I hope you all realize that the millions of soldiers throughout history who fought for the losing battle died for nothing right?
The southern soldiers for instance in the Civil War.
The german,italian and japanese in ww2.
You all realized they died for nothing right?
>mfw we couldn't save pregnant Anne Frank
Damn dude, that's hella deep. Upvote.
Yeah man life has no meaning *burrrp*, M-Morty there is no god Morty *burrrrp* everything is just what we can see. And if you somehow believe that sense even might exist, then you are stupid.
To say they 'died for nothing' implies that you can 'die for something'. Their death was just a small part of a larger event that influenced even larger events and changes on a global scale. Look at how different the world was pre-WW2 and post-WW2. The soldiers' death was an event in WW2, a part in a greater whole that changed the world.
You missed my point.
What I meant os that they died but their side lost so I don't know how to break it down for you but they kind of died in vain at the end of the day.
If you take an atheist view of the world, where nothing has any intrinsic meaning, EVERYONE who ever lived died for nothing - not just soldiers in wars.
Soldiers die for their interpretation of truth and beauty, represented by God. It isn't a coincidence that armies often went to war with a motto similar to "God is with us" (gott mitt uns, s nami bog etc.)
Did they? because their ideas live on and sometimes does come back with a vengeance.
You too missed my point.
They died but their side still lost, as opposed to a soldier who died but his side won.
So basically the losers died for nothing...
The victors died for nothing too. Their civilisation will crumble eventually. The cycle of history dictates that nothing will remain constant.
It doesn't matter and enough with the mental gymnastics you nazi sympathizer I see wheere this is going...
No soldier ever went to war so that his side might come back and win a 100 years later, every soldier ever went to war so that his side might win at that point in time .
Oh my God.
I'm in tears. Fuck wars and fuck drumpf.
Up voted.
You got it wrong. The Yankees died for nothing.
Here, take this Reddit Gold(tm)
Thanks for the Gold kind stranger! XD
He killed millions
The sheer carnage of war and technological disparity brings unprecedented shifts in art, literature, culture, as well as massive technological advancements. You can't exactly have any of those things without a losing side, can you now?
I could argue that EVERY soldier whose ever fought in a war died for nothing
"all human endeavors are inevitably doomed to failure"- jean paul sartre
I mean i guess in a nihilistic way that is true, but in reality no. Lots of these guys fought for things in the immediate, like offensives and battles etc. May have ended up losing wars or whatever but what they fought for still got accomplished. Even in losing still a lot was accomplished. Say you are some German fighting a vicious battle to hold a bridgehead or corridor long enough to evacuate tens of thousands of your fellow troops. Even when you go and lose the war you still saved thousands of guys, some of which survived the war and went to have families etc.