Guys. Today we will reach 200 billion marketcap for the first time. That means more than 40 billion in new (normie) money in about two months.
We are no longer in zero sum for the time being.
Problem is that a large amount of that is going to btc and Bitconnect.
Normies might get rekt and all of crypto may suffer if the flippening happens.
What's your insight?
Guys. Today we will reach 200 billion marketcap for the first time...
Jason Ortiz
Thomas Foster
Also a reminder that the ones getting into crypto now know nothing about replay protection or programming for that matter.
Isaac Jackson
So many normies are going to get fucked over. We really do live in an interesting time period. Our actions set the precedence for generations to come.
Jordan Ross
Normie Money? It's fucking hedge fonds money, you retard, because of the CME. And btw we already reached 203B today
Thomas Hughes
Colton Robinson
What will the blow back from Bitconnect be like?
Juan Ward
Holy shit
Gavin Gonzalez
>these are the people who think s2x is "free money"
>bitfinex prints tether
>btc moons
surely this is a coincid-
>hurr durr its muh institutional investors
Jack Peterson
we actually were at 202 billion earlier today.
Christian Russell