Are all races equal?
Are all races equal?
Jews are the most superior race
Equality is just a social construct to try and make people truly believe there is no difference between other races so they are easier to control.
No such thing.
I wake up before sunrise and immediately offer prayers to Krishna, then I do pranam to the deity of the sun, Surya, as the sun slowly rises from the horizon, next proceed to a shower, clean my teeth using a Neem twig.
I then face either north or east on a pure sheet positioned on pure grounds, that remains undisturbed by any other object or article. I take 3 sippings of holy water and proceed to put on my forehead, bosom and tow arms a round mark of red powder (tilak). I then meditate on brahman itself for several minutes, before bowing and chanting mantras to the murtis of 5 deities (namely Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, Devi and Surya, also known as Panchayatana puja) as a means to raise to higher planes of the swinging pendulum of birth to death to rebirth (in order to the avoid duldrums of lower planes of existence which ulitmately distract the finite brain from contemplation of atman and brahman).
I've read the Vedas and Upanishads 108 times already and can recite Puranas off by heart, all in their original sanskrit. I've also studied the systems of logic from Nyaya, veered off into the Nastika metaphysics of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika, Advaita and Dvaita systems of ontology, the mathematics of Aryabhatta and countless Sutras on all topics and fields.
I avoid all tamasic foods and activities and try to avoid maya (worldly pleasures and attachments) as much as possible, as such all I own is an saffron shawl and i spoil all morsels of food with drops of water, to dull the taste (attachment to sensory pleasures only leads to misery and suffering). I do this because the entire material universe is a merely a distraction from reuniting the soul with the unknowable, infinite and immutable mind that underlies everything one materially senses. I haven't deliberately looked at a woman in 3 years (let alone touched or spoken to one) and I subsist solely off of begging for alms.
Found the commie
Equally evil. Humans are a disease that should be eliminated.
That's not a thing!
Why the fuck us /his so obsessed with race?
Is this a confirmation of Hitler's theory that history has been a racial struggle rather then the Marxist theory of an economic class struggle?
I am baffled by the percentage of threads about race and perplexed as "race" is undoubtedly a social construct of our time as evidenced by people on Pol arguing who is "white" and sjws arguing who is "black"
Ethnicity is not a social construct, DNA is not a social construct. Lineage is not. These are all things that have had profound Impacts on history.
It is only since the late 19th century that scientists began to develop racial theories of Caucasus, Mongoloids, negroids, and austroids.
In fact Hitler didn't even consider "white" to be a unified race. He was very pertucular about descending the Aryan, Slavic, and other people's from one another.
This idea of "race" is fundamentally and American idea born out of the historical enslavement and segregation of Sub-Saharan Africans.
Although it is true that ethnic and tribal tentions have existed throughout history, they were never a dominant force of societal strife. That was religion.
I think We are only now entering this age of constructed racial identities.
And it baffles my mind if truly does to think of where this could lead.
Woke af.
Based misanthrope poster
We'll win in the end
Not Veeky Forums
No, but what are you gonna do?
So to answer your question I would say that all humans are genetic individuals as we have not perfected cloning.
Because of this they are all different. You didn't define "race" or "equal" so I will interpose a definition.
Race: meaning phenotype.
Equal: meaning the same.
No different phenotypes are not the same. Why would we have different catigoizations in the first place if they were all the same thing?
Now I know that's probably not what you mentioned by "race" and "equal" but these terms are ambiguous at this stage and dictionary definitions will not surface so I require that you define them if you want an better answer.
>Ethnicity is not a social construct
No, the notion is absurd. We evolved in different places with different evolutionary pressures. The difference in DNA is even visible to the eye. To think that this would lead to a couple of races that are equally balanced like in some video game is beyond stupid.
I woke up 2 hours after sunrise, pee and drink my coffee. Then I drive to work were I drink another coffee ,eat lunch and come home at roughly 6 pm. Then I eat dinner, take a shower and go to bed. The money that I save I spend on cheap prostitutes and gin.
>Ethnicity is race
I respect that more than I should.
Naturally you can't rely on people self-reporting their ethnicity. You'd have to actually check their DNA to put them in the proper camp.
It depends on your definition of "equal", "race", "all" and "and".
Do you believe trannies are women too?
Theirs no "and" in there, all meaning in totality of the catigories that are "race"
What needs to be determined is how one qualifies race and how one qualifies equality.
>ethnicity and nationality are the same
No one is equal.
There are huge differences in every race, you'd be able to consider this just from a slight conversation with anyone else.
However, everyone should be given the same resources/opportunities to perform well, and the question of whether or not a specific race is going to be successful in any given path in society is completely up to many different factors including how applicable that race can possibly be in that area or how compatible they are in general with industry.
no one is equal, but everyone is equal enough. Put a black kid in a physics class, he's gonna learn physics.
You could make the argument that some races are superior because they have enjoyed good education and good nutrition throughout several generations, however you couldn't make the argument that if all things were equal, some races still would be superior.
So say nignogs don't suffer from lack of nutrition, or a lack of education, and they have good food + schools for generations. Then compare the well educated well fed negro to whities and azns, and I don't think the blackos would fare any worse.
Race is a falacy.
>there is no such thing as race
>mapping onto social constructions about ethnicity
Did you send off for a test that revealed you were 44% Irish and 12% gullible twat?
Do you want to buy part an acre of moon?
>race is a scientific taxon and not just a vague grouping of phenotypical traits conflated with the concept of ethnicity
>Why the fuck us /his so obsessed with race?
Because it's a board on Veeky Forums, obviously. Retard.
>Why the fuck us /his so obsessed with race?
It's not. It's all the /pol/fugees who can't stop spreading their bile elsewhere.
Not your personal hugbox faggot.
/pol scum won't shut up.
>however you couldn't make the argument that if all things were equal, some races still would be superior.
Yes you can retard.
>literally buttmad because other people contradict your right wing echo chamber
"Superiority" is meaninglessly subjective value judgment when it comes to living organisms. The Great Chain of being isn't science, bro.
The most important thing is not the answer but the realization that racial egalitarianism has been established as a "fact" not through science but through social reforms.
If you believe in racial egalitarianism, stop for a second and think about this: do you have that belief because you spent a significant amount of time studying behavioral genetics and then researched on the possibility of racial gaps being heritable and concluded that they're not (at all)? Can you point out any study published between when racial egalitarianism was not the norm and the point in which it became the norm that showed how the heritability of racial differences are zero?
If you're honest, the answers to those questions are both "no".
If you believe in racial egalitarianism, you do only because of social pressure and intimidation. Your belief isn't warranted in any sense of the word.
To make all things equal, the test subjects would need to enjoy several generations of peace, stability, nutrition, and education. And then you can test the great great grandchildren of whites and blacks and asians and whatever race you want, against each other to determine who's superior.
However, you're not gonna be able to create equal conditions that will allow a fair test. You can't control for all these variables. To say that genetically, some groups of people are superior, therefore, is an incredibly difficult thing to prove.
>Not your personal hugbox faggot.
>"Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates."
no. the jews clearly have the upper hand
>If you believe in racial egalitarianism, you do only because of social pressure and intimidation.
nah, It's because I've lived and and friends who have lived around slums/ghettos all races are equally shit. Certain races are superior to others in specific circumstances but that's like arguing the superiority of certain dog breeds when at the end of the day it really dosen't matter.
yet you shitpost
>nah, It's because I've lived and and friends who have lived around slums/ghettos all races are equally sh
That's just an anecdote, it's irrelevant as to whether or not racial differences are heritable. Believing something based on anecdotes is just as bad as believing it because of peer pressure.
Also, I didn't mention "superiority" once.
>"race" is undoubtedly a social construct >Ethnicity is not
Try the other way around.
>forensics can determine a person's race from his/her bones with close to flawless accuracy
there's no denying that there are differences between races, but not as many as the average mercury consuming /pol/tard would want you to believe. humans in general are just shitty. we rape, torture, kill, enslave, and mistreat others to satisfy our own self interests.
I think you have hit upon the root of the issue. It requires considerable cognitive dissonance to see demonstrable differences, between the general genetic groupings we call races and sub races, as well as hold onto this pseudo-religious equality dogma. There seems to be this underlying idea that if society does not hold up this equality mythos the only other alternative is some horrendous racial superiority hegemony sweeping the world.
fpbp, brother.
No they can't. Mainly because race isn't a real thing and differs from culture to culture. The same person will be classified differently by different cultures, eg Zidane is white in America but not white in europe
Race is a social construct *chooses to be born as a sub-saharan african negroid but then decides to be a chinese mongoloid*
>Believing something based on anecdotes is just as bad as believing it because of peer pressure.
no it's understanding that in people behave in a particular way when they have certain backgrounds, and comparing groups of people when they differ so greatly in familial histories is silly especially when societies have treated certain people groups quite differently. The most similar groups for comparison i think would be native americans and those native islanders that the japs finally bred out of the genepool, but even so there's a large variation in how they were treated and expecting the accurately establish behavioral norms in relation to each other is quite foolish imo.
>Also, I didn't mention "superiority" once.
I never said you did?
Easy with the science there doc.
>no one is equal, but everyone is equal enough. Put a black kid in a physics class, he's gonna learn physics.
Democracy should be all about encouraging equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. The most prosperous societies are those that have rule of law, proper checks and balances, and can foster an environment of free and fair capitalist competition where there's a floor on where you start from but no ceiling from what you can achieve.
Identity politics are pernicious because they take agency away from the individual in carving his own destiny through his hard work, and instead encourage the creation of victim complexes and a conspiracy view of the world.
/pol/ fascist LARPers don't understand that they are supporting an all-powerful state to step on their individual liberties and justice system so that patronage, corruption and networking rules again instead of fair competition as it should be.
Black supremacists and tumbrites don't understand they are keeping black people down with victim complexes and skewing the balance against fairness when pushing for forced diversity, which results in a poorer society for all.
In the end, both groups are extremely retarded and the result of social network echo chambers.
Race ISN'T real! *has my bones excavated in the far future and identified with 100% accuracy as to what my race was*
Cyкa блять
There is no objective basis for determining which race a person is. It changes over time and culture like morality.
You will not make a good mathematician out of a person with 80 IQ. That is the issue, the bell curve. The black kid is much, much, MUCH more likely to have an IQ around 80 than a white or asian kid.
Education does not increase IQ. American blacks are well fed and educated to the same level as everyone else, yet their IQ is still only around ~80 or so whilw whites are around 100 and asians average slightly higher even.
No. Different flavours of humanity are not equal. Some are stronger, some are smarter, some are better in certain things, some are worse in others. We are in no way equal, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve equality.
Don't take pride in events in which you played no part, and don't denigrate others for being born in a situation in which they had no say. Just give everyone a fair deal and judge each person by their own merits.
>American blacks
I wonder if something might be holding them back?
Similar studies done in different countries (UK) have black Africans achieving better results than the white population.
It's an American issue not a skin colour thing
legally they should be, biologically no.
>It is only since the late 19th century that scientists began to develop racial theories of Caucasus, Mongoloids, negroids, and austroids.
You mean late 18th with Linnae. He's the one to coin the big three races.
A social construct is still a "thing". Social constructs exist and have real life consequences.
nigs are actually inferior to whites
The UK studies were performed on specific ethnic groups, as far as I can find they included Bangladeshi, Ghanaian, Indian, Nigerian, Sierra Leonean and Vietnamese (plus three more). Also, the only sources I can find for are newspaper articles which cite some "think-tank", and it all seems very vague.
Very flimsy evidence. Look at how it actually looks world-wide, blacks don't do well at all wherever they are. Is it a world-wide racist conspiracy specifically targeting blacks for literally zero reason? Or are blacks just not very capable over-all? I tend to go with the simple reason.
It's better evidence than you have. All the groups were considered individually, they didn't bundle all not whites into one category.
People from Africa are black, and in a country less racist than the USA they have better educational results than whites. Indians do too. It's not vague, it's based on exam results.
The conspiracy isn't world wide, it's in USA where the majority white population is really racist.
Occam's Razor shouldn't be applied to EVERYTHING, dude. The answer to the question "why do blacks do poorly in Africa and the USA" is rooted in a variety of complex structures. Lack of opportunities, poor nutrition, terrible environmental conditions, and actual historical oppression that guaranteed the former causes were perpetuated heavily contribute to the poor state of most of Africa and black communities in the USA. Just saying "hurr niggers are dumb because they're made that way" is deluding yourself at best and a clear demonstration your group is headed down the same path at worst.
Why can't it be both? Just because an answer is simple doesn't make it right.
Occam's Razor means that in the absence of conclusive evidence the simplest explanation is the most likely one, retard.
Niggers are retarded seems like the simplest explanation to why they do so poorly on IQ testing worldwide.
Yes user, your vague prejudices are better proof than a five year study.
>whites actually come last
>/pol/ eternally btfo
Yes. Why is this even a debate in the 21st century? Every pseudo-scientific study demonstrating otherwise has been discredited already.
What kind of conclusive evidence is that? It's listing the average national IQ relative to wealth. Is the conclusion I'm supposed to draw "third-world countries in Africa have a sub-average average IQ, thus all niggers are 'tarded"? It doesn't speak about Africans in other countries, or the genetic makeup of those countries, or the causes of the IQ scores in those countries. You need to provide better evidence towards your conclusion.
Found the religious
>all animal species have races, except for human who are God's special snowdlake
Even worse, this theory posits that for thousands of years, China and India and North African people had vastly higher iq than Europeans, then suddenly, after the advent of industrialisation, European iq massively increased, and as colonialism took hold, the iq in the colonised countries drastically reduced as the colonising power extracted the wealth.
Sure races are equal, but that's because race really doesn't carry much content.
Culture on the other hand, is not, and never will be equal.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that having money to send your kids to school means your kids end up being educated.
>from a wealthy nation
>receive education
>perform better on IQ tests
>from a poor nation
>receive no education
>perform poorly on IQ tests
This is a far simpler assumption than believing in the idea that several billion people are all identically stupid.
No and it’s bordering on schizophrenic to believe otherwise.
No clearly they are not. How the fuck could you even think this? Just pay attention to reality and you'll easily tell not all races are created equal. Some are just a cut above the others. You can't sit there and honestly tell me the Daytona 500 is equal to 24 Hours of Le Mans
Not science.
Except race is not science. Race is pseudoscience.
>when you literally use cultural artifacts to argue for racial superiority
>When you literally can't take a joke
>when you're just pretending to be retarded
>Really can't tell the post was satirical and actually about motorsports races rather than /pol/ shit
Step away from the computer m8, ideology is starting to cloud your mind.
>when you're just pretending to be retarded