Why do people still treat the Aryans as if they were Nordics when they were by all accounts Eastern Europeans?
Why do people still treat the Aryans as if they were Nordics when they were by all accounts Eastern Europeans?
Because people don't like facts or history
Im sure this wont be just another race bait thread made by people who have no idea what Nordic or Indo European mean
Nordics = Northern Europeans. Aryans were Eastern Europeans who mixed with the pre-aryan inhabitants of Northern Europe.
this post makes too little sense to even be respectable bait, it's just retarded
German inferiority complex towards Eastern Europeans.
They weren't even Eastern Europeans, they were swarthy Siberoids who through a combination of pestilence and locust tactics managed to overwhelm the Aryans of central and northern Europe.
>hey weren't even Eastern Europeans, they were swarthy Siberoids
What's so Aryan about being a literal cuckold?
Are you an American?
Because German and Swedish have the highest genetic commonality, followed by *some* eastern Europeans
Because they had Nordic skulls. Not mongoloid like modern eastern "europeans".
Wrong. Keep spreading your mutt g*Rman bullshit somewhere else.
>What's so Aryan about being a literal cuckold?
Aryan isn't a mindset, it's a heritage
eurogenes is a poolack propaganda website
also poolacken still have subhuman non-Indo-European skull shape, unlike Swedes.
Aryan means noble. Being a fucking cuckold isn't noble.
Aryan means noble because it was the name of the first (or at least most notable) nobility in the Indian region. Aryan first meant the people, then it meant noble, not the other way around.
Scandianvians aren't pure EHG you retarded fuck. They have less ANE than Balts and even Polacks.
What does any of that have to do with cuckoldry fetishism in Neolithic Europe and modern day America though?
And somehow are racially the same as Indo-Europeans/Germanics :) While poolacken and baltomongols are subhuman roundskulls.
>LARPs as Indo-European
>couldn't even pass as one
balto-polack TÜRAN subhumans are pathetic
Go on, deny entire science because it doesn't fit into your soyboy numale nazi fantasy.
>still coping with your mongoloid skull shape
If any actual Proto-Indo-Germanic man saw you, he would have beheaded you for looking like an orc :)
Talking to you is like talking to a drunktard. You will forget everything new in just a couple of minutes and go back to your subhuman ways anyway, so.
Talking to you is like talking to a drunktard. You will forget everything new in just a couple of minutes and go back to your subhuman ways anyway, so.
>still coping with mongoloid skull shape
your life must be pathetic
>your life must be pathetic
Says the fucking retard spamming 24/7 about some imaginary Nordic race. lmao what the fuck.
>imaginary Nordic race
So now you claims that I imagined my own race? Really made me think...
Stop coping, you are a mongol with subhuman high cephalic index, not an Indo-Germanic man with a long skull.
lmao at these roundskulls
poolacken are a joke
Indeed my man.
Aren't Balts long-skulled? Looking at old racial meme maps of Europe they're always shown as dolichocephalic or mesocephalic.
Those brachy fucks stealing all the glory. Meanwhile MENA Dolis like us can't do shit about it :(
This is because older maps also included Baltic Germans, who are long-skulled.
>older maps also included Baltic Germans, who are long-skulled.
Especially the master wewuzzer Rosenberg, rite?
Yes. He was meso.
Notice elongated occiput Rosenberg = meso
Goebbels = doli
Don't mind me lads. Just uniting Germany after 1000 years of Doli subhuman rule and genocide.
Don't mind the brachy subhuman Polacke from Elbe river. Clearly I'm worse than my Doli subjects.
Don't mind the brachy TURANOID subhuman, just leading German armies full of doli SUPERHUMANS, because they clearly can't lead themselves.
Don't mind the old brachy subhumanoid mongol Hindenburg. He's clearly inferior to all those doli german peasants.
Don't mind the Brachy subhuman Pilsudski, he clearly didn't slap Bolsheviks in their asshole.
t. butthurt t*ranoid
You're a retarded piece of shit that can't deal with facts. You dismiss everything that doesn't fit your teenage asshurt view of world, even when it's blatantly wrong.
Slavic people are great aren't they?
Truly a blessing on the world that Slavic expansion from Belarus
Define this.
Brachy skulls developed in europe with cromagnon people.
Moltke was meso and predominantly Nordic.
Dolichocephalic stats. are spoiled by negroes and abos.
>that Slavic expansion from Belarus
Swamp wouldn't be able to feed so many people as Slavs.
No, he was brachy, just like all German elite.
>No, he was brachy
Nope, clearly Nordisch.
Because dolicho skulls came from africa.
Brachy skulls are a result of extreme harsh conditions. Dumb small skull brainlet.
brachy skulls developed in china with chinese people
Clearly not. von Moltke was brachy.
Wrong. Cromagnon show meso to brachycephalic skulls over time near the alpine zones.
Brachy skulls are the next step of human evolution. Hence the brachy men leading your small skull people.
brachy Prussians:
>unite Germany
>make it a world superpower
Doli "Germans":
>make it a laughstock of entire world
>german women fuck arabs and nigs because of them
>burn half of europe due to their numale autism
Clearly the superior phenotype.
>Because dolicho skulls came from africa.
Just like all humans? Who would have guessed... lol
Not an argument.
>Cromagnon show meso to brachycephalic skulls over time near the alpine zones.
Cromagnon show 72.6 CI, because as all humans, they were doli.
>Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Neither is being 90IQ Silesian with small brain.
I am a Nordic, therefore big skulled unlike poolacken :)
>I am a Nordic, therefore big skulled unlike poolacken
But I thought you're Doli.
Dolichoskulls are nothing but african skulls, meanwhile brachy skulls are humans who surpassed these african skulled "people".
Meanwhile cromagnon who lived near the alps show meso to brachy skulls over time.
Truly the next step of evolution against your small skulled " people".
Doli equals big skulled. brachoids have their short skulls because they lack occipits, at least the poolack ones
>Doli equals big skulled
What the fuck. That's next step of retardation for you lol. Only proves my point that you can't admit to being wrong, like a woman,
Indo-Germanics were doli.
Indo-Germanics created Europe.
Therefore, the real European and Indo-Germanic should be doli, or at least meso, my m*Ngol friend :)
Except they have less cranial capacity, meanwhile brachy skulls are a product of extreme conditions leading to surpassing small dolicho skulled individuals.
It depends on phenotype.
Borrebies (bleached CM + alpine) have big skulls
Baltids (Nordic + lappish) have small skulls
My ass: the source.
Poland should be rangebanned on this website. I left Krautchan 6 years ago because Polacks fucked it up beyond recognition too.
Big european skulls come from brachy cromagnoid individuals.
fuck off turanoid
Actually Coon, The Races of Europe, 1939. I used phenotypes described by him in this case.
Shitlesians should be banned because they bring nothing more than rage of a cunt on her period.
Use the sources from 1800 next time.
>meanwhile brachy skulls are a product of extreme conditions
They are product of mongol degeneracy.
Wrong. Brachy cromagnoid individuals made europe surpass the other continents.
Silesia is in Poland the last time I checked.
How many times do you have to get spammed with "no mongoloid admixture among poles and balts" studies?
Why can't you just fucking accept it and move on? You retarded feminine cuck?
>implying if some source is old then it is automatically inaccurate.
Guess Newton was wrong too because he lived centuries ago...
>How many times do you have to get spammed with "no mongoloid admixture among poles and balts" studies?
...made by poolacken who excluded finnic admixture as mongoloid...
72.6 =/= brachy
>Use the sources from 1800 next time.
Coon's craniometric work is still valid.
Wrong. Cromagnons developed meso to brachy skulls over time near the alps over time.
Brachy skulls are a symbol of surpassing small dolicho skulled "people".
>made by poolacken who excluded finnic admixture as mongoloid...
Khrunin AV, Khokhrin DV, Filippova IN, Esko T, Nelis M, et al. (2013)
Morten Rasmussen et al., Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo, Nature 463, 757-762 (11 February 2010)
Simon C Heath et al, Investigation of the fine structure of European populations with applications to disease association studies, European Journal of Human Genetics (2008) 16, 1413–1429; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.210
Want more honey?
yes he is outdated retard
Wrong. Cromagnon living in the alps show meso to brachy skulls over time.
Brachy skulls are a product of surpassing dolicho small skull "people".
brachy skulls are symbol of being inferior to Dolichocephalic Nordic man who created Europe.
So you now think he was wrong with his measurements of brachy poles and comparison to brachy danes?
Brachy danes had bigger skulls overall because their brachycephaly was also lower.
What is outdated about coon? His data set or his methodology? Because everything about him is just as valid today as it was in 1939.
72.6 =/= brachy
made by slawen who excluded finnic admixture as mongoloid...
Simply wrong. Brachy skulled individuals leading small dolicho headed cattle is the reason why europe surpassed other continents.
>made by slawen
Morten Rasmussen et al.
Simon C Heath et al,
Esko et al.
Peter A Underhill et al.,
Lillie, Malcolm C et al.
Lipson et al.
Patterson et al.
Clearly all Slawen. God, you're such a fucking retard. It hurts.
I meant newton autyzmos
Indo-Germanic peoples were doli
Germanics were doli
Ancient Greeks and Romans were doli
Old Slavs were doli
Dagobert "Piast" who created the Polish state was a doli Nordic
von Hohenzollerns were doli
European monarchs were overwhelmingly doli-meso
The Führer of the Great German Reich, Adolf Hitler, was meso
Overall, Europe as we know it, was created by the long-skulled man :)
Completely wrong. Cromagnon humans show meso to brachy skulls over time in the alps.
Brachy skull individuals are a product of extreme conditions leading to superior brains.
oh, I forgot
Karl der Große was a doli Nordic as well. :)