Why are the French on this board so utterly obsessed with us?
Why are the French on this board so utterly obsessed with us?
>anyone who says something bad about Britain is French
I wish Veeky Forums had flags
The most obsessive people on this board are anglos, albanians and /pol/ catholics
Are you both kidding or am I being trolled or something?
You're proving my point
Who's "us", schizo?
Well that you already knew I was English says something, doesn't it?
>implying there are french people on Veeky Forums
It's mostly 1/24th French-Americans
Shut up, Schlomo Shekelburgerstein.
Never heard of any americans we wuzzing about french heritage, not even cajuns.
Holy shit
Are bongs really this butthurt?
Veeky Forums with flags would be the end
White people don't have to WE WUZ because even the most insignificant and overlooked white ethnic groups have culture and history to be proud of.
Pretty funny that you say that we're obsessed by you bongs while in reality there isn't almost a day where you faggots don't make a french hate thread on /pol/ or that you try to destroy our achievements on Veeky Forums.In reality most of the english I've met had something against us besides the fact that the regular frenchman doesn't give a single fuck about your decaying island.Where does this french hate comes from ? Why are you so overcompensating ? I used to like you but I'd rather have krauts now
>wanting flags
Are you retarded?
This is true, same for English as well.
Americans will mostly we wuz over Irish or german heritage.
>In reality most of the english I've met had something against us.
Absolutely false.
Unless my "met" you mean talked to on Veeky Forums
>you try to destroy our achievements on Veeky Forums
I don't think I've seen a single thread about France or anything related to France on Veeky Forums that was in any sense negative. There are barely any threads about France at all. On the other hand you can't so much as sneeze in English without a frog going fucking ballistic about the Normans or English kings or posting Wikipedia battles charts.
Really if this isn't proof that French anons are living in some kind of bizarro Veeky Forums I don't know what is.
>Are bongs really this butthurt?
Yes, they're permanently buttblasted.
Is this a frog-eating joke? Pepe being a frog.
Americans dislike Brits more than they do Frenchies in general, so they will always take the French side
Success breeds jealousy my friend.
They will always be eclipsed by British scientific and imperial achievements
Fuck you
>the britbongs on the right pic
Hahaha wtf