ITT we post bitconnect stupidity.
Worse than linkies
We just don't understand it guys.
>Rick and morty
"My boss was so happy for me. Now I can take care of my family with my bitconnect earnings
Muh sustainable growth
I don't have a job to quit for crypto ;(
Wow, even bancor fags are btfo
Trevon James Avatar looks like a Transexual Ghost
Ranjeet says bitcoin is a ponzi and bitconnect is legit.
I feel bad for most people on biz that lose money on a bad shitcoin trade. I honestly do, but I will not shed a single tear for bitconnect faggots when they lose everything. Bitconnect doesn't even try to sugarcoat the fact that it's a fucking scam. Anybody that can't see that deserves to lose everything.
Holy fuck lol
Here is his face for future memes.
>it only makes them more legit
jesus christ these people are delusional
ponzi 100%
bitconnect shills are worse than monaco shills
A guy I used to play cs with put all his life savings into bitconnect. Ill probably be attending his funeral within a year because he WILL kill himself if he goes bust. Some people just cant be helped. If you tell him or show evidence its a scam he flips the fuck out at you.
saddest part is, you just KNOW some retards on biz are going to "look into it" because of these threads, aka look at some uneducated niggers videos on it and believe that its real and think that "hehe biz just fudding so they can keep the price low!!!", and then kill himself when it collapses
Wow this is retardation
he looks really fucking retarded
Remember to always do the opposite of what biz says
Watched the first 10seconds of the first video
My god the cringe ...
Actually use to watch this channel little over a year ago. Then he started doing referrals for absolutely everything, including Bitconnect. Smells of a scam from a mile away. He's making bank off idiots on youtube using this referral codes. Seeing BCC shitout before he can take out his "investment" would be glorious.
So many people are going to an hero to the collapse of Bitconnect, it's gonna be fucking amazing.
I think this pic is the fucking best