Can someone well read on the subject please explain how Jewish people went from having no nation to having the most powerful nation on Earth under their control?
Can someone well read on the subject please explain how Jewish people went from having no nation to having the most...
>jews subsist on the fringes of european society
>live in ghettos in many places
>only allowed in city at certain times
>can only take certain jobs: no manual/conscription labor, basically only usurious banking practices that gentiles are forbidden from
>commit usury against stupid gentiles
>powerful kings see this and start using YOU to in turn use the gentiles
>gentiles get pissed
>get pogromed
>repeat ad nauseum
>cut to nathan rothschild
>raised in ghetto
>becomes primary banker for some king (sorry I forgot)
>when the country is invaded rothschild has the chance to essentially "transfer" (steal) the king money
>rothschild becomes richest man in the world
>establishes brother in bank of london
>power increases
>fucking buys england
>england is now indebted to the jewish cause
>england establishes israel with other european powers
and thats about all I know
Wait so the english debt is pre WWI?
Genetic superiority.
I have forgotten...
okay, here's that story:
>wealthy rothschilds from different european nations fund both napoleon and britain
>battle of waterloo
>group of stockholders waiting to see what the results of the battle are (if france wins, english currency is worthless)
>rothschild has carrier pigeons
>rothschild gets the verdist first
>he begins to SELL
>everyone else begins to sell as well, presuming this means england lost
>rothschild then BUYS everyones stocks because surprise, england actually won
>england is now owned by the jews
this story is apocryphal but the gist is true asaik: rothschilds made a killing in both funding both sides of the napeoleonic wars and collected all the debt in the end
>having the most powerful nation on Earth under their control?
*Nglos control the Jews, not the other way around.
>fucking buys england
>england is now indebted to the jewish cause
>england establishes israel with other european powers
This is a myth. He didn't control the Bank of England. There's no primary source evidence indicating that he did (oh, silly me, I forgot, it's a secret!) His grandson did sit on the board of directors, beginning in 1869.
Even as back as the early middle ages the Jews had a special relationship with the King. They were known as "serveants of the court". They were excused from military service, did not have to pay taxes to anyone other than the king, got special theological treatment, were given their own land (in the form of ghettos), and attacks against them was considered an attack on the king's servents: big fines.
Jews have a history of being very good at making friends.
>(oh, silly me, I forgot, it's a secret!)
it sound a lot more incredulous that the man keeps secrets from his past if he weren't literally the scion of the wealthiest international banking family of all time.
but if you can find a bio about rothschild that doesn't come from some source that was commissioned on behlaf of the rothschilds themselves I'll read it
You've got it backwards. Israel is a US colony.
so the jews actually weren't oppressed at all? or do they consider serving goyim kangz while becoming exorbitantly wealthy oppression?
When you learn to make the dreidel spin, you'll know why our people always win.
Jews have a history you can go read. That's what makes them unique.
Every minority is treated in exactly the same way. Jews just so happen to be everywhere and to write down everything.
Most jews were dirt poor, uneducated laborers like the rest of humanity, only the cream of the crop got to be a special servant of the king.
>what is AIPAC
fucking hell i have to applaud that
>if france wins, english currency is worthless
Why couldn't the Bongs just get the coalition back together? Surely there's more than just one British and one Prussian army standing between Nappy and world domination
One day the companions were walking with Rabbi Shim'on bar Yohai. Rabbi Shim'on said: "We see that all these nations have risen, and Israel is lower than all of them. Why is this? Because the King [God] sent away the Matronit from Him, and took the slave woman [Lilith] in her place. Who is this slave woman? The Alien Crown, whose firstborn the Holy One, blessed be He, killed in Egypt. At first she sat behind the handmill, and now this slave woman inherited the place of her mistress." And Rabbi Shim'on wept and said: "The King without the Matronit is not called king. The King who adhered to the slave woman, to the handmaid of the Matronit, where is his honor? He lost the Matronit and attached Himself to the place which is called slave woman. This slave woman was destined to rule over the Holy Land of below, as the Matronit formerly ruled over it. But the Holy One, blessed be He, will ultimately bring back the Matronit to her place as before. And then, what will be the rejoicing? Say, the rejoicing of the King and the rejoicing of the Matronit. The rejoicing of the King because He will return to her and separate from the slave woman, and the rejoicing of the Matronit, because she will return to couple with the King.
- Zohar 3:69a
tl;dr God spurned Lilith and took back his rightful wife the Matronit
cuz they were bullied, and often
Dude, stop for a moment and think about what you're doing. You're literally dreaming shit up based on rumors and hearsay, and then you're dismissing any evidence to the contrary because it's "unreliable".
It's pretty much natural selection. The Israel project faced so many obstacles that it's clear that it would either be destroyed or be tough af to survive.
>get targeted by a genocide
>escape to Palestine
>Britain blocks Jew migration again and again
>finally get deal to form own nation
>immediately get attacked by Arab neighbors
>we wuz good boys we never participated in any kind of financial impropriety
>t. commissioned Rothschild family historian
nigga puh leez
>da jooz, they added a bunch of zeroes to their bank accounts and they secretly bought England without anyone noticing
They were oppressed but the Kings made money off the oppression because every time a Jewish ghetto got burned down he could lay down fines.
Jews being the only people giving loans also encouraged communities to concuct elborate reasons why the Jews should all be thrown out. In doing so they would not have to pay off their loans. This would be more true in an area where the king had less presence, and especially true in areas where the church had influence. The Jews have a rival theology and do not pay tithes or taxes to the church. They their worst enemy.
Not him, but let's be real for a moment nigga.
We need to be extremely aware of the sources we use, and I personally would be extremely suspicious of *any* sources offered by *any* family. It's a public secret that Rothschild family pulls dick moves in banking, and are heavily invested in maintaining a respectable public image.
For that reason, I feel obligated to conclude that we'll never know get to know much about their "true" history, whatever that "true" history is, because they'll always be putting up a front - which is the rational thing to do, and I can't really fault them for that fact.
what next? are you going to refer me to articles by the historians commissioned by coca cola denying their death squads in South america?
Is evidence defending the source it comes from credible? Honest question cause you seem genuinely worried that I don't believe something just cause it's written
The story is slightly apocryphal, but the point is that Rothschild bought up dirt cheap war bonds from war-weary England and established their system of large scale debt that now every western country is involved in
>>finally get deal to form own nation
Nobody else was consulted. It's not like they tried to draw the borders to get a majority Jewish Israel that wouldn't need ethnic cleansing.