading comprehension is abysmal. he's implying that biz HR has been infiltrated by sheboons and they've single handedly destroyed this place; completely ignoring pajeet and friends recent migration.
>growth hacking
The fuck is this? Is it bullshit term for just hustling?
i think you mean DEFCON 1, dipshit
I wouldn't trust a nigger to program a wristwatch
I refuse to believe that isn't my boi Ainsley in a wig. Was hustling salads, now hustling crypto
I could care less, user.
Is there a nig coin?
this is going to be picked up by some Sjw government diversity fund. Geroge soros will go all in too
No wonder I would trust a fat black woman as CEO..
thanks op.
>The only positive trait that kikes have is their magnetism for shekels
They only attract shekels for them and their people you deluded goy. A stupid goyim like you will only be served scraps at best.
ICOs have come and gone with kikes swindling money from stupid goyim like yourself (Bancor a prime example).
>Niggers get flustered
>Unlike kikes
This shows just how low iq you are. Kikes are incredibly sensitive, way more than niggers. A kike will call you an anti-semite for merely acknowledging his racial heritage.
You must be a real good shabbos goy in real life to be this delusional.
You make a good point. I saw a kike get mad because someone used the word "Jewish". He said you are a jew or you're not. Don't say jewish.
i bet your mother is an atm machine.
does pajeet shit on a street?
Wow such diversity
Yes it's very w o k e but not a black coin. It has the demographics of a daytime paternity test show