Countless wars against the romans.
Fought napoleon.
Literally start ww1 and ww2.
pic unrelated.
Are germans the most warrish people in history?
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>Countless wars against the romans.
Those weren't Germans but Germanics tribes
Although these words looks similar in English, they're completly different concepts
Germanic is to German what Slavic is to Polish
The German (Deutsch) people is one Germanic (Germanisch) people (among many others) birthed at the end of the Frankish Empire in the 9th century
There were no Germans in Roman times
*Retrieves popcorn
to be honest most of the ones fighting Romans were from modern Belgium/France
Nice. 2100 years and 4 wars.
Germans never fought against romans because they didn't exist.
Napoleon fucking invaded germany. Of course they fought back. (Btw germany ≠ prussia)
Ww1 is a mess. No single country is responsible for that war.
Germany caused ww2. That's correct
Napoleon invaded all of europe. Forgot to mention that.
Germans claim Arminius as a national hero, or at least they used to.
Nah the Chinese are
Prussia declared war on Napoleon in 1806.
>Ww1 is a mess. No single country is responsible for that war.
Came here to post this
To be fair belgium doesn’t exist
Doesn't change the fact Germany started a world war by attacking Russia and France
My high school history teacher in rural Louisiana said Turks were the cruelest and most warlike people ever.
Your teacher was a lying armenian and probably pkk supporter
Possibly even a k*rd
Fuck off roach
>There were no Germans in Roman times
There wasn't anything resembling a modern German culture or state that we're familiar with until some time after the 11th century. Even then it only truly came into existence in the 19th century.
Hmm, you know that Germany was actually dragged into the war. Russia had an secret alliance with Serbia, and with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand Au-Hungary got pissed and sped up the annexation process by means of war(which was already in the middle of legal pratical annexation).Germany was openly allied with Au-Hungary and thus was going to answer the call to war. Russia began mobilizing heavily(russia had an vested interest in the balkans as the tsar wanted to establish supremacy in the balkans/german held poland), and Germany seeing the obvious beginnings of an war blitzed the Russians. France got involved over unresolved tensions since the franco-prussian war. and the UK was afraid of the german dreadnought program which was begging to look like it could rival the UK's naval supremacy thus potentially threatening their colonial grasp.
It's not we wuzing for them to do so
>fought Napoleon
Who the fuck didn't fight Napoleon?
German militarism and aggression is a meme.
Heil Deutschland
>you know that Germany was actually dragged into the war.
>Germany cries out in pain as it invades you
Compared to other large European nations, it is actually the least aggressive and suffered the most (Romans, Huns, 30-years-war, French invasions, WWs)
Fuck your teacher I'll agree with warlike but most cruel is retarded.
Ignores logic, and obviously accountable information. Germany was certainly militaristic enough to set off another war. But you should really study into the secret alliance part of that war user. Your high school education is really showing.
Sorry, I can't hear you over your Stormniggerish
>In the end it was warmongering Anglo fault, they deliberately guaranteed neutral country because they wanted war so much
I'm not even a stormfag homo, I detest the fucking nazi's im just neither an anglo-apologist nor a German one. Belgium was a strategic maneuver not a conquest.
You are using an SJW tier tactic, nothing I said was a stormfag rant.
Also the UK wasn't protecting belgium out of the bottom of their own heart. It was a political foothold into mainland europe. Let me guess you are british?
It's absolutly not semantics, tard
Thinking that Germans and Germanics are interchangable words is as retarded as thinking that all Slavs are Poles
As a matter of fact, Germans (Deutsch) were called "Almains" in English until the 17th century
Then it changed for "Germans"
Imagine if one day, English language decided to call Polish people "Slavians" and suddently you'd have tons of retards using the word "Slavic" and "Slavian" (Polish) interchangeably
To the point some retards would are that Russians are Polish since they're Slavic
What conflict is this. War of 1864?
Wtf I love Slovenia now.
Semantics like the other user said, they’re the same blood
>or at least they used to.
>Literally start ww1
>Fought Napoleon
Like every other European country?
>wow look they were part of these three wars so evil
They only started WW2, and in the other two pretty much everyone fought
Of course there are plenty of wars in German history, but you know which other countries share that history? That's right, every fucking one of them. Everybody had wars, and the great European powers like France, Spain, and Britain essentially spent centuries pillaging, conquering and enslaving peoples all around the world. Germans are not by definition warlike nor are they the evil of history.
This doesn't even count for Germany imo, much too divided and different from the nation state in the HRE times
Germans are Germanics, but Germanics =/= Germans
Just like Australians are Anglos, but Anglos =/= Australians
Germans are one Germanic people that appeared in the 9th century, long after the fall of Rome
Saying Germans wared the Romans is like saying Australians fought the Normans in 1066
Nothing personal kid.
The headline of the image addresses that problem
>Countless wars against the romans.
Germanics, not Germans.
>Fought napoleon.
Napoleon declared war on their allies, they were duty-bound to intervene.
>Literally start ww1
Serbia started WWI by shooting Franz Ferdinand. Russia threatened Germany by mobilizing and moving its army towards her borders.
>and ww2.
Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Poland was massacring ethnic Germans by the thousands. Germany had no plans for a major war.
All of those “Germanic” people’s had the same blood or virtually the the same blood, your distinctions based on political entities is entirely irrelevant in a discussion of genetics and lineage. Germans are nevertheless ancestors of the Germanic peoples who fought the Romans and the genetics testing proves this; your argument is semantics.
I’m 98% English and 2% French but ok. Germanic blood is everywhere in Europe probably in most Western Europeans to some degree.
Yes, but it's a shitty way to show it
>2% French
You've instantly lost all germanic DNA, would you like to start again?
My point was that my Germanic blood is negligible so I’m not we wuzzing
>northwest sicily
fucking Normans
>Germanic y-dna
There are those things called haplogroups you know
Germans did not start WW1 you dumbass
So the French, Russians and the British really are the violent apes of Europe
Why does everyone shit on Germany again?