>$500k profits
>buy farm inna woods
>find QT virgin christian wife
>get her pregnant once a year (for seven years)
>raise family on farm
>kids are placed in independent studies
>live a good life in the Lord until I'm taken to heaven
ITT: Veeky Forums dreams about their future
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sounds comfy. I'd take it further and acquire multiple wives.
fuck no
If I wouldn't run out of money, I'd rather be a cokehead party animal than having a normie family with all the responsibilities and shit beyond my control that it introduces into my life.
I want enough bitcoins to where I only have to make one trade a week to pay for a couple months rent for my quaint apartment. Uber everywhere, video games, and playboy lifestyle with other like minded dudes.
Im a black atheist. Prefer picture on the right
> christian
>make a 10 million or so in profits
>buy a lambo
>stunt on all my former friends who abandoned me and girls who rejected me
>buy a penthouse condo in either Tokyo or NYC
>fuck 9/10 escorts at least 4 teams a week, along with my 10/10 asian gf who sometimes watches and joins in
lmao you gonna need a lot more than ten mil for that bruv
Also, what a waste of wealth to just be a basic bro normie. You don't even need money to fulfill your animal instincts, just be christian and you're guaranteed a christian wife. Girls with no hobbies, interests, or ambitions aside from making babies and pleasing sky daddy aren't exactly rare.
*be christian AND attend church
>buy place in middle of nowhere
>live like my regular neet life except i have money now
>purposedly potrays hookers as pale ironing tables
Fuck off, Jordan.
>sky daddy
lol. Nice try Pajeet.
>tfw GF isn't a virgin
should I dump her whore ass?
>make several million
>reinvest most of it
>buy house with enough room for my model trains and japanese pvc
>donate to third sector railway lines in Japan that need help recovering after earthquakes or other natural disasters
>occasionally fly to Japan to take a ride on the lines I've helped
How are you gonna do that 3rd thing exactly?
Why the fuck every one wants a virgin?
What is supposed to be better with unexperianced candid woman?
Almost forgot
>finally get to ride on the Seven Stars Kyushu and Shikishima cruise trains
Meekakitty would make a good Christian wife.
Only faggots fall for MGTOW.