I am scared shitless of the Chinese taking over the world.
Their purchasing power GDP has already surpassed that of the USA.
Who can compete.with them?
I am afriad of them taking over the world.
Soon we will all be living in a Chinese dictatorship nightmare.
They are already buying every company in the world.
Soon we will all be enslaved to the Chinese.
Why wasn't I born a hundred years ago, I would have died happy, while the USA was still the number one superpower.
I am afraid the chinese are going to.take over the world
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Yeah China is extremely dangerous, we can't risk allowing a country that is as authoritarian and nationalistic as theirs to become a world leader and superpower.
Not memeing but because of Trump. You could be sure Hillary and the elites would have been scrambling to keep the US on top as world hegemon.
Is this what it felt like in the early 1990s with Japan? Or with the Arabs in the 1970s and 1980s?
Someone legit thought the Arabs would take over the world?
>Why wasn't I born a hundred years ago, I would have died happy, while the USA was still the number one superpower.
Nah, you would have died a poor bastard in a Japanese POW camp.
HKfag here, while the mainlanders are fucking degenerate and ruin our environment, they’re not that bad. Hell I could say that Americans are worse than them because at least mainlanders understand that they’re being oppressed and don’t give a shit about the law, wheareas an American would be all ‘muh democracy, we should follow all da rulz’. Chinese give me discount while Americans give me annoyance.
No because China is an existential threat to the entire world, they are a fucking third of the world’s population, if they manage to catch up to the US they’d be an unstoppable force of nature.
Big “if” though, they might catch the US on the economic front, but nobody will ever touch the US military, it will collapse of its own accord or not at all, the hegemony or the US army is thousands of times more potent than any other “hegemony” in history, we have come closer to a monopoly on world power than anyone else in history, and as long as we keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars on it each year, nobody can compete.
> be in Japanese POW camp.
>100 years ago in the US
American education
>if they manage to catch up to the US they’d be an unstoppable force of nature.
They can't. The CCP can't both maintain their hold on their populace and expand beyond the immediate borders of China. If they do, they lose control of the populace and crumble. The only card China has is Russia, and Trump's keeping Assad in power keeps Russia from truly teaming up with China.
May the might dragon rule,
ten thousand tributaries bow,
like flowers bow to the fenix,
the word is in order again
CCP don't need that totalitarian state bullshit most news says, most Chinese are extremely nationalist and support China (even if they don't like the actual government)
That requires spending on soft power not just military assets.
>Soon we will all be enslaved to the Chinese.
A regular Chinese has more freedom than a regular European
>Born in 1918
>old enough to be conscripted for ww2
The only American is you
If he was born a hundred years ago he would have been the right age to be drafted into WWII. Dumbass.
China has no interest in becoming a global political hegemony.
China will rule the world once again, like they always do
Id be fine with China owning my country as long as they let us keep it
>we have come closer to a monopoly on world power than anyone else in history, and as long as we keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars on it each year, nobody can compete.
Not. So. Fast.
China has never “ruled the world,” they rule China. Closest the Chinese ever came to “ruling the world” was vicariously through their mongol masters.
Not history
Tianxia is the world. Everything else is just barbarian lands not worth ruling
"History and humanities"
there is only one thing for it then.
psssst.... hey china, want some opium?
Not worth ruling but under tianxia authority if they change they minds
Wait a minute... are you trying to ruin my empire again?
I want the Anglo legacy of hegemony to continue also.
Only way I can see is unification of the five eyes nations
This is literally the way to bring China to it's knees
>Implying Tianxia supremacy is somehow bad
No emperor, only godless commies
no, this is only for the protection of free trade
China still china in it's core, China today is commie only in flags and uniforms, Confucianism will rise again,
Aren't the chinese working on genetic augemented people right now?
I prefer Chinese to Islam.
Ebin meme, my friend.
>China still china in it's core
china is without a doubt in my mind the civilisation that puts the lowest value on human life, and that continues to this day.
Neither did America, until WWI.
>100 years ago
>U.S. superpower
Your math is very wrong.
>khan noonien singh.jpg
Why do Chinese people not realize that the world works in waves and their success will not endlessly jump forward? The economy goes up and down, your collapse is long overdue, your power will not simply rise in a vacuum, the Chinese take their influence for granted and then end up getting outplayed at every turning point since China can only master what is already there, they do not lead innovation forward. Soon as the next big leap in tech happens, the world will leave you behind like it always does. Read your own history, you’ve been in this “position” a dozen times and this is always as good as it gets, nowhere to go but down from where you are; don’t believe me if you don’t want to, but that’s how the economy of the world has always worked: China masters the known, and is left in the dust when an innovative nation pushes the boundaries again.
Don't paint with such dark colors, it's how we will life from now on.
The US was a superpower at the end of WW1 by nature of having their economy in tact compared to their competition which had been devastated, if you read US military history you’d know that we immediately took our WW1 military and started taking over South America, every single nation in South America had a US intervention in the 20th century, and most of that went into full swing after WW1 when the US was suddenly the only guy at the table with a hand to play.
China's AI is on par with the US now. China is probably also socially better equipped to take advantage of AI. AI will make up for significant shortcomings in the Chinese economy.
You’re adorable if you think Chinese engineering is even in the same league as the US. That’s like a highschool girl’s basketball team claiming to be on par with the golden state warriors
the west has had its time to rise and fall..
now the east will rise and fall also.
its civilizations tradition to rise, climax and deflate. it all be alright if you learn chinese.
Chinese engineering is far more advanced than US, Chinese Unis actually teach engineering.
Yeah, we were a superpower by the end of WW1, but not the hegemon as OP stated. I think Britain still held that title, although quite shakily in a similar situation to now
Anyone's opinion on the future of Siberia?
I can see economic immigration from China flooding the place once rights to natural resources are auctioned.
Once land bordering China becomes majority Chinese demographics - it'd be a matter of 5ime before Russia 'sells' these areas to China.
New opening Arctic shipping routes may change the factors
Adorable. Fucking adorable.
Who cares? Both nations stand against the world proletariat.
Better learn Chinese, meme superiority won't stand very long
A neet like you is not proletariat, stop larping
You’ll never touch US engineeromg, but thanks for giving a little insight into the kind of ridiculous propaganda they’re feeding you over there, no wonder you’re so confident, imagine being so oblivious you think your engineering can compete with the greatest scientists in the world with the biggest budgets
They are probably not Chinese. They can't use Veeky Forums
That's why you can't build power plants and Chinas has three dam, that's why form engineers and build things from china
>ai speaku greats engerishu
It is though.
You’re 75% right user. But China does know its history and know they will fall again. They even have the math figured out on when they will fall again.
Unfortunately right now is when they rise, they’ll crash in 300 years
The US has dozens of nuclear power plants and we stopped building them of our own volition because we’re already working on particle accelerators and black holes and shit, where’s your particle accelerator? We’ve got tons of those. Your NASA? Nice satellite faggot we walked on the goddamn moon 50 years ago. You’re adorable. Your science budget is less than the US on top of having inferior scientists, but keep believing what you want.
VPN's bro.
They know
*get's Opium War'd*
You are stooping using them because your government is weak and you can not say no to hippes
Khan is any race you want him to be. He was Hispanic, white, Asian, black: whatever.
There's no reason for Chinese to migrate to the north east
He's not wrong.
See HSR, Quantum Satellites, AI, Hypersonic Glide Vehicles, even Railguns apparently.
The tables have turned and now America is the one that's stagnant
I thought we stopped building em because of the hippies
China is sitting on the world’s most severe debt crisis, and their totalitarian government can only barely keep kicking that can down the road. Whatever economic calamity strikes the west would disproportionately hammer China.
China’s success is also largely due to having the world’s best trading partner. Their economy is practically purpose built to keep on selling cheap, mass produced consumer junk to the United States. What would happen to a business that lost its best (by a wide margin) customer?
Also, all the problems afflicting the west, obesity, declining birth rates, rising income inequality, decelerating growth, it’s all affecting parts of China which are developed, and they’re managing the growing pains of post-industrialization even worse than the U.S is.
Have fun dying of black lung in 2018, Tang.
No, we stopped building nuclear plants because oil and coal barons wanted it that way.
Hippies were the scapegoat
Have fun being arrest for not being politically correct and giving your economy to China, you have sold your liberty and power.
The only reason you think the Chinese are ahead of the US is because the US keeps their shit top secret and you don’t know about it until a decade or more after it is invented. Everything you think the Chinese have better than the US is actually inferior to whatever they’re working on in secret, because the US has no need to prop up a science program that is so obviously leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else, we don’t show off our innovations we keep the good ones secret until we unleash it in a war. If you think chinese satellites can compete with NASA, that Chinese science could even touch Silicon Valley, you’re brainwashed.
US debt is far worse
Amerikka stronk oh wait. K E K
Anyway, you are using a 50 years old technology because of your weak system. The barons and hippes win, america lose.
>debt crisis
What crisis? China and neither the US for that matter is in the league of Greece.
Good thing nobody can actually make the US pay since their military is utterly dominant. That debt actually puts China in an uneven relationship with the US, they are far more reliant on the US Han the US is on China, and at any point the US can declare the Chinese government corrupt and simply refuse to pay debts, and nobody in the world could make the US pay. China patiently waits for US scraps because it’s all they’ll ever get.
Shit that’s not fair.
Great argument.
Americans and Europeans like to say others system will fail because any reason, make they fell strong
Your technology is roughly comparable to public US tech.
Which means private US tech is decades ahead of you. That’s the truth right there whether you want to believe it or not.
So you base your positions on evidence that can't be proved? Seems extremely convenient.
Also grow the fuck up and stop being so emotional, empires rise and fall, you should know this by heart posting here. Stop compensating for your lack of achievement by sublimating it with the achievement of the nation, as an American that shit's fucking embarassing
US can't produce enough medicine, toys, electronics, cars... anything, without China, If china stop selling, China will lose fiat money, US will starve
Do you think Chinese government, not democracy and far more efficient isn't hidden far more than US can hide?
America's economic stability is entirely based on the trust that the US government honors its obligations. If America refuses to pay, nobody will lend them any money ever again. Have fun running your military on the tears of orphans then.
Can’t be proven? How about a budget that dwarfs the GDP of most countries, you think that money is going straight into a dumpster fire? Has the us EVER given the public insider info on their secrets? Literally 50 years later they release heavily-edited documents and they always show the tech is decades ahead of what they’re showing us. They invented the stealth bombers and we didn’t know they existed for decades, you’re an idiot if you think the US just suddenly went fully transparent and are giving you a play by play; no retadd, they’re keeping it secret so that you can’t steal the ideas. My god how ignorant you are.
This isn't the 19th century user, you can't avoid debts by threatening military action.
For one, it's infeasible as China has nukes. For another, the US is already paying that debt anyway, plus you've got a huge import surplus which is great for the Chinese economy.
>US will starve.
No we won’t. We’ll lose money and it’ll hurt like a bitch but starvation won’t happen.
Nope because the US has been doing this for decades and they ALWAYS have better tech than they show, ALWAYS.
How about a Chinese research working for 1/10 of an american, or a Chinese soldier custing 1/12, what value a big budget has if you spend it in high salaries.
Stop being such a fucking pussy
US can't produce farm machinery, fertilizer, pesticides...
>dumpster fire
honestly sometimes it feels that way. Like the money is being funneled into corporations and politicians pocket
US produces all of those things, what are you talking about?
The budget costs that much because of corruption.
See MIC, or any other lobbying organization
The world’s economic stability is entirely dependent on the US military you simpleton. We pull out and the entire world goes into chaos, we have a loaded gun to the forehead of the world, you fuck us, we fuck you. Tell me friend, how you plan on getting around this fact. >“We’re not paying you anymore US, you’re mean!”
>US pulls out, russia and China pull in
>you’re getting fucked twice as hard by pseudo dictatorships
Good job
Soft power and the recently coined "sharp power" are big buzzwords to China watchers right now. Australia is currently roiling in a Chinese influence-peddling scandal, for instance.
Soft power (and sharp power, which is not far removed) cost peanuts compared to military, and they are getting good and clever at it. A scary thought is if they start taking notes from Russia on so-called interference. But all this is current events, isn't it?
No it’s the 21st, where the US has a monopoly on real power and nobody can pull our dick out without self-destructing the entire world, but continue believing you have influence, it’s better for us that way if you’re convinced an avenue is there when it doesn’t actually exist.