So I've seen plenty of lunatics here argue that east slavs somehow aren't white. So if we were to define whites as germanic, this would mean Ireland isn't white either, because they're celtic. There's also the cognitive dissonance involved with Spain and Latin America. What exactly are white people and what countries can currently be said to be white? Especially interesting topic would be Hungary.
What exactly are Whites?
The indigenous peoples of European Christendom.
What ethnic group is the gold colour?
Greeks I guess
Keep in mind this is just a language map and not necessarily racially relevant
Pure white are British, Nords, Germans, French etc. Mongrels like Spanish and Italians can be called white if we don't feel like being autistic about it, and we need more friends in the world anyway. Slavs are those weird cousins that we can get along with if we want.
>implying celts are an ethnic group
>implying they aren't just Germans with more R1a
Celts come from the alpine region, while germans originated in southern scandinavia. I think a case can be made for those being separate things.
What counts as indeginous by that point, as most of europe had to be converted by force over different timespans
He's right about Celts not being an ethnic group. They're technically a culture and the genetics of France is pretty much the same as Britain and Germany
Monolithic cultures are brainlet shit anyway
>Religion plays a role in race matters
>What exactly are Whites?
>Israel is white
>Kurds are white
>portugal isnt white though
It's just neo-Nazis which bundles together the so-called Germanics, everything from Austrians to Norwegians to the English.
Also pan-Slavic bullshit is somehow still a thing among some retards, thinking the Slavs are somehow one big thing and not just a dozen nationalities with diverse genes and cultures.
English i can get but how are austrians distinct from germans?
White = Western/Central European.
Why is finland and israel red?
Point is how are Austrians (genetics-wise the same as the non-Germanic people around them) the same as the Scandinavians?
The whole thing is just autistic groupings of peoples based on language and pretending they're racially the same just because they speak a language of the same branch of the Indo-European languages.
>Especially interesting topic would be Hungary.
The only interesting thing about Hungary is that they managed to save their non Indo-Euro language while the majority of the continent abandoned theirs and switched to Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages. They literally look the same as the peoples around them.
>What exactly are Whites?
Americans of european descent.
>They literally look the same as the peoples around them.
>German Americans
>Italian Americans
El atrocidad...
They're mutts but they don't look anything like their mongoloid forefathers.
A group that roughly refers to light to olive-skinned Europeans.
Spaniards literally invented the concept of whiteness to distinguish themselves from blacks and Indians
It's possible that Hungarians were always Indo-European people. Apparently Bela III, one of their earlier kings was actually R1a. Why they abandoned their language is a mystery.
>muh squinty eyes
You could find the same type of everywhere in Europe.
I am an European and i am NOT white
The cultureless, languagelets, mutt Americans of European descent, now THEY are white
My grandfather didn't identify as "white", neither did ANY of my ancestors, because guess what, my ancestors and I are not some cultureless bunch that identifies themselves ambiguosly by the skin we have
Hungarians cluster between Austrians and Romanians but much closer to Austrians.
Romanians have some Asiatic steppe admixture of their own.
This. There has never been a race thing in Europe the same way as in America. Maybe one day is we have black Africans and brown Arabs everywhere such a concept might develop, but until then...
There was a mix of R1a-Z93 like Bela and N1c in Sargat culture ancestral to Magyars.
Arpad was descended from a Ugrified Indo-Iranian or just some random mixed Turk who joined Magyars
>Iranian shitskin.
To have someone being classified as white, you have to look at people that has skin with a fairer complexion than yours (who I certainly know is named Mohammed), like me.
t. American
>Jews aren't white
The traditional definition of White is "people of European descent". It's how it was always defined.
This definition was even used by Nordicists like American racial scientist Lothrop Stoddard when he wrote his classic book, "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy", in 1920, which had this map inside.
>So I've seen plenty of lunatics here argue that east slavs somehow aren't white
Please return to reddit if you even for a moment considered that this JIDF propaganda might be true
>Hitler was JIDF
>Albanians not white
>Literal shitskins white
the only reason people argue about white not white on this board is cause their too fucking stupid to know how to interpret the measurements melatonin levels
which also means nothing other than how many melocytes you have
race isnt a real thing
>Slavs. Germanics, Celts
Those are linguistic/cultural categories, not racial.
Pic related is who's white, that homogenous European cluster on the left.
The bible was not talking about the creation of the Earth, but rather the start of a new age. The age of Aries.
Aries is a typical Indo-European (Aryan) god of war and equates to the Roman Mars, the Germanic Thor/Thunor/Donar, Tyr, the Celtic Teutates and the Vedic Indra.
The Aryans were considered by the ancients to be a solar race, their most sacred sign being the swastika (卐), the best known of all solar symbols. Aries, whilst being a war god, was also regarded as a solar deity, astro-theologically speaking (age of Aries: 2160 to 0 BC), and as a fire sign symbolised by the horns of a ram.In india there are no records of horses untill the expansions into India by Sun worshiping, horse riding, swastika carrying Aryans brought these technologies as well as sanskrit and Zoroastrianism to the Indian subcontinent. From the inscription of the tomb of Darius the Great... "I am Darius... the son of a Persian. Aryan... from the Aryan Race"
Roughly 2000BC, the beginning of the Bronze Age, the time when men from the north came with a new knoweldge of iron and horses and destroyed the Hittites, Amorites, Myceneans, Babylonians, and weakened the Egyptians of Rameses. These men were the Aryans, the men of the r1b and r1a haplogroups.. These were men of war and conquest: Persians, Celts, Germans, Nords, Northern Indians. These men were appropriate for the warlike age of Aries, from the collapse of the Bronze age to the triumph of the Romans. This explains the end of civilizations in the followeing video
You see how difficult, subjective and unreliable it is? Why do you think modern science has dumped the old concept of race?
Albanians ARE literal shitskins.
Turks, Finns and Hungarians
>The Nazis' racial theories were anything but complete memes
Nope. Literal gypsies and non-Albanians are not Albanians.
>not gypsies
>Greeks and Syrians are not the same race
>Syrians and Javanese are though
>t.literal shitskin and probably is a gypsy or looks like one
White has nothing to do with your language or nationality. It's your phenotype. Whites of varying degrees are found in Europe, North Africa, and as far East as Afghanistan and Xinjiang.
WHITE IS A PHENOTYPE. There are syrians, libyans, and iranians who would pass for white in US/Canada and there are some who wouldn't. It was originally created during colonialism to differentiate Europeans from Africans or American Natives.
It’s an idea that emerges at a particular point in history, but basically Europeans. People who are recognised as white by people recognised as non-white and by other white people. It has blurry edges when it comes to groups like Jews who have pale skin and European features but seem to hate Europeans.
Italy isn't white
Then Western civilization is non-white, because genetic testing shows Italy's population remains unchanged since the Ancient Era.
Stop wewuzing Nordcuck.
I'm North African
Wait a hundred years and 'Whites' are just going to be North Africans.
Being 'White' is pretty much an insult nowadays. It means you are a weak cuck who lets other people invade your country.
White people are mostly Jewish, who are mostly from Europe, white people basically control the world thanks to their higher intelligence compared to other races or ethnics, whites (mostly Jewish) are also very highly influential on how other races or ethnics act as human beings in this world, without this influence there wouldn't be much order in the world that we live in.
Japan would honestly do a better job running the world. They are also more intelligent.
White people are becoming minorities in their own countries. Asians will rule this century, while Whites become extinct. Natural Selection in action.
You misspelled South Koreans, you're right about the Asians part though. Non-Jewish whites might go extinct, but the Jews will never vanish, they are too rich, their families are too big, in general they are too smart.
then whats yellow?
For some reason Veeky Forums is filled with poo coloured people from the middle-east, Africa and Southern Asia. I wonder why?
>Asians will rule this century
East Asian countries have similar demographic losses. South Korea and Japan are advanced, regional powers, but the aforementioned demographic issues will harm them. China will be irreversibly harmed by it's population decline before it even becomes a superpower, mass labor shortages will cripple them long before they transition to an advanced economy like Japan.
>while Whites become extinct.
American and Australian whites that is. Western Europe is still 90% white and has such a sizable population that they will remain, although Europe might mass convert to Islam, it would increase birthrates.
"White" is a spanish-portuguese colonial meme that was appropiated by la creatura and adopted by witless poltards all around the world via murican hegemony
"Nigger" is funnily enough another example of this
Genetics hiddn as colour