And noone has put two and two together yet. But you're invested heavy and just hoping it rises so you can break even before everyone finds out
TFW when you're the only one who realized a coin did
Other urls found in this thread:
Just get it off your chest user
What? Your title is messed up.
You'll have to excuse me I'm a bit panicked! Everyone is so concerned with bitcoin right now they haven't discovered this. I will reveal it when I have exited the trade. But basically people are going to start shilling something that has already happened, but nobody realizes it, but when they do this coin will dump to oblivion.
I have several of these user, I'll share you one if you share me yours.
"coin did" should be "coin died", I think.
It doesn't end with cash, right?
which coin is kill op? BTC?
hes talking about btc, check out, its over
put it on with a time lock for proof
you should just try exiting fast even if at a loss rn
if this news is as big as you say then you need to get out right now before it ends up crashing even harder
I'd rather not say until we get the market wide alt jump that comes after bitcoin goes under 6900.
Prolly the glitch on coinmarketcap or the LINKmaggedon. We prolly know bitch, and you seem a little neurotic, speak up
Then why even make the thread. Fuck off faggot.
lol 2x already happened, btc falling, alts pumping
btc and alts all will dump when word spreads
> Attentionwhore detected
> It's fucking nothing
someone explain what happened to this noob thx
LINK announced partnership with Dog Fart (a pornography network)
OK you're right it's not worth a gain if a few pieces of bitcoin.
Basically some signal groups some people think IOP is going to be releasing a road map this week but they actually already did release it, but they called it a different name in their release. It also looks awful. What they have pinned to their Twitter is actually what people are hyping will come out next week
Wow it's fucking nothing
>Internet of People (IOP)
Kek wtf is this shitcoin even supposed to be?
What!? That's the only news they had going for them. It's going to crash once people realize they bought the shitty news.
lol. you had me worried it was something important. IOP pumps and dumps all the time. even if it dumps now it will pump again.
oh, he's trying to FUD. That's cute, dude.
damn op. please google the definition of samefagging. lol so I guess this means IOP is going to pump since OP is trying to FUD
Are you serious? do you really think someone will try to fud IOP? kek
It was some Pajeet PnD like a month ago, mooned hard twice in a week. Probably the most grotesque and disgusting logo in all crypto.
Why are yo even following this shit? love yourself a little user.
they actually updated the logo. it's still bad but better than before.
I didn't same fag I was replying to the guy above who said it's nothing! Anyways, now that I'm free I don't care what happens to it! Onto the next shit coin!
Damn, I thought it had to do with BCH or an equally big coin. Fucking IOP, lmao.
this fucking board
> Implying that I followed anything out of that poocoin after I saw that disgusting POS-waste-of-Kilobytes and the minds who would qualify that as an acceptable piece of identity for anything other than representing a bunch of savage nigs gangraping your mother to death while you lick their cooks clean.
t. works in branding
Was this thread legit? It looks like op was larping as an autist.
Ya here's their roadmap. But it's name is different from what they said it would be. However, in their tweets some guy asked earlier today if they were still releasing it sometime next week and they responded that they already had released it, implying that this was it.
Yep, I confirmed my suspicion.
omg, this board is fucking topkek
.....breathes in......