What is the way to get more women into crypto? I feel that this niche is dominated by aggressive males and would benefit from a more holistic and compassionate female point of view. After all, it is they who bring new life into this world.
What is the way to get more women into crypto...
>After all, it is they who bring new life into this world.
Women are whores who fuck the highest status male, before shitting out yet another human who grew from Chad's seed, perpetuating the suffering and pain of self-aware organic life. They also have absolutely no compassion and think of nothing but themselves and their spawn.
I love Veeky Forums
Is it just me or is this board more red-pilled than any other?
would you talk to your mother that way?
Dontcha worry my man, most anons here are incel
No retard Women will never be mature enough to be trusted with money or any freedom
this can't be correct
Yep. 4% are lying about not lying.
Quite frequently.
What are you on about. Women are welcome to trade, they just don't. We don't need to make them do anything.
No, 4% are just lying about not being men
Get out of my board, normie white knight faggot.
Women are irrational and useless.
We donĀ“t need them to ruin another male space.
this, this is what I'm talking about. Violent male aggressiveness is scaring away the females, and thus diversity suffers as a result.
Diversity is code for white genocide
Women just don't think in grand terms like men do. They don't think past little things like if people will laugh at me for wearing this dress, if this eyeliner is too much, how oppressed am I today, etc.
If a couple words are what keeps you away from gains then you never deserved them in the first place ya fuckin' menstrual cunt.
Cryptomarket or whatever you want to call it already a chaos
Shoe Tokens
There are women in crypto. They just don't post here and why would they want to.
yeah they're too busy buying high and selling low at the slightest red
You would be surprised if you only knew. I am not talking about soccer mom crypto blogs. Women in business. I know a lot of them.
The day more women try to join in on our little club here is the day we fucken leave and make a new club. Stay out
Diversity is for cucks
Being this bitter can't be healthy. /r9k/ was a mistake.
most women are horrible at finance and investing
It'd a jagged pill to swallow but it's the truth. Reality is bitter.
the money they get to put into crypto comes from a man
its pointless