If you think this man will let Bitcoin grow big enough to be a threat, you have psychological issues.
Make your delusion great again
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he is already balls deep in bitcoin like his doters pussy
He will be in jail before then.
I love this guy.
Muh Russia. You must be a leftist. Libtard LGBT Muslim.
>He knows how to stop it
not his call. the courts will decide.
he knows how to stop the Mexicans, how is this any different?
lol are the sore losers still on that "muh russia" shit? Americans are funny.
>implying Trump will give the IRS more power
If you think this guy doesn't have a massive bitcoin stack you're the delusional one.
>Implying he has any impact or say at all
Great now you've let everyone know that you are a fucking moron. Congratulations on being a faggot.
Yup burger follow China example, that's more btc for us
he'll be dead
>implying the government has the right to stop people from using bitcoin
This is explicit authoritarianism. Leftist might not care about this, but his entire base would light him up for it.
If this peice of shit fucks with our money He’s fucking dead. Fuck the president, fuck taxes, fuck politicians. We are the real power.
Hey lemming, fucking kill yourself. We care abouy money, get it? This is what distinguishes us from you fucking peasant shit worshiping a game show host.
I like presidents
presidents with charisma, not clowns with fake golden confidence
More like liquid cash you fucking piss poor moron.
You think you’re some kind of crypto thug? If he decides to pull the plug, you can’t do shit. The chain will remain but it will lose all its value.
Yeah this fucking chump is trashy. A fucking embarrassment. I would rather have palpatine than this bozo.
>vote for Gary Johnson
Bitcoins more powerful than trump. The presidency is garbage and so are you. He cant do shit without getting himself executed you fucking dumb prole
You dumb rube.
presidents with fake golden hair?
he did it once, he will do it again
Yea sure. Just like you’re more powerful than bullies at school. In your fucking dreams, nerd.
so lads when will hit the 1M?
Dumb kafir
I would be so up Trump's ass
>implying barron isnt a crypto billionaire
Donald is the best thing that ever happened to bitcoin, if you think this year's rally has nothing to do with him getting elected and brexit you clearly don't understand shit about geopolitics and international finances.
How useful is it if you can’t cash out? Dumbo
Hey monkey, when you are finished doing the dishes I would like frys with that.
Buisnessmen have always dominated politicians with the exception of fdr, lincoln, jackson and Washington. Trump is not powerful now get that through your head.
The elite decided that Bitcoin is used to finance terrorism. Trump doesn’t like terrorism. You’re following me? One thing at a time.
all the candidates were trash, trump was the best of them
trips of truth
come on, sodium have the atomic number 11, that's a compliment
I like Uncle Scrooge and Buffet because they have big balls and humility.
Trump is the peasant tier of rich people (he lives in a golden house like shitty saoudis/chineses)
You must mean the internet plug right?
if there is no bitcoin how could they run the dark biz without being even more obvious
No. Goldman decides there's commissions to be made selling bitcoin to goyims. Trump already has multiple Goldman bros advising him.
>implying big financial players aren't going to make the government their bitch as they invest more personally into Bitcoin
This man is your true Hero.
>Trump is the peasant tier of rich people
Really this. Trump lives how poor people think rich people live. Trump's got no class with his money.
I don't think my boy donny is going to ban anything that helps with evading taxes!
200 billion dollars... Gone?
trump is satoshi nakamoto
Easy with those red pills.
He was a reality tv star.
He made his wealth before that, cunt.
I read an article that said the guy he nominated for the head of the fed was anti-bitcoin.
I don't know if it's true, but we'll see what happens.
If the US wanted to destroy Bitcoin all they would have to do is buy up a ton of it and then sell it for pennies.
why are conservicucks so defensive?
disruption isn't always a 'threat'
That's what people (need to) understand...
"made his wealth"
lmao lost 2/3 of it compared to just putting it in an index fund tho
why are you a faggot lol
then people just make another bitcoin LOL zzzzz u cant stop it
>what is wasting money
When you're constantly being reminded of your lower average income, IQ, and participation in the sciences, it starts to get to you
Did you miss the bit where his son and multiple members of his campaign have admitted to having contact with Russia...
Hillary is in the pocket of Russian oligarchs, too.
Maybe if Donny wins big in bitcoin he can pay back his debt.
Make NEO great again
It's going up because of him fag. Hillary would have crushed it
He likes it, but it's a felony to create money in the US. They could crush every "dev" easily. They choose not to because they don't want to stifle innovation - this is like the early days of the internet when it was only for criminals and some people wanted to shut it down and others wanted to see what came of it.
That would be like attributing the dotcom growth to Bush
fake news
Well, not only him, but it is a big factor. If it looks like democrats will hold power again, youd be wise to gtfo of crypto as fast as you can.
USD is also down 9% and he's stated he wants it down lower.
And I'm talking about the early 90s when the internet was an evil bad thing only and nobody would ever do business on it. I watched that as a kid but didn't care about money back then, not missing out this time.
Wtf are u talking about?
This would be the best case scenario
pls Mr Trump do this
>MFW Trump switches the dollar to the BTC Standard.
>op faggot fuds Trump
>Trump just released new tax bill that cuts capital gains so you can keep more of your gainz if you cash out within a year
Fuck liberals. Fuck Niggers.
>he wanted to call his tax plan "cut cut cut"
i'm not even close to worried
Everything I have heard on that tax bill has been amazing, like reducing corp taxes, increase taxes on rich, repatriating from offshore accounts and removing tax breaks for sports stadiums, I bet if Trump was Bernie Sanders he'd be considered Jesus Christ reborn.
Hard blue richie states like New York/New Jersey/Minnesota are complaining because he's getting rid of state tax deductions
Something I was completely unaware of, states can jack up their state income tax then take that as a deduction out of federal
Holy fuckin freeloaders, no wonder their state standards of living are good
is trump /ourguy/?
you do realize that the 3 states you listed are also some of the states least dependent on federal aid? now the feds want more money from those 3 and in return give nothing back in federal aid? retarded.
If trump thinks crypto is going to threaten the stability of the US financial system, he's enough of a jew that instead of banning/hyperregulating crypto, he'll just hire some advisors that can load up for him on various cryptos.
if you think this man can do anything about it, you have psychological issues