How is chain link better than oracalize?
The last speaker at Devcon 3 just convinced me oracalize is a pretty legit solution to the oracle problem?
How is chain link better than oracalize?
The last speaker at Devcon 3 just convinced me oracalize is a pretty legit solution to the oracle problem?
Its centralized newfag
And you've just convinced me your a fucking idiot lol
>t. bagholder
>muh Oracalize
More like
>Rent Free
>centralized oracle is a single point of failure
>but who was backup servers
>d-d-decentralized is always better user, LINK $20 soon!
Heehee me so smaht on da chanz first I fudz the linkies and den I masturbate with my furry. HAHAHA silly linkies!! Poopoo coin poopoo coin!! Go potty in the street me link holder. You bought toilet coin go caca poo poo pee pee caca. Me like toilet coin fud heehee
you literally dont understand that data comes from a singular source, do you?
whats the gdax price for eth? idk, go ask gdax.
stfu good lord
learn to program 1st
what a brainlet, thats not the point. you'd have to trust oraclize. do you think large institutions want to create mission critical smart contracts that require trusting oraclize? a measly company compared to the giants.
>be large institution
>dont trust oraclize
>instead trust some fat fuck wearing sweat pants and a checkered shirt
2 years.
They don't have to trust Sergey. That's the point, fool.
Its just safer to have more points of failure. If one centralized oracle gets compromised then you are fucked. If we have several decentralized ones, now the entire network has to be compromised.
You guys should lookup @ThomasBertani on twitter, hes the oraclize guy. Got butthurt as fuck when someone mentioned chainlink and he got btfo. An army of linkies could put this nigger to bed if we harass him constantly on twitter.
it uses blockchain tech you dumbass the same way you can trust BTC and ETH. stay poor
>being this retarded
I can't believe I have to explain this shit to you. Data source is what it is. Say you're pulling from Standard and Poors. Yes, unless you want to eliminate all humans and make Skynet take over then yes for ANY oracle there will be a singular data source (ChainLink handles multiple data sources if they are available by the way, faggot)
WITH ChainLink you have data source + trustless oracle aka no point of failure
WITHOUT ChainLink you have a data source + ANOTHER centralized point of failure in the oracle
God damn get obliterated again faggot
>they dont have to trust the developer to build the revolutionary solution he promised
>because muh blockchain
Holy shit you btfo him
A point of failure is a called a fail safe (as opposed to a fail secure ). What you are referring to (I think) is actually called a redundancy, like a second engine on an aircraft.
so uh wait
that almost sounds like theres still a single point of failure
almost like LINK doesnt accomplish anything at all
really makes you think....
yeah thats what i meant
>hurr the data source is the point of failure.
Are you for real, dawg
Assuming both have a working product, you would have to trust oraclize, but not chainlink. Chainlink is distributed, so it would take the ENTIRE network to decide to become bad actors all at once or to be all attacked at once in an effective way. With oraclize, they just have to have some equipment failure, bad actor, or single attack. It's a world of difference.
>Assuming both have a working product
they dont though
What the fuck sergey. We needed a homerun and instead you squatted over home plate and took a steamy sibos tiered shit
You arent wrong, Link doesnt solve the one source problem (data being centralized). It makes oracles more secure by having a network of oracles which still solves an important problem.
>muh decentralized
you don't even know what that means
>Link doesnt solve the one source problem (data being centralized).
Chainlink allows a 2-stage operation consisting of data sources and data aggregators (not sure what they call these in the white paper), the aggregators can combine multiple sources using any function you want (it's just a smart contract) like outlier detection, majority, median, mean etc...
So you could pull stock market data from multiple sources, political data from multiple news websites, &c. and have them averaged however you like.
Hi bros... Just linkbro Sanjesh Smith reminding to everyone we are rent free in fudder heads... Thank you
I need someone to confirm, with node operator we just run the nodes and let the contract do all the work i.e chainlink will automatically connect to api or data feeds without operator handling.
Holy fucking shit you're dense as hell, do you not know how replies work?
wait if you sign up at you can actually create chainlinks already? Or is this just a demo?
You can create them now.
so do we know anything about the amount of nodes that will currently run that query? Or anything like that? The whole process looks very opaque.
Those are good questions to ask the technical admin on the Slack channel.