Bitcoinereum. The Ultimate POS/W coin for the ETH Network

Hey guys,
I've found that this coin has really only had much attention on Veeky Forums and Reddit. More so here on Veeky Forums.

For those of you who have been mining this, congratulations. It will soon pay off. And for those of you who have bought at the low price it is at, congratulations.

BTCM (soon to be re-branded due to BTCMoon) is the first "Minable ERC-20 Token." Yeah blah blah blah I'm sure many of you have already wrote it off, however I urge you to change your mind. While you all are focused on this or that ASIC resistant coin or on the current BTC/BCC/Segwit2x happening, you have been missing out on one of the first truly decentralized POS/W Concepts that can be mined on the Ethereum network WITH NO SPECIAL MINING HARDWARE WHATSOEVER, but what does that mean? Well, a person with a Raspberry PI has the same chance to mine a coin as the person running 6 Titans and an 8 core with 32 GB ram. Furthermore, this means that the scalability that many other coins/tokens will face as Transaction time increases, is no longer an issue. Immense amounts of Power are not required to mine this token. No 3-4 dollar fees like what Bitcoin Core team is currently struggling with.

Second, this "token" for a lack of a better name, is one that will encourage the Gas price of the Ethereum network to stay low. Instead of high power usage to solve more and more complex equations, this token provides incentive to the Miners through more transactions at an easier Difficulty.

While I am sure many of you will fud this to the ground with your Dunning–Kruger state of mind about its inferiority, there are a few of you who will hopefully put this concept into consideration.

Also, remember that this token had absolutely No ICO or Pre-mine. Just like Bitcoin. But can be programmed like Ethereum with Smart Contracts. The decision is yours to make anons.

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The only issue I see with this, is that you need to hold some ether in order to send it, as it is a token on the ethereum network.
Also, is it really rebranding? I kinda digged the Bitcoinereum name.

Started a discord channel with Bitcoinereum miners and investors.

Yes, it will be re-branding. Unfortunately BTCMoon grabbed the BTCM ticker.
The gas fee is what encourages all of that on the Ethereum network. Some people have been mining this for as little as .0001 Ethereum (about 2 cents)

I understand that you pay gas in order to mine it, that's totally fine and acceptable.
I was expressing concern that you can't truly use this as currency, since you also need to hold ether to send it to someone else.
Whereas if you use bitcoin, you pay the transaction fee using bitcoin (the same currency).

The gas fee paid to mine is comparable (but far less) compared to the fee for an ASIC or High Level GPU Miner. Nothing is free my friend.

Jesus christ stop shilling this shitcoin already. It's been dead for days. What can you even do with this token? There is no value. I looked at the source code and the developer literally wrote 5 lines of code in solidity. Stop scamming Veeky Forums

Prime example my friends.

I second the motion

You're not understanding what I'm trying to say.
I'm not complainig about the fact you have to pay a fee to mine it.
I'm saying if you want to use Bitcoinereum as a currency, when you send it to someone, you must have ether on hand, to pay for the transaction fee.