Assuming God exists, why does she deserve to be worshipped?
Assuming God exists, why does she deserve to be worshipped?
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Because he literally created us. Like, we literally wouldn't exist with out him. Whether or not you hate your life stfu and at least be thankful you were given life.
Because God is awesome.
God is three pretty fucking chill dudes man
Without a conscience they destroy
And that's a thing that they enjoy
They're a sickness that's in all of our minds
They want to sink the ship and leave
The way they laugh at you and me
You know it happens all the time
But it only happens in your mind
The rats in the cellar you know who you are...
Or do you?
Jesus Christ learn to have a somewhat consistent rhyme scheme you fuckwit
There is no inherent reason why the creation should worship the creator, it's just an instinct. I'm guessing this "instinct" was bred into us by our female ancestors to prevent men from killing their mothers and and smashing their cervices with hot iron rods.
Because you owe him everything
I would probably worship god if I knew that he controlled my fate entirely, and wanted me to worship him. Then again I might spit in his face for a laugh.
God is a female. Which is why the world is such a shithole.
whatever you do you want to curry gods favor
worship seems like the quickest way to a superiors heart
Because as humans we all have an innate need: a need to worship something. Whether it be a Deity (or the absence of one), an idea, or ourselves, we all worship something. Why not worship what is truly worthy of it?
Because God is love. Worshiping God is more than going to church on Sunday; it's about embracing all that's good.
You deserve to worship God.
Why is existence inherently superior to nonexistence?
God’s that bro that never lets you down.
Depends on how you view worship.
If worship is simply begging for favor or done as a means of not incurring wraith, then it seems pretty shallow and petty.
If worship is really a means to spiritual enlightenment it makes sense.
From the point of view of all that exists, existence is the best choice
>because I said so
Because she's super qt.
fuck off
This isn't logical at all. Several unrelated groups believed that existence is the cause of all suffering.
suffering is better than nonexistance
How can existence be the best choice if there are many cool things in non-existence, including my non-existent perfect girlfriend and the universe, where I am the god emperor of the earth?
Why do you think so?
Nah it's Satan's fault the earth is a shithole
He's a tranny
He creates metaphysics, which determine morality making him be able to make worshipping him be the moral thing to do
>God is genderless!
>But you can't call God "she", because this genderless creative principle has male reproductive organs!
The absolute state of abrahamics
God in the bible is frequently refered to as the father, the son is also referred to with masculine pronouns but the Holy Spirit is refered to as feminine. So when you are referring to the father, the son or god as a whole (2/3 means god is mostly male) and when referring to the Holy Spirit you use feminine pronouns, now you can worship your pagan goddesses or mother gods all you want but when it comes to god in the realm of the abrahamics god is a male
>no mouth
how am I going to make her THICC then?
I hope you also worship your parents and ancestors.
God doesn't need you, you need God
even if all of humankind dont worship God, God is still God
Ok so it's not genderless.
Do you worship your mom and dad?
That’s the exact slippery slope you want, because if you would worship your parents as your creators you would also need to worship their parents, for without even 1 of them you would not live, then by that logic you would worship your grandparent’s parents and so on and so forth until you get to the absolute origin of your existence and the sole reason you exist, and you would worship that as it is the greatest being.
So this is the infamous double-layered bait...
Even if I am suffering, there is a chance that things can improve and I can experience pleasure in the future, and move closer to being fulfilled. If I die and no longer exist, I cannot feel pleasure or fulfillment. Therefore, I desire to continue existing.
>Why is being fulfilled better than nothing?
Because fulfillment is the highest emotional state, which is superior to no emotional state at all.
>Why is having an emotional state better than no emotional state at all?
If you have to ask this, you are lying to yourself.
The issue is people's idea of god and worship, I for one think of god as everything, including myself and my experience, and worship of him it is anything that you do in good heart.
You don't do it for God. God doesn't need anything.
Emotional state is irrelevant, 'high' and 'low' are irrelevant. These statements are literally meaningless when compared to non-existance
> existence is the best cho-
Not him but generally religious people have more respect for their parents as they see them as their elders in stead of the people who fucked to create you.
>Assuming God exists
Jesus is the son of God, God is his father not his mother. Other than the "I would be cool in the 1990's" tier bait you did good and got plenty of good answers, stop being a doofus.
Isn't this reason enough, m'lady?
Prove it.
So basically you worship something that might be responsible for your existence instead of something that objectively is responsible for your existence.
no that guy is wrong, its just easier to call it a he since he's referred to as the Father referencing his characteristics rather than his physical attributes. There's no reference to him having a literal body at all unless you count Jesus, but really, Jesus wouldn't have been taken seriously at all if he was a woman. So you call God a he/him because that's literally how our world works, but not his
if you believe God is the source of all existence, then you worship him because he gave all life and basically everything you know and love
because to exist is the basis of everything you know? why would non existence be a good thing if you couldn't appreciate it? would you rather be a hammer or a tree rather than a human being?
That's the basis for the whole Christian faith and everything Jesus taught, yet people would rather be in doubt than actually try and discover these truths
All the talking about existing or not reminds me of this recent article I read somewhere. It basically said that the longer you stay in Facebook, the more your realize that there are way, way more people with better life on this planet than you than the reverse. Anyone's mind is not capable of realizing something of that scale, and so they unconcsciously fall into depression.
Maybe it is better to be a frog under the well.
Assuming God exists in the traditional theological form, e.g omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent, I'm just going to assume that this being is not in need of worship.
Why would a hypothetical creature that is beyond anything humans can even possibly understand need us to pray and worship it?
>"Fear of hell is not the main reason I'm religious"
Nice logical fallacy, but why would you worship your parents as creators in the first place? If not, why would you worship god as creator?
What in the act of creation commands worship? All I see is that the only thing that commands me to worship is several books none of which are supernatural or divine in essence. If god exists, does he demand worship and why?
>brain damage makes you an atheistic progressive liberal
Not surprising.
>Religion makes you unable to read
Wow... woah...
Because you are his literal property you ingrate.
I wouldn't go down that road, if I were you
Think religion makes society less violent? Think again:
So you *believe* something versus *knowing* something.
Why worship something that might’ve created life versus something that DID create life? Your parents DID create you, but the jury’s still out on if God created you.
You are claiming God created the Universe.
Prove it.
Well some of the most violent, anti-human rights civilizations are religious(Middle Eastern countries) whereas secular societies like in North America and Europe are some of the greatest places to live on the planet.
Said the exact opposite, but ok...
I’m saying that parents objectively created you. Why not worship them instead of something that may or may not have created you?
Sorry :´(
>That Catholic-Protestant ratio
Do Latrinos convert before going to prison or something?
>the absolute state of cunt slaves
All of these fucking arguments are irrelevant until you actually prove God exists.
Good luck with that.
Black Catholics are pretty rare in America.
All niggers are protestant.
If I was a hammer, I'd ring out all day long.
That's nive but how long will these places exist?
>Why not worship them instead of something that may or may not have created you?
i guess my experience of life has a pretty ambiguous nature in general, maybe that's why I can do these things without seeing God in the flesh. Genuinely, being a Christian is such a compelling experience that asking whether or not God exists FOR SURE gets old and actually inhibits my ability to experience the fulfillment that's promised in the Bible over and over again. Just like how no writer in the Bible offers cold hard evidence for God's existence, yet they all agree that they'd rather perish than reject the love he offers
and I don't worship my parents because they worship God also
Take the Gnostic pill already. You're praying and worshiping an aspect of yourself in order to free yourself from the traps of the demiurge.
>because a book said so
Well, the idea behind the gender reference originates in both sacred geometry and the natural tendencies of both genders, and their historical roles.
However, when referring to GOD, a being who not only designed both genders, perfectly understands them, and knows the secrets, thoughts, hopes, fears, and dying words of every human, animal, AI, and "other" that ever existed the idea of gender identity is a bit disingenuous.
Cause God is infinitely good.