Ripple-killer. Totally under-the-radar right now. If you ever wished you bought bitcoin below $1, this is your chance.
Ripple-killer. Totally under-the-radar right now. If you ever wished you bought bitcoin below $1, this is your chance
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Shh delete this. I'm not done accumulating yet
You have plenty of time. This will be $300 next year.
>1 billion coins
Linktards will never learn
Nice digits! Check! And thanks I hope so!
>talking to yourself
The poor mental state of linkies.
we live rent free in our own heads
This shit just gave me deja vu so fucking hard. I feel like its early September and October never fucking happened.
daily reminder chainlink is only worth 1/64 of ethereum's valuation at most
Is LINK ripple killer or not? I know ripple is supposed to get rid of transactions costs, ehile LINK is specifically for oracles. So doesnt that mean Ripple and Link can coexist?
I have 5k, moving towards 10k. The underage faggots who make up the majority of this board will be very upset.
Keep dreaming, OP
I sold my stack at the end of Sir Gay’s presentation today. I might buy back in at $0.10, but I’m not sure. LINK seems useless compared to the Reuters oracles.
What dejavu?
Never heard of this coin. Is this new?
Hey fucktard you’re delusional if you ever post some bullshit like this again I’ll kill you
itt: Veeky Forumstards not realising that op is acting as an acting shill, and actually shilling by pretending to fud by pretending to shill.
free rent