I just dumped my gf so that I can save money during the holidays. I can now use the money I would have wasted on her dumb ass to invest in alts after the fork. From my experience the best time to have a gf is between Feb. 15th(so you miss ridiculous valentines expenses, and roasties who didn't have a valentine date are extra desperate for attention) and before oct. 31st (halloween expenses). I fucked up and didn't dump her before halloween and had to waste money on that bullshit but I was distracted by crypto so I lost track of time. But looking back on it now that was a huge mistake. I could have bought many WTC or LINKs with the amount I wasted on a gay normie satanic holiday like halloween. Spring and summer are great times for a gf or wife too because you can do outdoor stuff (ie. free dates) like ride bikes or go to the park, or instead of wasting money at a bar you can drink at a friends backyard or rooftop.
Have you dumped your gf or wife to save money this holiday season yet Veeky Forums?
are you spending hundreds of dollars on parties? you're doing it wrong
I'd rather dump my life than my One.
Sweetest times are her skin.
what are you a cheap jew bastard? get a life faggot.
Stop dating high-maintenance women OP.
Winter time is chill as fuck
>girlfriend cooks
>chills with me on the couch under a blanket
>do some ice skating and other cheap winter shit
Summertime is worse cause that bitch wants to go to this festival and that festival and go here and there. I fucking hate it.
damn bro you sound like you have just the type of pussy whipped attitude that causes women to cheat. I'll pray for your monogamy user but outlook in my crystal ball for your relationship is looking bad.
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
+1 keks
>ugly femanon detected
lmao looks like someone is only getting coal stuffed up her stocking this christmas. no white christmas for you fatty.
GF wanted to go to Japan. I wanted to buy eth. I dumped GF and bought 60 eth.
Why spend money when I can make money?
My gf is 8 years younger and makes a a tiny bit more than me lol
>dating career oriented women
You liking all those power struggles bro?
I won't cheat, even if I know I'll be temped more and more, because she fits perfectly
Good choice. If I had a gf that didn't understand the importance of getting into crypto ASAP and/or (especially or) would rather spend the money now to go to some overexpensive concrete jungle at the other side of the globe, it speaks leagues about her inability to seek delayed instead of instant gratification.
Women like that will likely cheat if a sexy opportunity presents itself too, and also easily get fat and just generally overspend.
We don't buy gifts for each other beyond small sentimental ones. The obligation of prescribed gift giving ruins the joy of it. With that said, I kinda wanna cash out some gains and get her something nice. In the 5 years we've been together I think she's probably spent about 50% more money on me than I have on her.
Halloween Expenses? WTF? Is you gf 12?
She wants to pay for everything we do (even though I make more than her), has a high sex drive, and is hot and short (my type)
I'm riding this one out
lol 10/10 thread, would read again
Im in the same boat.
Even encourages me in my shitcoin pursuits.
Booze, food, costumes, transportation to parties.
In comparision, I actually made money on Halloween staying in and trading crypto. Relationships are money pits.
>She wants to pay for everything we do (even though I make more than her), has a high sex drive, and is hot and short (my type)
>I'm riding this one out
How did you meet her?
I'm breaking up with my gf in two weeks so that I don't have to deal with her family during the holidays again (thanksgiving and christmas). Her family is fucking unbearable.
>tfw no gf
Nothing but gains every week. Bitches can wait until I have more time, money, and energy to waste.
when is the fork my fellow biztards
Fuckin this.OP would never believe it, but there are low maintenance chill girlz out there who aren't money grubbing cunts, just few and far between admittedly.
50% off vacations, eventually 50% off rent, etc. It's the *time* that you don't get back. But so many n00bs don't know how to research and always think money > time.
You dump her for bad reason user.
Except if it totaly destroys your relation.
Here is some advice for Veeky Forums minded individuals:
1-) Find a girlfriend that is like a 7/10 - above the average, but not too hot as to draw competition. That is like picking good stock.
2-) Subtly make clear what you expect from her during the first months: have her do what you want in bed, reprimand what you are not going to accept, while also realizing what you will have to endure. This is like a basic contract of services exchanged.
3-) Make sure that her is working, and I mean REALLY working. If she got the energy to do anything besides eating and throwing herself in bed after she clocks out, it is not enough work. This is like being insured.
Now, this is what is going to happen: since the competition is not after what you own, you will not have to waste too much time watching her, since you know what she expects from you and are getting what you want from day one, it gets easier to realize when there are problems (like, after five months of savage anal, she refuses to wear a fox buttplug while sucking you dry) and, the best part, she will have too little free time left to annoy you and make you waste money.
There are still humans on this baord.i trust you user, shill me your coins
Haven't had a gf since my hs senior year in 2012
>tfw holding her by my car in the parking lot squeezing her ass
Dumped her as soon as i took the redpill
this senpaitachi, my gf and i dont do presents for birthdays, christmas, valentines, any of that gay mind control shit.
we might give something sentimental in some way, or a nice experience like hiking to the waterfall.
This is completely autistic. My gf and I don't do gifts and shit anytime of year except for Christmas and even then we only get each other 1 or 2 things. Nothing major.
If you're really such an effeminate bitch that the only way you won't feel compelled to spend money on women is by staying away from them, then save yourself the headache and buy a fleshlight.
Even if checked, she wouldn't stay a 7/10 for long then.
I live with my grill and she has her own job. We split the rent / bills, meaning I can buy more crypto and she has more disposable for her makeup / period pads / dildos
If she holds values for two years, you are ahead, mate, can always have a healthy clean break and move towards the next best thing.
Hahahaha nice! Once you make the money go to Japan and fuck some girls.
Does it also put the lotion on its skin?
Hahaha tell me about it.
At 23 I bought my first apartment. Struggled for 4 years paying the mortgage and bills. Had just enough money for food and petrol. Forget going out or holidays. Eventually I got a better paying job, lower interest rates.
Now I'm 31 and can afford to splash out on holidays and the like. But the women I date are 27-31 and still living with roommates. Nothing to show for years of existence aside from a few holidays. And they complain about boomers pricing them out of the housing market because it's soooo expensive and hard to save.
No it's not. You just have to sacrifice a few pleasures now for a comfy life later.
I don't want to date these women. Don't come to my house looking for a nest. You're not having your cake and eating it too. I worked hard for this shit. I'm not giving it up to the likes of you.
No one cares haha rofl
why are you wasting your time with post-wall women. at your age you should be dating 18-25 year olds. No point in eating fruit that is already starting to rot.
Why u mad? She cooks and does my laundry too top zozzle
Since boomers:
Cost of travel / holidays has been deflationary
Cost of houses have been MASSIVELY inflationary
You can't even begin to compare the two.
I can but. I bought my 2 bedroom apartment in 2011 for $335k. Today it's worth $580-600k. This is suburban Sydney, one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everyone could have done the same but no, they're young. They wanna have fun and party. Tend bars in London for a bit. Then whine they can't afford shit now.
Doesn't Australia have the highest debt per capita out of any country in the world?
Here in UK there is no point in buying houses at the moment because we are due a massive price correction within next few years.
I'm not sure about that statistic... Maybe... I know a guy struggling to pay his interest only mortgage... Then he goes out and spends ten thousand dollars for furniture 'because he likes nice things'.
But they're always been talk of a bubble. It's gonna correct any moment. This year, next financial year, tomorrow. Not sustainable. Etc etc. All the while prices keep going up. A bit like Bitcoin since it's inception.
Yes, every year I break it off around mid-october and rekindle the flame in february. Any financially wise man would do this. It's a hedge against """holiday""" sales
How to reduce problems in a relationship
1. Start the relationship by making it clear what you unequivocally require or you walk
2. Maintain her testing of that boundary.
3. Now you either live with someone who respects you or you have already left and on to the next one.
No need, she's used to me never getting her anything