Why haven't you funded the church yet?
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I've liked athene all the way back to when he was power leveling his bitch with his boyfriend furious. Shit would be so cash if this earned me money.
Prolly will, maybe not a fortune. They will make a shit tonne tough. Even a small amount just for the lulz could lead to a potential new house.
Because the Catholics killed off all the real Christians (Cathars)
Is this nigger making a crypto coin?
you bet, they are also a religion now. youtube.com
200k in a week
50K in 6 hours
what the fuck is going now Veeky Forums
Athene is a brainlet. Was sorta funny at one point but he's become a narcissist thinking his ideas about cruelty for example are original or even tolerable. He states them with such brashness that it's painful to listen to. He wanted to kickstart global awareness but his ideas are mostly old news and moreover stupid, and he knows next to nothing about psychology, that basically the only way to make the rabble like you is to placate them, consider them, and satisfy their envious greed. Instead he tries to make people feel as if they are the problem, which is the opposite strategy and will just make the rabble hate him along with anyone who is somewhat educable and therefore knows that his stinking bullshit is lame. As an individual I have zero faith in him or his promises.
did you watch the latest docu? it is quite interesting, he is a narcissist, but he is by no means a retard.
what's this BS? it looks retarded, and looks like only fanboys would donate to his shitcoin.
This guy is smarter then us all. He making bank i just wonder what his exit strategy is
Jesus fucking Christ
probably suicide, as in drinking the cool aid.
then he has got very very rich fanboys
they have $200K of value now.
ok, convince me, what's the value of this shitcoin? what's so special about it?
that you get money when donating to charities, and that it is used in a huge game they are developing right now, that is predicted to hit global market.
and you know.. that it already has 200K from people donating, and since they got double the value, for a special time only now, the coin will have 400K supply in circulation once it hits the exchanges.
No, but the way he acts on his stream irks me to no end. He considers himself some sort of genius. I've felt that way myself but I am borderline schizo and that's the only reason. The way he acts when he talks himself up looks just as ugly as the people I meet in the psych ward look when they do the same. And it's the same story with his impotence. He thinks he can do things that he should never have dreamed he'd be able to do in the first place. It might not be too far off to classify this as mild psychosis or something. Although you could say that about most people due to plain ignorance, in this case it's a bit more. Delusions of grandeur I'd call it.
>huge game
what game?
1bil coins premined 50cent each KEK
Here's Athene pledging to buy all PRPS that falls below pre-sale price ($0.50) when it hits exchanges:
and he's not afraid of the law!
Sounds like what's going on here is that all of these on-stream donations are going to Reese whereas Athene's the one that actually holds all of the PRPS in his own wallet. So when Reese receives donations, Athene just so happens, out of goodwill, to decide to give 2 Purpose for every $1 donated to his buddy Reese, and thinks this absolves him of all legal responsibility in the scheme.
He's based in Germany btw so if we have any EU lawyers or law students around who can offer insight into the legality of his claims (specifically saying to buy any PRPS below pre-sale price once it hits market) or anything else that might appear sketchy here...
he had his slaves at his compound design a game in the basement on Unity... he hasn't revealed it publically, only to anyone who donates $5k+
It will most likely be horrible. He claims to have set it up so that this PRPS coin can be spent for in-game items... and then there's promise of all kinds of future applications for PRPS (apps, other projects), it's a huge scam. Plus if the time between when the game is released is significantly further away than when the coin hits exchanges, the coin will become instantly worthless.
And in all likelihood as soon as PRPS hits exchanges, Athene himself will just dump a huge portion of his own supply, or get one of his minions to do so for their benefit. They pre-mined 1,000,000,000 coins and he's trying to tell his deluded fans it'll maintain $0.50 at minimum but more likely reach the $1-5 range.