We are frequently told here that the Nazis were simply fighting against globalist bankers and in particular the...

We are frequently told here that the Nazis were simply fighting against globalist bankers and in particular the Rothschilds.

If that is the case, why did they capture a Rothschild, then let him go after his family paid a huge ransom?


Because Nazism is a meme ideology akin to socialism.


Night of the Long Knives was in 1934, when Hitler purged the party of Strasserists and other left wing radicals. Hitlerism was just sperging out about racial theory, not because Jews were rich. Gating Jews because they were rich was a Strasserist idea.


Veeky Forums. It gets brought up in every holocaust thread.

Maybe when /pol/ spergs out in a thread. The Nazis shilled for rich assholes just as much as any other government, and if you think that Krupp and co. didn’t suck Jewish banker dick when it suited them then you are brain dead. Jewish bankers and capitalists are the same as any other bankers and capitalists, they don’t give a shit about race or “their people”, only profits.

Hitlerism was a mistake. Hitler claimed that industrialists are desirable, but the same industrialists abandoned national socialism 5 minutes after German capitulation and started sucking American and Jewish dick. Strasser was correct, they are loyal to nothing other than money.

>tfw no Strasser-Stalin alliance to destroy the eternal Anglo

>kill millions of innocent Jews who had literally nothing to do with the international banking conspiracy
>spare one of the members of the actual international banking conspiracy when they have the perfect opportunity to make an example out of him

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Nazis are enemies of the white race.

Stop using the Limonov nazbol retardation to describe Strasserism, it's an insult.

The Nazis were retards who would go to war to chase their own shadow.

Their moral integrity was non-existent.


I was mostly memeing but now I’m wondering about the actual differences between Strasserism and Nazbol.

The Nazis were Jews, dumbass. That's why they did everything in their power to pave the way for the creation of Israel. They were led by a guy who had a last name of Shicklgruber, for fuck's sake.

Because they weren't fighting 'international capitalism'. They were funded by foreign and native capitalists during and after their rise.

The former was an actual national socialism, the latter is a meme cooked up by an emaciated Russian drug addict using a pastiche of Soviet and Hitlerist symbols. You think Strasser would like to be called a fucking bolshevik?

>You think Strasser would like to be called a fucking bolshevik?

Well he did want an alliance with the USSR did he not? Either way, even if he didn’t want to be called a Bolshevik he had a lot in common with Stalinism and the basic ideas of Nazbol.

You're unironically using Hitlerist slander calling Strasser a communist. And Hitler allied with the USSR himself, they carved up Poland together. Otto Strasser was in exile for a decade by that point and Gregor was long dead.

But wasn’t Strasser a socialist? Did he not want abolish private property and establish a planned economy? From what I understand the main difference between Strasserism and Stalinism was the position on nationalism, and even Stalin promoted civic soviet nationalism as “socialist patriotism”.

>socialist = bolshevik
This your brain on Marxism
>civic nationalism
Oxymoron. Nationalism is by definition ethnic.

I didn’t say he as a Bolshevik, I said his economic ideas were similar to those of the Stalin era Bolsheviks. You still have yet to explain how he was different exactly.

>nationalism is ethnic

Tell that to the Soviet Union and all the Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Belorussians and assorted non-Russians who say that life was better under it. It’s pretty clear that they all had a common sense of community that transcended ethnicity. The same can be said of American nationalism.

What they had in shitty Sovok was not nationalism.

>What they had in shitty Sovok was not nationalism.

Why not? It was a sense of common identity based around shared values, political institutions, history, symbolism, geography, etc.

>it's not nationalism when it doesn't conform with my political vie-

Nationalism is ethnic. If it's not ethnic it's not nationalism, fuck off with your retarded kike American neologisms. "Civic nationalism" is not a thing, that'sjust called patriotism.

But how can you justify your definition? The nation is an organic and malleable concept. If nations are ethnic then is there an Arab nation despite the Arab world being divided into multiple states each with their own sense of identity? What even defines ethnicity at that point? Are WASP Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders, Aussies, Brits, etc all a single nation?

>If that is the case, why did they capture a Rothschild, then let him go after his family paid a huge ransom?
>a huge ransom
you've answered your own question, it seems.

Nation is a group of people that share blood and culture. Nationalism is focused on the nation, patriotism is focused on the state (patria = fatherland). There's plenty of people that are nationalists without a state, like Basques or Kurds. An Uzbek and a Belarusian aren't the same nation.
>Are WASP Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders, Aussies, Brits, etc all a single nation

>Are WASP Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders, Aussies, Brits, etc all a single nation

Lmao then why do they have no sense of common identity? You are talking about nations as objective groupings rather than a political project. If two groups of people who don’t even like each other and have no sense of nationhood can be a nation then what is the use of the categorization?

>if you don't like your mom she is no longer your mom
This is you.

The KKK hate Jews too, you know.

>The KKK hate Jews too, you know.

Not all of them

If you are talking biology then you need to completely redefine your concept of a nation which would cut across cultural ethnic lines. A parent is a biological, not cultural relationship.

>Never joined the klan
>Just a fanboy

>ethnicity isn't blood
>two full blooded Italians could have a German child

If they were born in Hamburg and they were residents of the country, yes.

>your ethnicity is determined by your place of birth

The us and Canada are only sperated because we couldn't liberate them

>a middle class African American is closer to a Congolese tribesman than to a white American

Blacks aren't even considered Americans by most whites here

This is what happens when you never leave your basement kids.

Get off of Stormfront and Niggermania and go outside.

Hate to rain on your parade but it's true blacks aren't seen as Americans. Only things we have in common are interests in the same sports

Live in Chicago and grew up in the South and California

And? That doesn't mean you don't spend 95% of your time indoors, shitposting.

No dumb fuck it means I've lived around them for most of my life and still don't think they're American. I barely consider them human t.bh

>Look at all muh anecdotes!

Sure. And?

You are retarded if you actually think that. In terms of a meaningful political distinction ethnicity and race only matters when it corresponds with a shared sense of identity, and a shared sense of identity supersedes genetic similarity. In other words, people don’t act as a political unit without social cohesion, but shared genetics does not inherently produce social cohesion.


That website is cucked to Hell


Ripoff of Chimpout and significantly less funny


Fuck Stormfag.com, they won't even let you say nigger on there it's that cucked.


Ripoff of Chimpout and significantly less funny.

Wishful thinking liberast

Pure autism.

Lmao what wishful thinking? I’m talking about a political reality. By your logic all the black people in Rhodesia should have sided with Mugabe, yet many fought for the Rhodesians. All the Arabs should have been able to form a single nation, yet they didn’t. For most of history people had absolutely no concept of nationhood, and yet you seriously try to argue that nations existed anyway. If you had told a 1st century Germanic tribesman that he was the same as a guy from another tribe across the Elbe he would have laughed in your face.

You're an idiot. White Americans don't view black Americans as their kin, never did and never will.

>sided with
You're stupid. See You're confusing nation with nationalism. You're part of a nation even if you don't like that nation.

>you’re part of a nation even if you don’t have any sense of national identity, do not feel any sense of community with other “members” of your nation, and don’t form any coherent political or cultural unit

What’s even the point of calling it a nation then? Even if genetics is key, then nations would have to be radically reorganized, since generically speaking there isn’t much difference between say, French and English.

>White Americans don't view black Americans as their kin, never did and never will.
[Citation Needed]
If you want to shitpost about niggers, you can do that on /pol/ or /b/.

>wanting citation to disprove an unsupported claim

Let's all be honest, can anyone sincerely say the world is worse off for six million fewer Jews?

Keeping in mind that 90% weren't BASED REFORM JEWS MUH EINSTEIN MUH SCIENCE!, they were Orthodox nutjobs that think a thin wire around their ghetto turns that ghetto into a "house"

>Proof to support the idea that white people consider black people Americans
The 13th-15th and 24th amendments, the popularity of many black celebrities with white audiences and the identification of them as American icons (see Dwane Johnson, Dave Chappelle, Aaron McGruder, Micheal Jackson, Prince, etc.), and the election of a black man to the highest office in the USA.

Read Feder you retards. The on paper ideology of Nazism explicitly draws a distinction between industrial capital and financial capital.

explain to me how Nrthern Prot Australasians wound up in Kazakhstan

t. Dinesh

>muh juden!

Explain to me wtf that has to do with anything?

>If that is the case, why did they capture a Rothschild, then let him go after his family paid a huge ransom?

Because they were retarded
They should of gassed him anyway after obtaining the money

Money is the only thing that matters, people are willing to do anything if the amount is high enough.

The etymology of "nation" comes from the same as nativity and natal. It has to do with birth, not with location or customs or language (though all of those things do correlate with ethnicity).

Yes, and they mostly will admit it.

Ah yes look at these fine Frenchmen in Paris. They are indistuishable from the former inhabitants in every way, as magic soil has taught them French from birth, lightened their skin, thinned their nose, and retracted their mandible.

>as magic soil has taught them French from birth
I didn't realize that magical blood teaches you to speak your native language from birth. Thank you for teaching me this, based race scientist.

The only thing you need to be french is to have french nationality

>White Americans don't view black Americans as their kin, never did and never will.

This is what happens when you live in an echo chamber.

If a black person has French citizenship, speaks French, obeys French laws and thinks of themselves as French, then they are French. Genetics have absolutely nothing to do with a nation because nations are a political concept first and foremost. Before the 18th century most people wouldn’t have considered themselves to be members of a nation, the concept for the most part didn’t exist.

Because Nazism had in reality nothing to do with what they actually said. They just wanted a scapegoat for their economic and war-time troubles during WW1.

In essence, the whole ideology was just about revenge and not about intellectual content.

>No response
That's that I thought.

>we're now obliged to respond to bait

>"White people don't think niggers are Americans!"
>Okay, do you have any proof of that?
>"Shut up, you provide proof first!"
>Okay, here's a pile of legal and social evidence
>"You're just baiting and shitposting!"

Just admit that you were blowing smoke out your ass when you claimed that most white Americans don't consider blacks to be Americans.

The three eras of the Ku Klux Klan are like the Star Wars trilogies. The first one was great, the second was a mediocre imitation of the first, the third is just cancerous, the fourth and fifth aren't even canon as far as I'm concerned.

If they could take a Rothschild hostage why bother accepting a ransom? Surely they could have just ransacked his banks outright, right?