Who else came here 100% sure they were going to make it and now realize none of us are going to make it

Who else came here 100% sure they were going to make it and now realize none of us are going to make it

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haha me
>you will never be able to afford a qt to enslave you and put her feet on your head

We're all going to make it.

Also good taste in gatari girls OP.

I'm not going to make it.

I own BTC so I'm 100% sure I'm still gonna make it

we gonna make it.

$link will be $5 in 2018.

stay strong fellow /biz

Not true, some of us WILL make it.
But most will not.

these weak hands will be the death of me

please post that pasta about how we are in the process of the greatest wealth transfer in history and we're all gonna make it with cute anime girls i'm getting so just'd i am down from 8 btc to 2 btc literally i lost everything most of it i actually bought with real money i think i'm going to kill myself

Fuck you I am, I own silver and cryptos
and my wiener is pretty big too

Yeah, that guy is deluded. I hope you dont actually believe that

friendly reminder that silver lost 60% of its value since the 80s

RIP. We need 50BTC to make it.

friendly reminder 2 months ago a court order shut down the second largest silver mine,
friendlier reminder humans burn through silver like candy and the above ground supply with gold is now about 1 to 1 the price historically was 16 to 1 it is now 70 to 1 and is used in ever bit of electronics

Have fun retard

Well ok you got me I will probably not be a millionaire from crypto. But I will make a bundle if bitcoin hits even 50k. Enough to really enhance my QoL.
If it hit 1 million however... that would change things.

This Silver Shill Copypasta now seen in 2 threads lol dude enjoy modest gains over 10 year timespan...we ain't interested

its so easy to exhort information from you Biztards


Yes it's too late now, the normies were already here, only current crypto millionaires can make it

honestly all I really need is btc to go 12million so that my 0.08 btc can be sold for exactly 1million thud making me a millionaire :)

I know that feeling. Still trying to learn and share the little I know. It's rough..

Yeah, its really impressive how you got info from a tard that you can just google

I like to let the answers come to me


rofl your a faggot

the most horrible truth is by the time you "make it" you will be so cynical there will be nothing to enjoy

i am a 30 y/o NEET that has never had a job in his life, I am in the 90th percentile of wealth, own my own car, own house, i am for all intents and purposes very successful

but i have no friends, no gf, and because i have been permanently locked out of the normie hive life, i will never be welcomed into society even if i become a millionaire. i'll always be an outsider looking in, broke chads and used up sluts will still look down on me

i spent four hours on an elliptical today, made a pizza, then listened to neuromancer on a book on tape. no one cares, no one will ever care about my giant quads, crypto or love of neuromancer


opposite here
bought most of my bitcoin at 4k
some more around 5-5.4k
some more around 6-6.2k

im up thousands of dollars easy

lol well I bought at 2000. the dollar amount isnt really important. biz is 75% down in satoshi

You are right and wrong my friend.

It's true that nobody gives a fuck about who you are or what you have unless they stand to gain from it, but its not difficult to make friends.

You can make online friends through similar interests, nobody gives a shit how you look or how much you make online.

You can get to know people offline in the same manner.

You forgot to mention that people on $2 daily income lives happier than you ever will.

Why do you need normies? why do you need respect from sub average IQ folks?

I swear fuck I would take over the fucking world if I had 1/10 of the wealth some emolarps around here. yet I'm happy with my neetness and massive underachievment.

Is all in your mind! blew it!

user, why the fuck do you care about poorchads and sluts? Go find someone who is worth spending some time with.
Don't care about people knowing you, at the end we all die so better spend your limited time enjoying yourself.

thats some impressive delusion

Kek. I'm up +$100k, still not gonna make it, I'm just being realistic here.

I really want to make it.

you only need one

yes, if you live in uganda


Anyone who owns Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, NEO, OMG, and Ark is going to make it.

Don't we all.

Even if someone failed and lost 90% of their money in 2013 it's back now. We can't lose.

Well kinda
I guess
Heh, no.
lmao. buy qtum instead if you want to hedge against the eth network.


Bitcoin. There can only be One.


Get in here.

why user? you have more than 100k I only have 70k

I love Mayoi-chan. I also love gains. I gained 20% today, we're recovering boys, we made it

I need $400k to make it, if I get that amount it would be enough to live lavishly from passive income in my country. Only have $2k so far tho, started from $500