Is race a social construct?
Is race a social construct?
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Genetics are not, race is.
Or so I hope.
No such thing.
Monolithic races like white and black are yes
Noice Ejército de Chile pic, mid 90's early 00s
Best looking men are Berberid and Robust Iranid and Iranian Nordoid
Best looking women are Anadolid and Iranian Nordoid
Kinda depends how you define it. Race tends to be a spectrum, but if you're asking if there are distinct biological differences between a Scandi snownigger and a Nigerian niggernigger, then the answer is absolutely, undeniably, yes.
Race is Shake n Bake and Boats n Hoes
I think your pic is missing 2 root races madame
Sort of, there are genetic differences (mostly physical) between peoples. but what we consider a specific race can be pretty arbitrary.
Yes but ethnicity is real and in the genetic sense based on cluster analysis same as breed.
A group separated for 10000s of years from another will evolve different traits not present in the other and some of these traits have an effect on their abilities. Many racial definitions have been confirmed using genetics with statistically insignificant outliers. Race was a reasonable hypothesis in Darwin's time and now the evidence is overwhelming.
Haplogroups as markers for genetic intelligence/cognitive ability
haplogroups A&B
Intelligence is largely heritable
CNTNAP2 and MCPH1 genes.
The rs10784502 (T allele) variant of the CNTNAP2 gene associated with increased cranial volume
The Haplogroup D allele of MCPH1 gene
haplogroups map
cluster gene
Imagine caring this much about little twisty things on your skin you cannot and never will be able to see
That's the most Chechen looking face ever
>in your skin
Sorry to dissapoint brainlet but DNA affects more than just skin
Genetics do not map onto ethnic or racial groups. Nor do haplogroups. It's pseudoscience
>South Indomelanid
giv brown waifu
I wish you die.
No, not even a little bit. To say otherwise is to be a neo-lysenkoist
*Genetics do map onto ethnic or racial groups. It's science
No they don't /pol/friend. Your buddies on stormfront are not a reliable source
>ethnicity is real
Yes they do redditor, your blogs are not a reliable source. I mean... If you just bothered to right click and search Google for this image but nah that's to much work
>Cites a *census* as a deconstruction for genetic grouping
This is your brain on racial egalitarianism
>Nature vs nurture and racial classification has nothing to do with History & Humanities
Why are egalitarians so afraid of discussion race? Are they afraid that men like David Suzuki, Richard Lewontin, and Steven J Gould were wrong?
Ethnic groups yes, race no.
Ethnic groups have noticeable genetic differences (e.g., (((one))) has a far higher susceptibility for Tay-Sachs syndrome, West Africans are more prone to sickle-cell anemia).
Races, where every ethnic group is sorted by skin color, is purely subjective and arbitrary.
Got nothing to do with blogs. It's the mainstream scientific consensus from anthropologists and geneticists that race and ethnic classifications have no basis in biology or DNA
>awaits ((()))
It's a social construct. Doesn't mean it can't be useful. If you're not trying to form the best possible race out of the genetic group you have then you're wasting your potential.
>tfw Cuckasoid
You have provided a very convincing case and I have now changed my mind.
To be fair, nothing is as convincing as /pol/ infographics. They are the final form of rhetoric
Commercial ancestry genetic testing works on the same truths you deny.
How we define it yes
For example what is black and white varies based on our social expectations of different groups. Yes it is based on skin first, but there is more to it
>Commercial ancestry genetic testing
Topkek. Those companies are like the ones offering you an acre of the moon. They don't reveal anything. You can send the same sample to different companies and get completely different results.
The unfortunate truth is that nationality and ethnicity and race are memes and have no basis in science or genetics. This is established scientific consensus (and is historically obvious given notions of ethnicity change over time and in different cultures).
But stick to your conspiracies user. I'm sure a bunch of uneducated neonazis on the Internet have uncovered the real truth.
Lysenko pls go and stay go
Okay dude, hopefully you can explain which races exist. Are they the races americans believe in? Or perhaps the races Arabic people think exist? Maybe the Chinese conception of race is the correct one. I don't know myself, it seems to me different cultures divide people up in arbitrary ways, none of which is correct. But if one is correct, I'm sure you can inform me.
Race definitely exists, it's literally the first thing you notice about a person, your brain categorizes a person racially even before you consciously do. People who deny race are liars.
Except race is not science, user.
It's the first thing racists notice. The rest of us don't spend too much time dividing people up into germanics or nordics or whatever retarded categories you dumb fucks are using now
>race is real because it exists in my mind
Even infants before culture gets to have any impression are racialists and prefer the company of their own tribe, clan, genetic family which is layman's race.
Nah, the peer review system is the final form of rhetoric. \pol\ infrographics are the counterfeit of rhetoric: the moment an expert sees one, he can pick it to pieces with breathless ease and get /pol/ to shut the hell up forever about it
Infants can detect cosmetic differences and identify only the most superficial external features of another person.
By the time they’re speaking you can put children of different races in the same room together, and unless an adult instructs them otherwise they’ll just play, segregate by interest, and not make an issue out of their differences.
>difference between individuals demonstrate race
Yeah the long skull race, the long nose race, the squatting race lol
God said "ffrom the mouth of babes" meaning that babies are the smartest human beings in the world
And the hereditarians beat the environmentalists.
>the final form of rhetoric is Jews approving the works of other Jews
I guess everything 23AndMe does is one big lie.
Because anthropologists and population geneticists fear the politically correct thought police, they use synonyms for the word race. These synonyms include: ancestry, cluster, population, statistical collections of alleles, cline, clinal grouping, lineage, and regional pattern.
>People don't have DNA vision glasses
>This means race doesn't exist
Every other race's accomplishment's could be put together and it would still not equal a tenth of the Caucasoid race. The Caucasoid race has already proven it's superiority over all other kinds.
Only the part about claiming everyone is 2% subsaharan african to mess with racist
Skin color no
Associating facial features or skin color to one's place in the hierarchy is.
Yes and no. Shit like "white, black, asian" is somewhat retarded for generalization. However, there are significant differences in genetics among groups of people. These differences CAN affect things like intelligence or muscle density. We are not really "all one race the human race :^)" but the current colloquial way we refer to "race" is too general.
I got 0% subsaharan from 23andme. Your source is a blog. Have you tried not being a mutt?
No, end of story. Genes aren't needed to delineate race either, only phenotype, morphology and geographic ancestry.
Yes. It wasn't until the Enlightenment that race started becoming a thing to put on birth certificates, and other official documents
Nigga, did you just say that race was a social construct?
t. coping mutts
>thinking that proves anything
Do you want to buy an acre of moon?
>everyone is the same under the skin, we just happen to have slightly different skin tones on the outside
>genetics plays no role in intelligence, it's all down to environment, and I will keep repeating that even though it hides the fact human intelligence must have evolved at some point in some way but definitely not genes!
fucking kent hovind creationist-tier logic there, pal
> colour of skin makes you smart! XD
If anything races should be divided by IQ scores. Doesn't matter if you got the white tone of skin, if you got less than 120 IQ, you should be officially considered to be black.
It's just mysterious why all brown and black races have low IQs.
>implying genetics correlate with race
Genetics surely play a part in intelligence, but there is no connection between genetics and the social experience of race. Race as a concept changes over history and in different cultures. It isn't indicative of any underlying truth
Outside the US Blacks achieve better educational results than whites
That study doesn't control for class, its shite, of course people from a certain race are more likely to go to college if you're comparing them to just poorfag crackers
>why both sides are wrong
le enlightened radical centrist strikes again
>chavs are trash
No one has ever denied that
>Not reading the article and just basing your opinion on the title.
>when compared among to individuals of similar class and with similar academic results, wealthy white British children are lagging behind all ethnic minorities
Wrong. I guess white people must be genetically inferior. Can't be a cultural thing, can only be genetics.
The "in-group" bias is just their bias to go to the closest of their parents skin color.
Well why aren't they catching lawsuits constantly if they are fake news?
Babies have supernatural sense of smell, they know kin vs not kin by scent. Even the most rudimentary animals are nepotistic and have such mechanisms, but no man isn't evolved, he is created.
It is or it isn't when it's convenient to the corporate liberal agenda.
Do astrologers get sued? Or homeopaths? Acupuncturists?
Pseudoscience is not illegal.
They are not parting people with merely their money, but their very genetic essence, you are not allowed to fuck around but you don't respect privacy it appears anyway.
>you are not allowed to fuck around
Dude send a sample to two different companies offering that service. You will get different results from each. DNA tests are pretty crude at the moment. The police would love it if you could actually get real detailed results from DNA
These guys MUST fork over genetic records to the feds if it becomes involved. DNA has exonerated many, but the moment it results in a false positive result, they are on sudoku watch.
yes. But Ethnic grouping is not.
we should not mix ethnic groups.
forget about le white and asian mixing meme, Spaniards and Italians should not mix, Anglos and Danes should not mix, Poles and Germans should not mix, French and Swiss should not mix.
>Genetics do not map onto ethnic or racial groups.
Does that mean skin color is not genetic? Or does it mean that the same skin color can be due to different genes?
Yes they must. They can match individuals, but not ethnic groups. The police can't get DNA from a crime scene and work out 'okay were looking for a half Nigerian half Irish dude'. It's not that precise.
Yes different genes can result in the same complexion. Consider indians, who often have the same skin tone as African Americans. It's one of the reasons race and genetics don't correlate. It's possible to have all the signifiers of 'blackness' without sharing any of those 'black' genes with another person who is racialised as 'black'
So is heterozygosity what the racists picked up when fixation indices wouldn't let them have their way?
>It's possible to have all the signifiers of 'blackness' without sharing any of those 'black' genes with another person who is racialised as 'black'
Does that ever happen though?
Wouldn't it mean that all the typical physical characteristics of an African just happened to arise in a random person in a different population? How does a statistical freak occurrence like that invalidate the idea of race?
Also, do different Africans have different genetics underlying the same skin color?
Everything is socially constructed, all human ideation is limited to a socially determined epistemology. The sensory input of your eyes, ears, et al coalesces into human experience through the mind which transforms inputs of sensory information into ideationally comprehensible models of prediction represented as socially determined symbols within a biologically determined system. Actual states of the world are interpreted through an acute perspective according to the expectations of the person looking.
>do different Africans have different genetics underlying the same skin color?
Yes. Africa is more diverse than the rest of the world put together times ten
>and not make an issue out of their differences
There are fundamental differences in children of different races. Greater and lesser dispositions to certain behaviors are directly traceable to pre-natal testosterone and the rate of development in pre-teens and adolescents is important in the growth of self-esteem and social status. These biologically determined differences manifest as power imbalances which create extreme social conditions in ethnically plural American schools.
>unless an adult instructs them otherwise they’ll just play
They won't "just play," they will interact according to the forces of human communication. In the scope of communication theory disparities in conscientiousness and expressiveness can manifest in particular outcomes of behavior.
>Greater and lesser dispositions to certain behaviors are directly traceable to pre-natal testosterone and the rate of development in pre-teens and adolescents is important in the growth of self-esteem and social status.
Perhaps. But can you link that to race? You won't be able to. People racialised as black won't necessarily have anything genetically in common. Nigerians and Kenyans are both racialised as black but are more genetically distinct than say a Japanese and an Italian who are racialised as Asian or white. Genetics and race do not correlate in any meaningful way
>But can you link that to race?
You can link it to ethnicity which can be categorized racially. Ethnically ambiguous people would be hard to account for, but perhaps that's why they're the ones shooting up schools.
>People racialised as black won't necessarily have anything genetically in common.
There are general trends because of the correlation between ethnicity and race.
>Nigerians and Kenyans are both racialised as black but are more genetically distinct than say a Japanese and an Italian who are racialised as Asian or white. Genetics and race do not correlate in any meaningful way
Yes, ethnic divisions are probably more useful in considering these cases. Race is still useful though, such as when considering the role of skin pigment in facial expressiveness. Blue eyes and red lips contrast very brightly against white skin, thus the subconscious expressions manifested in facial movement and blushing in people with such characteristics will be more readily discernible than the same social signalling sent by people with brown eyes, brown lips, and brown skin.
>ethnicity which can be categorized racially
So what? Ethnicity and race are equally social constructions. Connecting one with the other proves nothing. Neither correlates with genetics.
Your bullshit about blue eyes being more expressive just reflects your own racial bias. Eg Chinese people find Chinese faces more expressive than non Chinese
no it's not.
It is when westerners complain about illiterate retards from the third world being mass-imported by the government.
It isn't when we need whites to be a scapegoat.
>Iranian Nordoid
I know you are baiting but the 3 races theory is still the most accepted theory by mainstream biologists and it is entirely possible to determine your race base on your DNA. Of course the lines are arbitrary, but the difference is real.
Wait is this meant to imply it's not there at all or just smaller?