Post British Empire art and more generally images relating to Britain and her history.
British Empire Art and Appreciation Thread
German aesthetic only appeals to edgy socially isolated teens
From the Dominion of Canada
Here's another fantasy depiction to get the masses on board with the whole thing.
Wow look, i can do it too
t. butthurt eurocuck
We got our place in the sun
>Brings Qing China to its knees
Pssht, nothing personal kid
The British are, along with the Germans, the bad guys of history. French are the good guys.
you've got that reversed lad, Britain is the protagonist
>conquering already civilised peoples
literally just violence for violence's sake
>pierre will hypocritically call it a French civil war but will have trouble reconciling his earlier statement about how the English are evil
>lol dumb brits. Should of just invaded Europe for no reason
True, the aim was to spread civilisation, not destroy it
Yeah we committed some atrocities. But all civilisations have at some point. Ireland was basically one continuous potato famine before we arrived, same with in India. Our track record is the best out of the other European powers.
>*Watches brave heart once*
I like how this paints him as a The Christ, and not as an outlaw noble.
Some older art
:( white kids don't suffer, that's for niggers.
This is either during or post-war Britain
You know there was famine in the poorer parts of England too, right.
Now do the rest of the anglo famines. It wasn't just the bog niggers.
What's some good British interracial erotica, fellow Englishmen?
b-but w-we brought them civilization and sheeit
>Our track record is the best out of the other European powers.
The frogs were far more humane than the murderous bongs.
>ywn never condemn a man to Australia for writing obscene material
now that's a laugh
>You know there was famine in the poorer parts of England too, right.
You know your overlords never have and never will care about you, right?
this thread makes me feel warm inside
this is nice board
poor bait
Yes, the bongs always laughed at the body count.
>frogs were far more humane
>literally condemned an entire generation of west Africans to poverty by making their governments pay back debt for French colonial infrastructure
I don't know what you're trying to say, I'm not Irish.
>literally condemned an entire generation of west Africans to poverty
and the bongs condemned entire generations of Africans, Indians, Irish and Americans to DEATH
>I'm not Irish.
It doesn't matter what you are, your overlords don't care about you.
English Civil War is actually pretty interesting. I wish more people knew about it
>what is French Algeria
also, more recently:
Ultimately it was socialism and the trade unions who destroyed Britain
>English Civil War is actually pretty interesting.
I'll redpill you.
>overlords don't like the king
>cut his head off
>kill each other
>strongman kills his way to the top
>kills and kills until he dies
>find another king
>dig up strongman and mutilate his corpse
>get rid of new king
>invite foreigners to invade and take over
>foreigners kill some more
>live happily ever after
Wow... so interesting
Exactly what happened in the French revolution, except without the live happily ever after part
Wow... French and Angloid history is sooooo interesting
The English Civil War made this country what it became, a God fearing, freedom loving people but who recognised tradition was necessary for order. That spirit made the British Empire and all came about as a result of the civil war
>frogs kill king
>get strongman
>other kingdoms gang up on strongman
>foreigners not invited in unlike certain other perfidious fuckwits
so /kitsch general/?
That lion looks like he just hit the opium pipe.
Yeah if more people posted art
>Emancipate Jews, enforce the freedom the Blacks, militarily support Muslims and British republicans at every opportunity (as long as it strips der König out of his power)
>God fearing
Just check right under the effiel tower
how long has that been there?
>Everyone who isn't British nationalist is a Frenchman
I really like the old propaganda posters
Just thought it was the usual.
You seem pretty obsessed since you've been spamming this thread.
Go to sleep, it's your bedtime and you have school in the morning
This is an actual quote from the great visionary of British Empire Cecil Rhodes from his last will:
"The world is nearly all parcelled out, and what there is left of it is being divided up, conquered and colonised. To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far."
Me on the right
kek, that file name
I'm curious why there never was a Ministry of Space, now I think about it. I mean Blue Streak was natively developed and formed the basis for the Europa rocket IIRC.
Hopefully we can break off from your shitcunt queen soon.
>tfw when scotland and NI leave the flag is fucked
Please stop. The Northern Irish are despised by almost all self respecting Englishmen, Paisley in particular ruined a good thing. Larping as if you're based and not humiliated by the boggers in the troubles is a bit sad
>implying a hero won't come to Angloschluss them
>tfw the British empire beat the other 3 and their ancestors beat the Roman Empire
Why do Brits have such a hard on for Lions? Do they miss their Numidian overlords that much?
What is it about Britain that just speaks to majesty?
lions are cool
>being a republicuck
fuck off my island cunt
>lions are cool
lions kill the young cubs to obtain power, a rather perfidious trait, no wonder they like it
>fuck off my island cunt
It's his now, nigel, him and his 5 wives and a tribe of spawn on benefits, now hush or you'll be reported
monarchies are irrelevant to mankind's future
OP is back, posting more art
constitutional monarchy is the pinnacle form of government, a strong governing body with a figure the entire nation can rally behind
Australia's federation flag - I don't know why they don't use this today
get rid of the Jack stamp and it's solid, albeit a little too easily mistaken for Finland
Tbh I am also an Australian citizen and I would not be against removing the jack in favour of this flag
Land of Hope and Glory