Neolithic farmer chat!
Neolithic farmer chat!
Well I sure like the look of those hunter guys living in the forest but their women are not that good looking.
Honey, how would you feel if we invited those guys to stay over for the night?
I swear to all of the gods gruk, if i find you with your dick on my goat one more time, i'll bash your fucking 'ead in.
Simple life is happier than modern life
go head proove me wrong
FUCK farmers
We need to stop being racist and open our borders to migrants from the East fleeing war and poverty.
They were great
best beer recipe?
Friendly reminder that central and northern European farmers were fair-skinned, blonde-haired and blue-eyed supermen that were drowned in a plague of swarthy Corded and Beaker steppeniggers.
Nah, they had black hair and olive complexion.
>black hair
Look at Southern Europe
Phenotype can vary between two groups regardless of whether or not they cluster together.
Sardinia-Georgia union when?
Cuckold fetish stays the same though. These guys held their wives hands while I2 darkies fucked the shit out of their women. It only made them a little darker though.
Friendly reminder that it's the exact opposite of what this guy says
>I2 darkies
Do you know where I has the highest concentration?
Proof of Late Neolithic and Copper Age central and northern Europeans being swarthoids and Corded Ware and Bell Beakers being lightoids?
ruh roh
Not all I2 populations had dark skin and hair, many were fair.
Well I can tell you where it isn't 100% anymore and that's Britain. Every single Neolithic Brit had I2.
I wouldn't say many since it's just one. We don't know how much I2 there was in Scandinavia compared to R and maybe Q(who provided the whiteness) based on a few samples.
Looks like pre-1880 Sub-Saharan Africa to me
Yamna masterrace
The only accomplished farmers
Nah, their influence is obvious everywhere in Europe. And the most accomplished would be probably Vincas and Cucuteni-Trypillia.
Nah Nuragics were way more impressive
You're saying farmers were black like their I2 daddies?
Anyway Yamna were blonde at least recessively since blond hair has ANE origins.
>I wouldn't say many since it's just one.
One what?
This, basically
>le peaceful farmer meme
*genocides your neighbor*
>With the recently examined LBK mass grave site of Schöneck-Kilianstädten, Germany, we present new conclusive and indisputable evidence for another massacre, adding new data to the discussion of LBK violence patterns. At least 26 individuals were violently killed by blunt force and arrow injuries before being deposited in a commingled mass grave. Although the absence and possible abduction of younger females has been suggested for other sites previously, a new violence-related pattern was identified here: the intentional and systematic breaking of lower limbs. The abundance of the identified perimortem fractures clearly indicates torture and/or mutilation of the victims. The new evidence presented here for unequivocal lethal violence on a large scale is put into perspective for the Early Neolithic of Central Europe and, in conjunction with previous results, indicates that massacres of entire communities were not isolated occurrences but rather were frequent features of the last phases of the LBK.
One population, the WHG-EHG mixed SHG in Scandinavia. WHG provided blue eyes and EHG provided light skin and light hair.
The very few SHG samples we have are I2 but modern Scandinavians also have unique Q subclades which couldn't have come from elsewhere so it's likely these were present among Scandinavian EHG.
Most farmers were light skinned.
>I2 daddies
Are you talking about England? Those I2 were already mostly farmers and they came from Iberia.
Nuragic civilization came much later.
Yeah you're right they were fair skinned like Sicilians
*blocks your path*
Pshh... nothing personel m*Doid
Indo-Europeans were blond and Nordic.
Yamna were mixed because they were late PIE admixed with caucasus dwellers.
And ENF were definitely swarthy m*Doids from MENA region.
Sardinians. This is pretty interesting.
>In this regard, the mountainous area of Ogliastra (part of the wider region of Barbagia) is more distant from the rest of Europe and the Mediterranean than other Sardinian sub-regions located in the plains and in the coastal areas,[104] in part because these more accessible areas show, like the rest of much of Europe, a moderate genetic influx from the Yamna culture pastoralists, thought to be the carriers of Indo-European languages into Europe, while Ogliastra has retained unaltered Mesolithic/Neolithic roots.
>Sardinia, Italy (particularly Ogliastra, Barbagia di Ollolai and Barbagia of Seulo): one team of demographers found a hot spot of longevity in mountain villages where an amazing proportion of men reach the age of 100 years.[4] In particular, a village called Seulo, located in the Barbagia of Seulo, holds the record of 20 centenarians from 1996 to 2016, that confirms it is "the place where people live the longest in the world".[5]
I wonder if it's related.
>Be me
>Raised by mom and uncle
>Never knew my dad
>Came on a horse one day and left
>Have piss yellow hair
>Mom looks at me with shame sometimes
>Look little like her
You never provide any sources and replying to you is a waste of time.
Other Sardinians are like mainland Italians I suppose
I did many times earlier. And neither do you.
Also how can you deny that ENF were swarthy m*Doids from MENA? Lol.
He's an Iranian nationalist who thinks Indo-Europeans were Elamites from Zagros mountains.
I don't care about Indo-Europeans. For me they were ancient pastoralists that moved to Europe around 3000 BC. That's it. Back then most of them were dark haired and brown-eyed (both Cordeds and Yamna). And this is the established fact.
SHG wasn't the only I2 population where fair features were found. There's an I2 sample found in Lengyel culture which was most like fair-haired and blue-eyed. Obviously this isn't definitive, but I think it's too restrictive to say that SHG was the only fair I2 population.
Some Funnelbeakers also had blue eyes and blond hair.
Sure you don't. Anyway even if they were darker than modern North Europeans and looked like Pontid Ukrainians doesn't mean the cucklord farmers weren't some dark abomination.
Indo-Europeans introduced the light hair genes and selection made them common.
>dark haired
They were 75% blond or brown haired, and hte 25% black haired number also quite correlates with the level of non-IE admixture
Individual samples are irrelevant. Lengyel as a whole was dark haired.
Why are you such a bird who is tricked into raising the hatchling of an evil bird?
I have no use for the horsemonkeys. Their vessels are silly, they make them appear to have clay ropes that wrap around them. They bury their dead in demonic mounds.
They ride awful beasts in an unnatural way. I have two legs - what would I do with four more? And everywhere they go they rape and steal, their silly horse tails on their heads bobbing as they say, "HO HOL!"
I have no use for horse monkeys who think of land as only something to be trod over rather than nurtured.
>blond OR brown
Brown isn't blond.
>Corded Ware culture
>black hair, dark brown hair, light brown hair, blond hair
Your own picture shows that all kind of people were there.
Even in Scandinavia there was one guy with dark brown hair and one with blond hair.
You're really annoying.
Ooga booga where sky water at
You disgusting horsemonkey rapebaby. I have no barleywater for you. Horsemonkeys imbibe demons when they drink barleywater. These demons are why your skin appears as dead.
Do a favor and go to sleep forever in your rape father's mound.
Am surprised your mother told you your father was a horsemonkey. Most of you ponies are told that their father came from sky, and sky father went back after impregnating them.
And? SHG was majority dark haired as well.
Okay? What would it change if they were?
*blocks your culture*
greetings fellow black brothers, looks like we're inventing civilization at an impressive rate
sure hope no one invents white devils to ruin everything
Brown hair is caused by blonde or red alleles, so it counts as well.
I know you are sending me these rude messages from across the sea on that island. Me and my brothers will take a boat and pay you a visit.
Also German racial scientists counted brown haired people as Nordic, so it counts even more.
I'm not sure what you're really trying to argue. I made the point that fair hair has been found in more than one I2 population. You replied by saying that only SHG counts, since the population I mentioned was majority dark-haired. But SHG was also majority dark-haired. So where is the cut-off point for being accepted? 10% fair? 20% fair? 30% fair? Any choice will be totally arbitrary. Fair I2 samples have been found within and outside of Scandinavia, so it was wrong for that guy to claim that I2 = dark.
WHGs were dark also in skin and not just hair. SHG were light skinned and their light hair, minority or majority was still from EHG.
Farmers were pretty much getting cucked by WHG nonstop which only makes the idea of light farmers even more of a joke although it would be one anyway.
I laugh at you across poison water. A horse monkey riding a wooden horse across the waters? We are safe from you as your horses cannot ford the poison river to assail our white cliffs!
Oh criminal Aryan of simple violent mind! Albion is safe from your rape. Even should you mount the sealion and ride him to our beaches, and should your Sky Father blitz his yellow fire and thunder to knock us down as seashells on the shore, if you land you will break upon the white cliffs!
And we will harvest your blood, and age it as the barley water, and drink it like sweet wine, and our beady eyes will glow with laughter.
>They stacked bricks
>They must have been geniuses
It wasn't just stacking, those structures were hollow inside they really weren't easy to build
After the Indo-Europeans arrived all traces of stone settlements disappear. Apparently they lived in tents because we just can't find their settlements.
So yes, compared to them farmers were quite advanced.
>posting bronze age
They would have been exterminated by people like Assyrians had not the merciful steppe folks agreed to take their lands and women.
Assyrians are from a different period.
How convenient for farmers
They also had fountains
>your military might is based upon light cavalry and wheeled horse drawn transport
>your diet is supplied by your grazing animals
>you are nomadic
Hmmm I wonder why they lived in tents instead of stone houses
Because the Sardinians were the descendants of those farmers
>be my grandfathers grandfather
>young boy walking with family and family of families
>we walk on cold white ground for many years and hunt big toothfish
>suddenly, ground disappearing beneath bitter waves
>We flee the bitter waves moon after moon, it gets warmer and we find new animals to hunt
>flint is plentiful now that hard ground and crumbly ground has been revealed beneath cold whiteness
>we can leave our flint knives all over with no fear of needing to save them
>we quarry mighty mountains and build places to stay out of cold night and hot day
>we build much, many of us now, and many others that we fight and kill and take from, and are fought and killed and raided by
>fewer trees, land drying up
>be me
>land is dry and hot, and in thirst and despair we are taken as slaves by tooth clubs from the south
>be you, the grandson of the grandson of sons of my sister and the toothclub heartcutter
>you see the world be ravaged by itching death and monster men with giant boats and crossed god
>be the grandsons grandson of the crossed god kneeler and a spike club servant girl
>either believe that all spike clubs were noble savages, or all crossed kneelers were innocent civilizing heroes
>get anushurt by blood fraction face on eastern fertility art board
Considering the farmers in Southern Europe lived in places where semitic people like Phoenicians settled and survived just fine, I don't think so
those crops are very inauthentic.
Haha, oh wow, I heard that you farmers were manlets, but this is ridiculous.
I guess those hunter-gatherer supremacists were right after all.
>Not eating your horses
Do you need them to pleasure your women for you?
Phoenicians were traders and steppe people had already taught Sardinians how to defend themselves
They learned how to defend themselves FROM steppe people. Steppe people didn't build forts or anything resembling Nuragic monuments.
>Neolithic farmer chat!
>Barely anyone chatting like farmer.
Why does Veeky Forums disappoint so much?
>Barely anyone chatting like farmer.
Because all virgin languages are extinct now, and everyone speaks in a superior Indo-Germanic NORDIC-made tongues :)
This is the power of the NORDIC race, f*Rmeroid :) Sieg heil!
>be hunter-gatherer
>migrate into Europe
>meet swell neanderthals
>hi trog, sure is nice here
>want to see my pet dog?
>why are you sweating so much trog? trog?
>fast forward millennia
>be neolithic farmer
>migrate into europe
>meet swell hunter-gatherers
>hi grug, sure is nice here
>want to see some of my livestock? I got cows, sheep, goats, and more.
>why are you coughing grug? grug?
>fast forward 1000 years
>be horse herder
>migrate into europe
>meet swell farmers
>hi arkad, sure is nice here
>want to see my ride? I got a horse.
>why are you vomiting arkad? arkad?
Czech'd and Kek'd
>lazy languages are easy compared to multi-pronunciation complex tongues
Of course.
neolithic long house of the Linear Pottery Culture.
they are from 5500BC Germany.