Has there ever been a man more loved by his people?

Has there ever been a man more loved by his people?

>Brought healthcare to the masses
>Brought literacy to the masses
>Continually spread the revolution of the workers throughout his life
>Seminal figure in the environmental movement
>Fought against racism wherever it took root

Some men are too good for this world.


>Continually spread the revolution of the workers throughout his life
Don't change, tankies

fidel castro? from call of duty black ops?

He was a continuing inspiration and pillar of support for Nelson Mandela throughout his life. Millions of others were inspired to rise up against their colonial oppressors because of his example. I don't know how this is wrong or debatable.

He killed 500 billion bussiness owners. Communism isnt cool. Please watch these turning point usa videos for more information

And supression...he brought supression to his people

America did that much earlier

Donald Trvmp

this motherfucker really is justin trudeau's dad

>Has there ever been a man more loved by his people?
They were partying pretty hard down in Florida when he died.

Fuck you Fidel, you weren't even the most beloved man in Cuba

Then why is Southern Florida filled with Cubans than ran away from Castro?

It was a great way to get rid of criminals


I like commie threads. I don't agree with their ideology, but the shitshow that ensues is always fun. Same with threads about Germany's post WW2 borders.

I like Holocaust denial threads for that reason. Yesterday's got over 400 replies.

Every state suppresses, they just differ on what or whom to suppress.

The bourgeoisie ran. The ones that move out now are like any other immigrant, economic immigrants.

>What is the Philippines?

This. The immigrants who were 'fled' Cuba were just rich people that were made they couldn't exploit their workers anymore. So they went to a country that prides itself on the exploitation of its workers; America.

They are almost all descendants of elites from Batista’s regime. In other words sore losers who deserved what they got for being such parasites on the Cuban people.

If I’m going to be oppressed I’d rather at least get healthcare and education out of it.

>tfw loved by the people but the bourgeoisie stil lurk

Descendant Cuban exile here. Hope he is rotting in hell with Lenin and Trotsky.

Still looking for my Russian white emigre waifu though.

Yeah a real swell guy!
>had good ol che on the fire squads 24/7 to kill all with a different opinion
>disuaded foreign investment causes billions of dollars from going to his people
>revoked all human rights saved all those that gib
>almost got the world into a third world war over nuclear missiles in the backyard of the superpower
>exiled millions
Fidel we love you

Isn’t that the weird island chain in between Vietnam and Hawaii that we filled with exclusively churches and hospitals?

>you talking to me?
>you talking TO ME?
>then who the fuck you think your talkin to

I don´t give a fuck about his politics, what blows my mind is he fucked 35.000 women.
He´s an apex spic, men like him conquered the continent, that´s why Franco loved him too

>had good ol che on the fire squads 24/7 to kill all with a different opinion
Anybody who wants their country to be a colonial backwater cuck state deserves to be shut up
>disuaded foreign investment causes billions of dollars from going to his people
You're implying that allowing sweatshops and casinos, owned by Americans and other foreigners, would benefit cubans which is kinda ridiculous.
>almost got the world into a third world war over nuclear missiles in the backyard of the superpower
If the Us never did the Bay of Pigs the Cuban Missile Crisis would never have happened. How hypocritical for a country that has actually used nuclear weapons.
>exiled millions
Not sure it was actually millions but a large percentage of them were actually criminals and extortionist landlords.

All of this being said excesses will happen in any revolution, from the French to the American to the Cuban which is a regrettable fact of life. Castro actually wanted a friendly relationship with the US, acting as a moderate between pro independence cuban liberal and communists, but that was made impossible when the embargo happened.

I want to fascists and the communists to get off my fucking image board and start killing eachother already.
Please. Please go kill your enemies and die for your ideology, you fucking troglodytes. And once you realize it will never work because humans are too fucked up, kill yourselves.

[spoiler]I completely agree with you though.[/spoiler]

Mandela was a genocidal terrorist.

>Fought against racism wherever it took root
By removing the only non-white leader Cuba ever had.

>500 billion
>Population of 7 Billion world wide

Doesn't add up.

sowwy mr castro took away your grandpa's plantation and taught his serfs how to read ;(


South Africa wasn't a colony.

And people with AIDS, don't forget.

South Africa was a colonial nation.

>so beloved that tens of thousands of Cubans have and still do cross a nasty stretch of ocean on rafts made of plywood and oil drums just to escape his country

I’ve never heard a single Cuban here in the Keys have anything good to say about Castro. Most had outright celebrations when he kicked the bucket finally.

Not really. It was a sovereign country after the Brits fucked off.

The success of your parents and grandparents in the USA was 100% dependent on them having some pathetic sob story about how Castro messed up your life and the country. That doesn't mean that you have to fall for it tho

That guy is probably far richer than Cubans in Cuba lel

South Africa was a colonial nation. Just like Rhodesia was, and Australia, New Zealand, and the United States currently are.


Nah he's a "classical liberal" - as in,
>society was so much better when we only cared about the welfare of rich white landowners

I've been to Cuba, people don't like him. Everything you attributed to Fidel in your post Cubans attribute to Che Guevara. Every Cuban I spoke to loved Che and thought he was a great national hero. When I asked about Fidel and Raul, most of them seemed to view him like Americans view George Bush. Some people like him, but most see both Castros as corrupt and inept.

I'd be considered coloured in South Africa and I still stand by what I said. You can't just treat the lives of an entire group as equivalent to vermin but try telling this to a commie.

>>Fought against racism wherever it took root
Lol, Che and Fidel both spoke at length on how retarded and lazy black people were. He also executed faggots. I don't understand why so many college students are retarded communists when they have access to such big libraries that will explain to them what a dipshit they are.

I'd like to ask the ignorant commie who started this thread: Do you have any idea about what's have been the aftermath of the cuban involvement in other central and south american conflicts?

I ask it because a feature of Veeky Forums is its tremendous lack of knowledge about latin american history, regarding specially to lefty posters.

>that's a bad thing

He we see the radical, with his warped perspective, pegholing his enemies. Have they presented information to identify themselves? No. Nor does the radical require it. Labels are hardly necessary when all who disagree with this sad, disgusting creature constitute an equal threat to it. To live with himself and endure the constant barrage of "alternative facts" tossed at him by saner, pragmatic minds, he copes using ancient mechanisms, evolved to deal with group disagreement in times where such disharmony could lead to life or death situations. Dehumanization enables him to hold all enemies in contempt. This visceral emotional reaction makes rejection of incoming information easier. Soon, the in group becomes the only trustworthy source of information, and decreasing scrutiny is applied to information supplied. As trust withers, all external information can be safely rejected, and radical progresses in his disease. At best, others are "misinformed" but most a simply malevolent - both deserve to be crushed with extreme prejudice, for utopia is not bought cheaply, and as education is a generational game (which naturally takes too long for the radical) the immediate purchase must be made - an option which demands blood as currency. And if you examine revolution after revolution, you will find that the radical finds no price too high.
Yet for all the suffering their acts of violence incur, they only ever bring another flavor of despotism and strife.
I'm a pragmatist, by the way. Liberalism is flawed. Too many assumption, not enough testable ideas. Recorded history has proven that humans are unfit to govern themselves, and so it's time for us to build something better, now that we've been afforded the opportunity by technology.

>fought against racism
Fidel was 100% European, both of his parents were born in Galicia in Spain. The guy he removed in the revolution was Fulgencio Batista who was of African, native American and Chinese extraction, the only non-white president in Cuban history. Fidel also considered him a mongrel and called him "negro de mierda". Make your own conclusions. I'm not saying he was some sort of Cuban KKK but to imply he was a champion of anti-racism is pure comedy.

>user whines about Cuban intervention in South America
Please tell me you aren't american


Far right reactionary coups backed by USA.

where are you from, now that we're talking about where i do come from?
seguro, maricón...

It doesnt matter, what matters is whining about Cuban intervention in South America where there is historically a far greater and overt influence over the region that is still happening now


Oh you silly. I don't have mind reading powers. I have decades of psychological studies!
Radicals have been studied as a psychological phenomenon for decades.
If you're actually a radical, then you will exhibit those habits. Because if you didn't, you wouldn't have become radicalized.
So yeah. Glad we're on the same page here. I really can "see into your mind" because radicals are predictable people being trapped and exploited in a pattern. It doesn't matter what flag they fly. They all exhibit similar behaviors. Just switch the groups around a bit.

This. The US has been meddling in Latin American affairs for far long and far more intensely than communist Cuba.

Look at these facts:
- What's happening right now in Venezuela is the aftermath of decades of cuban intervention on venezuelan politics
- The colombian armed conflict have lasted more than 5 decades, and the kickstart of that armed conflict was given by cubans acting as soviet proxies
- The death of Che Guevara happened after the cubans sent him to start more conflicts in South America, right after they toppled the Batista dictatorship
- The whole maras problem in El Salvador and the crime problem in Honduras are the aftermath of long civil wars bewteen their governments and guerrillas backed by Cuba. Right after those guerrillas made tremble the very social fabric of those countries and managed to get important victories against the states they fought, former troops just went rogue and sold themselves to drug kingpins

Whining? The only reason I'd be whining is about retards talking about what they don't know just like you're doing right now

His mother was Canarian, you mouthbreather.

All of that is dwarfed by what America, CIA, DEA, ATF, etc... have done not only in South America, but internationally.

Meanwhile the US has been toppling governments and invading Latin American countries since the 19th century.

That's a bird not an ethnicity you faggot.

A more desirable intervention than the cuban-soviet one.

t. lamebotas yanqui

>toppling democratically elected governments so that totalitarian regimes can bend over for foreign companies at the expense of the people is desirable

I would much rather be Cuban than Hondouran.

Maduro frequently says that.
Then go run to Cuba, go, leave your country.

I’m not Honduran. But I am planning on visiting Cuba as soon as I can. In all measures of development it ranks close to the most developed of its neighbours, and in some it even surpasse some western countries.

In no single metric Cuba surpasses any western country.

Anyway, this is not /pol/ and you must be baiting.

Even the CIA lists a lower infant and child morality rate in Cuba than the US. Cuba has one of the highest rates of doctors per capita in the world.

UNESCO also lists a 99.7 literacy rate in Cuba, while estimates put the US as low as 85%.

This map is bullshit.

Direct US military intervention only happened in Central America, it never extended to South America.

CIA covert activities in Chile are another matter, but even here it was an indigenous coup and not something the US actively set up.

Most of the information about US military bases and US troops is incorrect. There are no American troops deployed in Brazil or Paraguay. There are no US military bases below Manta base in Ecuador.

The map claims 56 interventions but it only lists 12, half of which are made up. For instance, the US never aided the 2002 Venezuelan coup attempt, it only hesitated in condemning it.

Central Americans are the only ones in a position to hold a legitimate, genuine grudge against the US.

>dindu nuffin

I'm only racist against you people. You Cuban (non naturalized american) are the scum of the earth; you are terrorists and kin slayers; capable of starving your fellows to death for your own personal gain. Your kind has been the puppet of politicians and you willingly offer your backside to the republican side.
Fuck your gay ass self. Fuck you.


I really don't know if you are being ironic or doubling down on your bullshit

>asking the shit if they like the ass where they came from

Si conchetumadre. Llora.

>What's happening right now in Venezuela is the aftermath of decades of cuban intervention on venezuelan politics

Every Cuban I’ve ever met would give you the shirt off their back and always look towards the group instead of individual gain. I take it you’ve never actually met a real Cuban

>What's happening right now in Venezuela is the aftermath of decades of cuban intervention on venezuelan politics
Oh wow... just wow

>Cubans/Soviets finance democratic parties to function as oposition and counterbalance to US Interventionism; Sometimes supporting Pro-Democratic Guerrillas and Armed Oposition only in Authoritarian states.
>US/CIA finance Coups and Authoritarian Regimes thoughout the entirety of Latin America; Turning a blind eye to electoral rigging and Openly teaching torture techniques to Repressive regimes

Wew lad; surely a hard choice.

"Then go to cuba" is not an argument faggot.
We love our nations unlike you Tratorus faggot. If you hate so much the left why dont you go fuck around to the Phillipines where you get paid if you kill communists and leave our countries be.
Maricon Conchetumadre.

>conveniently ignoring the assasination of The general in chief of the army of Chile; inmediately before Allende came to power; which de-estabilized the army and allowed it to not be ready for a fast coup

>Ignoring the training CIA did of the Secret police aparatus of Dictatorships in S.A. involved on Operacion Condor.

Which is why i said non naturalized.
The ones who look for their own gain are like the Venezuelans my country is recieving: Lying; Screaming Sacks of shit who wear their flag for Political Convenience; not out of nationality.

>Cubans/Soviets finance democratic parties to function as oposition and counterbalance to US Interventionism; Sometimes supporting Pro-Democratic Guerrillas and Armed Oposition only in Authoritarian states
Total bullshit.

Cuban guerrillas invaded Venezuela during the Raul Leoni government (democracy).
Marxist ERP terrorists financied by Russia killed civilians in Argentina during the Isabel Peron government (democracy).
Sendero Luminoso tried to overthrow the Peruvian government in the 1980s. (Democracy)
FARC was financed by Cuba and Russia against Colombian democracy for three decades.
Tupamaros started their war in Uruguay during democratic times.

Only in authoritarian states my ass.

School of the Americas was not run by the CIA, and was not involved with Operation Condor. Get your facts straight.

I take it you’ve never met a true Scotsman.

Rene Schneider was killed by a far right Chilean group, not by the CIA. Thank you for proving my point that US involvement is overblown.

he was a jewish CIA agent

Yes, Ataturk.

>Marxist ERP terrorists financied by Russia killed civilians in Argentina during the Isabel Peron government (democracy).
Where can I read more on this?

so isn't so to you? because it is.

stop samefagging
chilean commie spotted, how's your first day here, indio mapuche?

>Oh you silly.
Wtf is this shit? Is this some type of "oh sweetie (facepalm)" type of thing or what? user, if you didn't act like this people would take you more seriously, lurk the board some more and I can promise you people won't call you a faggot anymore.

Gusanos did.

>>Fought against racism wherever it took root
but he hated blacks....